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Gas and diesel continue price drop


Posted 19/06/2019

Driving in Panama costs less as gasoline and diesel prices continue their downward trend. On Friday, June 21 95 octane gasoline will drop two cents to 80 cents a liter while .91 octane will fall three cents, to 77 cents a liter.  Low sulfur diesel will drop three cents to  69 cents. The prices remain effective until. Friday, July 5



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Panama: Fuel Consumption Increases to 3%

In the first five months of 2019, 486 million gallons of fuel were sold, 3% more than the 472 million gallons reported in the same period in 2018.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

The most recent report published by the General Comptroller of the Republic details that during the first five months of 2019 the consumption of gasoline in the country, which includes 91 and 95 octanes, reached 140 million gallons, 2.4% more than in the same period last year.

You may be interested in "Petroleum Oils: Imports up to September 2018

The demand for low-sulphur diesel also increased for the periods concerned, from 152 million gallons to 159 million gallons. In the case of Bunker C, consumption increased by 1%, from 38.8 million gallons to 39.2 million gallons.

The consumption of liquefied petroleum gas including butane and propane reported a 1% increase, rising from 39.7 million gallons from January to May 2018 to 40.1 million gallons in the same period in 2019.

See full report.



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Gasoline jumps 4 cents a liter


Posted 05/07/2019

BOTH  95 and 91  octane gasoline saw a price increase of 4 cents a liter on Friday, July 5.  The 95 octane will be sold at 83 cents a   liter and the 91-octane one will be priced at.80 cents in Panama and Colon. Low sulfur diesel is up  3 cents per liter to 71 cents



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to July 16

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $4.12, Nicaragua $3.82, Honduras $3.44, El Salvador $3.29, Guatemala $3.22 and Panama $3.04.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador:

The current increases in liquid fuels (gasoline and diesel) are influenced by the decrease in the extraction of oil and processing of derivatives. In the last two weeks the IEA reported a reduction in reserves of 10.58 million barrels of oil and a reduction of 3.03 million barrels of gasoline, generating uncertainty in the international market, reflected in rising prices.

Likewise, tropical storm Barry, which threatens to become a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, has caused the closure of approximately 15 oil platforms, stopping their production, as well as several refineries on the coasts of Louisiana, have stopped their operations, which could generate greater decreases in oil reserves and their derivatives.

Additionally, on July 2, 2019 OPEC and the non-member countries led by Russia decided to keep unchanged the cut in production of oil and oil products by 1.2 million barrels per day until March 2020, nine months after the agreement began in January of this year, in order to preserve the increase in international prices in the hydrocarbon market.

Prices in USD Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,22 3,38 2,76
El Salvador 3,29 3,57 2,99
Nicaragua 3,82 3,99 3,33
Honduras 3,44 3,84 3,20
Costa Rica 4,12 4,26 3,41
Panama* 3,04 3,17 2,72

*Prices taken from Acodeco.gob.pa



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Gasoline prices up again


Posted 17/07/2019

Car fuels will rise again on  Friday, July 19 because of the increase in consumption in the United States for the summer season, says the  National Energy Secretariat.

The 95 octane gasoline increases four cents to 88 cents a liter, in the cities of Panama and Colon. The 91 octanes will climb three cents to  83 cents a liter. The low sulfur diesel will be sold at 72 cents per liter, with an increase of less than a cent.

The prices will be effective until Friday August 2.



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to July 30

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $4.12, Nicaragua $3.82, Honduras $3.44, El Salvador $3.29, Guatemala $3.22 and Panama $3.04.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador statement:

The reference prices for gasoline and diesel show increases in this fortnight, because of the shortage presented by the United States in oil reserves by 10.8 million barrels according to the weekly report of the IEA. This generates uncertainty in investors and producers, since oil is raw material for the generation of liquid fuels (gasoline and diesel) through refining, is cause for caution. This reduction was driven by the cut in production of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the closure of oil towers, as well as refineries, caused by the hurricane and storm "Barry", which struck the Gulf of Mexico and the coasts of Louisiana.

In addition, the geopolitical tensions in recent weeks have increased their intensity between the United States and Iran in the Ormuz Strait, where 20% of the world's oil and petroleum products transit; and where European countries such as Great Britain, France and Germany have joined to ensure the free transit of cargo ships. However, Iran will not allow "anyone to commit irregularities", causing the international market to maintain an upward trend in its prices.

Prices in dollars Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,33 3,49 2,73
El Salvador 3,31 3,61 3,00
Nicaragua 3,88 4,05 3,35
Honduras 3,52 3,94 3,24
Costa Rica 4,19 4,33 3,47
Panama* 3,16 3,34 2,73

*Prices taken from Acodeco.gob.pa



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Gas prices fall on Friday


Posted 31/07/2019

GASOLINE prices will drop on Friday, Aug 2 with 95 octane down more than 4 cents to 83 cents a liter. The 91 octane will drop 3 cents to 80 cents a liter. The price of low sulfur diesel will come down less than a cent a liter to 71 cents. The prices remain effective until August 16.



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Fuel Consumption: Figures up to the 1st Semester

In the first six months of 2019, Panama sold 577 million gallons of fuel, 2% more than the 563 million gallons reported in the same period in 2018.

Monday, August 5, 2019

According to data published by the General Comptroller of the Republic, it is reported that during the first six months of 2019 the consumption of gasoline in the country, which includes 91 and 95 octane, totaled 167 million gallons, 2% more than in the same period last year.

You may be interested in "Petroleum Oils: Imports up to September 2018

Demand for low-sulphur diesel also increased for the periods concerned, from 183 million to 189 million gallons. In the case of Bunker C, consumption decreased 1%, from 43 million gallons to 42.4 million gallons.

The consumption of liquefied petroleum gas including butane and propane reported a 1% increase, rising from 47.5 million gallons from January to June 2018 to 42.4 million gallons in the same period in 2019.

See full report.



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Gasoline  prices continue downward


Posted 14/08/2019

Gasoline fuels will be reduced across the board on Friday, August 16. A  liter of 95 octane gasoline will decrease 3 cents to 80 cents in Panama and Colon. The  91 octane will drop  2 cents a liter to 77 cents and low sulfur diesel will decrease two cents to 69 cents a liter. Prices remain in effect until August 30.



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Fuel Prices up to August 13, 2019

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $4.38, Nicaragua $3.78, Honduras $3.53, El Salvador $3.21, Guatemala $3.24 and Panama $3.03.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador statement:

The reference prices for gasoline and diesel present important declines for the current fortnight, although the United States for several weeks had reflected losses in its reserves, in the last weekly report provided by the IEA, it is reported that increased its oil products and derivatives. Oil increased by 2.4 million barrels after 7 weeks of losses. Likewise, gasoline increased 4.4 million barrels, after two weeks of losses, together with distillates, such as diesel, showed a 1.5-million-barrel increase. The changes in reserves allowed international prices of oil derivatives to show a downward trend.

Additionally, the resumed rounds of negotiations between the United States and China, to provide a solution to the commercial conflict between the two largest consumers of oil and petroleum products at world level, is kept in expectation, because the North American country threatened to put tariffs of US$300 billion on Chinese products that did not have taxes. If an agreement is not reached, they could generate a slowdown in the world economy, for fear of a lower demand for hydrocarbons, generating uncertainty among producers and investors before the possibility of a greater supply in the hydrocarbons market.

Prices in US$ Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,24 3,39 2,70
El Salvador 3,21 3,48 2,95
Nicaragua 3,78 3,92 3,36
Honduras 3,53 3,96 3,25
Costa Rica 4,38 4,54 3,58
Panama* 3,03 3,16 2,70

*Prices taken from Acodeco.gob.pa



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to August 27

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $4.44, Nicaragua $3.61, Honduras $3.44, El Salvador $3.12, Guatemala $3.09 and Panama $2.93.

Monday, August 26, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador statement:

The reference prices for gasoline and diesel add their second consecutive decline for the current fortnight, the reductions are because of increases in production and refining by U.S. companies. According to reports provided by the IEA during August, it was reported that gasoline reserves increased 3.3 million barrels, in the same way diesel increased 2.1 million barrels in the last three weeks, generating that international prices of oil derivatives showed a downward trend.

Also, the prolonged commercial conflict between the United States and China has increased the tension in the prices of raw materials such as oil and processed products such as gasoline and diesel. The Asian giant responded to the imposition of US$300 billion in tariffs announced by the U.S. president in early August by imposing tariffs on U.S. goods worth US$75 billion as a countermeasure to tariffs. Both measures would enter into force on September 1. In this sense, global uncertainty is growing, as this would generate a drop in demand for oil and its derivatives.

Prices in USD Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,09 3,24 2,61
El Salvador 3,12 3,35 2,92
Nicaragua 3,61 3,71 3,25
Honduras 3,44 3,83 3,20
Costa Rica 4,44 4,61 3,62
Panamá* 2,93 3,04 2,63

*Prices taken from Acodeco.gob.pa



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Panama: Fuel Consumption Increases to 3%

From January to July 2019, 673 million gallons of fuel were sold, 3% more than the 653 million gallons reported during the same period in 2018.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The figures of the General Comptroller of the Republic report that during the first seven months of 2019 the consumption of gasoline in the country, which includes the 91 and 95 octane, totaled 195 million gallons, 2% more than in the same period of the previous year.

You may be interested in "Petroleum Oils: Imports up to September 2018

Demand for low-sulphur diesel also increased for the periods concerned, from 213 million to 219 million gallons. In the case of Bunker C, consumption increased by 12%, from 45 million gallons to 50 million gallons.

The consumption of liquefied petroleum gas including butane and propane reported a 1% slight increase, rising from 55.5 million gallons from January to July 2018 to 56.1 million gallons in the same period in 2019.

See full report.



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to September 9

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $3.98, Nicaragua $3.62, Honduras $3.39, El Salvador $3.06, Guatemala $3.04 and Panama $2.88.

Monday, September 9, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador:

The current reference prices present their third consecutive decline in gasoline prices and without any variation for low-sulfur diesel, this is because of the trade conflict between the United States and China, the largest consumers of oil and derivatives worldwide. On September 1, both nations-imposed tariffs on different products, the U.S. country for a value of US$300 billion, while China imposed tariffs of US$75 billion on different products, which highlights the 5% tax on oil and its derivatives. Because of these measures, international prices tended to fall, for fear of a fall in world demand.

Likewise, the report provided by the IEA for the first week of September reported reductions in gasoline reserves of 2.4 million barrels and diesel of 2.5 million barrels. This meant that the price of diesel remained stable in the hydrocarbon market; however, the economic conflict generated a greater impact for gasoline.

Prices in USD Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,04 3,19 2,60
El Salvador 3,06 3,27 2,92
Nicaragua 3,62 3,70 3,26
Honduras 3,39 3,75 3,17
Costa Rica 3,98 4,13 3,44
Panama* 2,88 2,95 2,63

*Prices taken from Acodeco.gob.pa



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to October 8

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $3.86, Nicaragua $3.62, Honduras $3.45, El Salvador $3.11, Guatemala $3.14 and Panama $2.89.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador statement:

The current reference prices present their second consecutive increase in the prices of gasoline and diesel. This rise is because of the caution that exists due to the resumption of negotiations between the United States and China, scheduled for October 11 and 12, which generates uncertainty between investors and producers, as it is an agreement between the largest producer and the largest consumer of oil and oil products worldwide.

Also, the IEA reported in its first report in October that both gasoline and diesel reserves showed reductions. Gasoline decreased 228 thousand barrels per week, while the reserves of heating distillates from which diesel is derived, were reduced 2.42 million barrels per week, thus allowing international prices to fluctuate upward in the hydrocarbons market.

Because of these geopolitical and productive events, the second consecutive increase in the reference prices of gasoline and diesel is experienced for the present fortnight at the national level.

Prices in USD Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,14 3,30 2,79
El Salvador 3,11 3,36 3,03
Nicaragua 3,62 3,80 3,43
Honduras 3,45 3,81 3,26
Costa Rica 3,86 3,99 3,45
Panama* 2,89 3,04 2,77



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Auto fuel prices  Oct. 11-25


Posted 10/10/2019

The price of 91 octane gasoline will fall two cents to 75 cents a liter on Friday, October 11  while  95 octane will remain unchanged a.80 cents per liter.  Meanwhile, low sulfur diesel will reduce the cost to 72 cents a liter. The prices will be effective until Friday, October  25.



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Gasoline prices stable


Posted 23/10/2019

There will be no change in gasoline prices on Friday October 25 said  The Ministry of Energy of on Wednesday. 95 octane gasoline will remain  at.80 cents per liter, 91 octane at 75 cents and diesel at  72.



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to October 4

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $3.86, Nicaragua $3.53, Honduras $3.41, El Salvador $3.06, Guatemala $3.05 and Panama $2.83.

Monday, November 4, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador:

The current reference prices are low for gasoline and diesel nationally, this responds to the latest weekly report of oil reserves provided by the IEA, which reported a 5.07-million-barrel increase, well above the forecast of experts who predicted a superficial growth of just 500 thousand barrels per week. This generates continuity of raw material for petroleum products, even though gasoline reserves decreased 3.04 million barrels and diesel 1.03 million barrels per week.

Together, the stability of the pact reached called "Phase 1" in the commercial conflict between the largest exporter of oil and its derivatives (United States) and the largest importer (China), did not generate the expectations of an increase in world demand as expected by investors and producers, despite the fact that the negotiations continue on a good course and the overproduction of the United States floods the world panorama with supply, thus generating a downward trend in international prices of hydrocarbons.

Prices in USD Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,05 3,19 2,74
El Salvador 3,06 3,33 3,00
Nicaragua 3,53 3,69 3,36
Honduras 3,41 3,84 3,27
Costa Rica 3,86 3,99 3,45
Panama* 2,83 3,04 2,72

*Prices taken from Acodeco.gob.pa



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Vehicle fuel prices near static


Posted 06/11/2019

95 octane gasoline will continue to sell at  80 cents a liter while 91 octane will rise one cent, to 76 cents per liter and low sulfur diesel will drop a penny, to .72 cents per liter on Friday, November 8.  The prices will remain effective until November 22.



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to November 18

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $4, Nicaragua $3.56, Honduras $3.44, El Salvador $3.06, Guatemala $3.06 and Panama $2.86.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The current reference prices show their second consecutive decline in gasoline and diesel for the current fortnight, these decreases are the result of the increase in U.S. oil reserves. In the last report provided by the IEA, was announced a third consecutive increase worth 2.21 million barrels per week, likewise, gasoline reserves showed a 1.86 million barrels per week increase. Although the reserves of diesel and distillates showed a 2.48 million barrels per week decrease, no major impact was generated thanks to the timely oil reserve maintained by the U.S. country, ensuring raw material to generate future fuels.

In addition, OPEC is on the eve of its general meeting on December 5-6 in Vienna, Austria. At that meeting, the policy of cuts will have to be reviewed and confirmed, since for the moment the cut of 1.2 million barrels per day, which began in January 2019 and would continue until March 2020, is maintained. for the moment, the policy has not provided the results expected by the organization, which is reflected in the international prices of oil and its derivatives, generating uncertainty in the future.

Prices in USD Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,06 3,21 2,73
El Salvador 3,06 3,30 2,97
Nicaragua 3,56 3,76 3,27
Honduras 3,44 3,86 3,25
Costa Rica 4,00 4,11 3,57
Panama* 2,86 3,04 2,71

*Prices from Acodeco.gob.pa



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Little change in fuel prices


Posted 20/11/2019

Gasoline prices will remain virtually stable for the upcoming two weeks with 95 octane dropping one cent a liter and91 octane gasoline and diesel will have a reduction of less than one cent. With the decline, in Panama and Colon, a liter of 95 octane gasoline will be sold at 78 cents and a liter of 91 at 74 cents and $ 2.83 a. Low sulfur diesel will be 70 cents a liter



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Central America: Fuel Prices up to December 2

Price per gallon of regular gasoline: Costa Rica $4.12, Nicaragua $3.52, Honduras $3.45, El Salvador $3.07, Guatemala $3.05 and Panama $2.86.

Monday, December 2, 2019

From the Ministry of Economy of El Salvador statement:

The current reference prices present combined variation for gasoline and diesel; this trend responds to the economic conflict between the largest producer of oil and derivatives (United States) and the largest consumer of the same (China) that has extended for 16 months. The United States has scheduled for next December 15, a 15% increase in tariffs on Chinese products for a value of US$160 billion dollars, generating uncertainty in the international hydrocarbons market. Therefore, if such an increase is imposed, the demand for oil derivatives could decrease, generating an oversupply.

Likewise, OPEC will meet on December 5 and 6 in Vienna, Austria, to establish the production policy for the remainder of 2020, since the current one is agreed until March, with a reduction of 1.2 million barrels per day, in order to increase the prices of oil and its derivatives, which also generates secrecy in international markets.

Prices in USD Regular Special Diesel
Guatemala 3,05 3,18 2,69
El Salvador 3,07 3,30 2,96
Nicaragua 3,52 3,69 3,27
Honduras 3,45 3,84 3,22
Costa Rica 4,12 4,24 3,68
Panama* 2,86 3,04 2,71

*Prices from Acodeco.gob.pa



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New gas prices


Posted 04/12/2019

Car fuel prices will increase by one cent a liter  on Friday, December 6. 95 octane gasoline will be sold at .79 cents per liter and  91 octane.75 cents per liter. Low sulfur diesel will increase to 71 cents. The prices are valid until December 20.



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Panama: Gasoline Consumption Falls 5%

From January to October 2019, 949 million gallons of fuel were sold, and the demand for 91-octane gasoline decreased 5% over the same period in 2018.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The figures of the General Comptroller of the Republic report that during the first ten months of 2019 the consumption of gasoline in the country, which includes the 91 and 95 octane, amounted to 281 million gallons, 3% more than in the same period last year.

You may be interested in "Petroleum Oils: Imports up to September 2018"

Demand for low-sulphur diesel also increased for the periods in question, from 306 million to 310 million gallons. In the case of Bunker C, consumption grew by 13%, from 54 million gallons to 61 million gallons.

The consumption of liquefied petroleum gas including butane and propane reported a slight increase of 1%, rising from 80.1 million gallons from January to July 2018 to 81.1 million gallons in the same period in 2019.

See full report (in Spanish).



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