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Traffic stopped in Bugaba today

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Marcelyn and I had gone to Volcán yesterday to try out the Burricos Mexican Grill (see our separate post in the restaurants forum). We then visited with Dottie Atwater, but left her home early because of pending rain.

As we began the return journey from Volcán back to Boquete, the rains started. We opted not to return via the Ruta Sur and Potrerillos because of the heavy rains, at times bordering on biblical levels. We stayed on the main road going south, traveling through Concepción and Bugaba, etc. I continue to be amazed at the risks some drivers take in poor driving conditions. Here we are going at ~20 KPH in a long line of cars due to the heavy rains and many curves in the road with poor visibility, and several fools were passing us (trying to, that is). There had to be at least three near-death experiences yesterday. Ouch!

Our re-routing via the Interamerican Hwy turned out to be a mistake as well because we got tied into the celebration thing that Keith mentioned above. There were busloads of people, road blockages, streets blocked from cars (those parked, illegally, as well as congestion from way too many cars), people, ropes across the roads and streets, etc.

At the time we got tied into this mess, we didn't know if it was a protest, a riot, a celebration, or the final apocalypse. Called our friend Penny to see if she had any word about problems in the area. That was the reason she posted the message at the top of this thread.

By gyrating through many neighborhoods and residential streets, we were eventually able to make it to the Interamerican Hwy, and then a moderately uneventful return to Boquete through David. Took more than two hours to get home from Volcán.

What a trip. What a day. But we will go back to Burricos.

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