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DogCamp Boquete Updates!


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The dog from EL Frances was rescued!
The last week we received some messages asking for help for a dog in El Frances, the dog was living in poor conditions without shelter, we contacted the Ambiental Police and the Judge of Peace in Boquete, thanks to them (Teniente García, Cabo Quiel and the Judge of peace from Boquete Mrs Yessica Velasquez) the dog was rescued and the owners received a penalty.
Now the dog is in a foster home and needs our help! Vet visits, medicines, blood tests, good food!
Yam, the dog that was lost for one year!
A nice story about a dog lost for one year, finally he was rescued and came back to his family.
Yam is a 15 years old dog that was lost from Alto Boquete, his family never stops trying to find him. Few days ago, we received a picture of an old dog living in terrible conditions, we contacted to the Ambiental Police and they went and could rescued the dog, we received him, he was very skinny and full of fleas, we gave him a nice bath and a simparica pill, we found a nice foster home for him and one day before he goes to his foster home, we received a call from a lady very excited saying HE IS MY DOG! it was great to see a family with their dog together again after one year.
We are so happy to see Yam back with his family
Almost two weeks ago, this sweet dog, named Stella, was rescued in Jaramillo, she was very skinny and scared, thanks to our friends Marcela and Amy, she is living in a foster home, she has liver problems, we hope with medications and good food, she will be better soon and she will be available for adoption!
These two pitbulls were living in terrible conditions, the owner was using them to fight, thanks to the Ambiental Police, they were rescued, they are not aggressive, they are good dogs but a little scared of the people yet, we are looking foster homes or forever homes, they are in a temporary place but they need to be rehome. Please contact us if you would like to help one of them. They will be neutered soon.
First picture : BEFORE
Second picture: NOW
Please we need your help to continue helping more animals in Chiriqui, actually we have 54 animals at DogCamp, 7 dogs in foster homes and we feed 14 dogs in the neighborhood, we continue looking for foster homes and forever homes. If you would like to foster or adopt, please contact us dogcampboquete@gmail.com
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