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Extranjero (Charged with Pedophilia in Texas) Has Been Detained in Potrerillos

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Mayra Madrid / Crítica

ENGDuring a raid carried out at a residence in the district of Dolega, in the town of Potrerillos Arriba, a sector of El Banco de Rovira resulted in the arrest of a citizen of 68 years of U.S. nationality who was required in his country for the crime against sexual integrity (pedophilia). The arrest was requested through a note of the Regional Security Office of the Embassy of the U.S., State of Texas, where the citizen by the name of Carl Antony Barroso with Passport _________ was required.

ENGDuring the raid, led by the Personera of the District of Dolega, which was carried out in search of firearms; however, it was the citizen who received them and invited to verify his documents realized that he maintained a warrant. In the company of the U.S. required citizen was his wife of 22 years of Panamanian nationality born in the province of Chiriquí. The subject was taken to the police headquarters of David to begin the relevant procedures and from there to the National Migration Service for deportation to the U.S., to deal with the authorities.


Edited by Keith Woolford
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In a related story from the BBC this morning.

Australia plans to deny passports to convicted pedophiles

Convicted pedophiles would be denied passports in Australia under a "world-first" plan proposed by the government.

The proposal, to be introduced to parliament, would prohibit registered sex offenders from travelling overseas.

Justice Minister Michael Keenan said it would affect about 20,000 offenders who had completed punishments but remained under monitoring by authorities.

Sex offenders would be able to apply for passports if they were no longer on the register, the government said.

"No country has ever taken such decisive and strong action to stop its citizens from going overseas, often to vulnerable countries, to abuse kids," Mr Keenan said.

About 800 registered sex offenders travelled overseas from Australia in 2016, according to the government.

'Abhorrent crime'

The government said about 3,200 sex offenders would never be eligible for passports because they were being monitored for life.

Mr Keenan described child sex tourism as an "absolutely abhorrent crime".

The proposal was reached with independent Senator Derryn Hinch, long time campaigner for tougher laws to deal with sex offenders.

Mr Hinch said the proposal would protect children.

"You go to Bali, you go to Phnom Penh, you go to Siem Reap, and you see these middle-aged Australian men there, Caucasian men, with a young local kid - they are not there to get a suntan," he told reporters on Tuesday.

Last year, Australian man Robert Andrew Fiddes Ellis was convicted of sexually abusing 11 girls in Indonesia and jailed for 15 years.


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US Pedophile suspect found in Chiriqui

A US CITIZEN wanted to face pedophilia charges in Texas, has  been arrested by the National Police in Chiriqui and is behind bars awaiting expulsion by immigration authorities   according to the Efe news agency

A source told El Siglo that the American has been identified as Carl Anthony Barroso, 68, who was arrested on Frida May 26  in the El Banco de Rovira sector bordering Costa Rica where he lived with a 22-year-old woman.



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