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Carnival 2019

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Carnivals, the party in which the cases of HIV are triggered in Panama

Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:11


María M. Mur

Panama begins on Friday five days of frolicking and debauchery. The Carnivals are the most popular festivals in the Central American country and thousands of people move to the interior to celebrate them, but it is also the time of year when HIV infections are triggered.

The Pro-Welfare and Dignity Foundation for People Affected by HIV-AIDS (Probidsida), the country's most important association, has launched a prevention campaign this week for the King Momo festivities, which includes free tests and distribution of condoms and information brochures.

"These are days when people drink a lot and youth is not controlled, when you are drunk, you do not think about what you are doing", spokesperson Nathaly Navarro told to Acan-Efe.

HIV is a virus that cannot be detected immediately and has a "window period" of between three and six months, which means that an infected person can take up to 180 days to develop antibodies, explained the activist.

"The month in which we have more positive is June, the infections that we counted in June are usually related to risky sexual relationships that have occurred in Carnival", she said.

The festivities are especially famous in several localities of the Panamanian interior such as Las Tablas, Chitré and Penonomé, where some tankers spray water over the people, an activity known as "culecos" and which attracts thousands of national and foreign tourists every year.

"Carnival is joy and fun, I only ask you to do it healthy, HIV has no face, a sexual relationship can leave you infected or pregnant, protect yourself!", says the carnival queen in the video released on social networks by Probidsida.

In Panama, there are currently about 26,000 people with HIV, of whom 57% receive treatment. The foundation, which annually collects data from all public and private hospitals nationwide, estimates that there are another 30,000 people in the country who do not know they are infected.

As in the rest of the world, the most affected population groups in Panama are sex workers, homosexual men, transgender people and inmates.

Since 2010, new infections have increased by 9% -in 2017 there were 1,173 cases- and deaths related to AIDS by 20%, an increase that experts attribute mainly to the lack of sex education and the persistence of stigma and discrimination.

The director of UNAIDS for Latin America and the Caribbean, César Núñez, told to Acan-Efe that there is a "surge" in the epidemic not only in Panama but throughout the region because "our guard has been lowered" after many years of struggle.

"It is good that countries have treatment programs, but the ultimate goal is to reach a significant reduction in infection rates", he said.

For Núñez, the solution is to "intensify" prevention campaigns and include sex education in school curricula, a pending task especially in Central America, where several legislative initiatives have provoked a strong rejection in the most conservative and religious sectors.

"Young people are informed in the street, they inform of their friends, but they are not necessarily the ones with the right information", he warned.

The UN has proposed to reach the goal 90-90-90 in 2020 worldwide, which means that 90% of people living with HIV will know their serostatus, that 90% of people diagnosed will receive treatment continued and that 90% of the people treated will achieve viral suppression.



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Pre-Carnival spot check nets foreigners

Posted 28/02/2019
A pre-Carnival spot check  on the national highway in  La Arena de Chitré on Thursday, February 28 netted undocumented foreigners, Panamanians with pending court  cases in the courts and vehicles with expired license plates

The National Customs Authority, the National Immigration Service and inspectors of the Transit Authority of Herrera participated. The checkpoint will be manned 24 hours a day. during Carnival



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Over 100,000 waterborne for Carnival


Maritime observer teams on standbye

Posted 28/02/2019
Security on Panama’s coastal waters will be doubled during  Carnival when it is estimated by the  Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP).   that more than 100,000 people will travel by sea to different parts of the country.

During the festivities last year some 104,704 passengers were counted at sea, in 7, 560 trips made, and it is expected that the figure this year will be equal or higher.

The AMP announced that to ensure the safety of passengers security will be doubled during in ports, docks, and berths, to verify that the owners or captains of boats have their navigation permit, as well as the current safety certificate.

It is important that the boats have minimum safety requirements, including life jackets, appropriate communication equipment, flares, the outboard motor in good condition, portable fire extinguisher ABC type no less than four kilos.

During the surveillance operations sanctions were applied to 13 ships for breach of several maritime standards.

In addition, together with the National Police, the Transport Authority and the National Aeronaval Service, 82 antidoping and alcohol tests were applied, resulting in three positive results.



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State drivers get Carnival joyriding alert

Posted 01/03/2019
Anyone caught using a State vehicle without a valid reason during Carnival will face a $100 fine and, if it is a repeat offense, firing.

The warning came Friday morning, March 1, during an inspection operation throughout the country, by personnel of the Supervision Directorate of the Comptroller's Office.

Comptroller General Federico Humbert warned that managers "have the unavoidable responsibility of maintaining a strict validity" throughout the country on the use of the assets of the Panamanian State.

"We recommend refraining from authorizing official missions on the dates of the Carnival celebration and approving only those that respond to social, health or safety interests," Humbert said.



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Tobacco-free Carnival reminder


Carnival health tips

Posted 02/03/2019
Health authorities have been distributing leaflets reminding warning Carnival goers that the prohibition of smoking in public places remains in force.

In the Azuero region which is the standout leader in festivities authorities are promoting the “Tobacco Free  Carnival”

"We urge the population to reclaim their smoke-free space, since Law No. 13 of January 24, 2008, which prohibits smoking in public places, is in force," said José Espino, regional coordinator of the Health Promotion in Los Santos province.

He said that in recent days, health promotion staff has been dedicated to distributing e some "carnival packages", which include thermal cups for carnival participants to hydrate and reminders to use sunscreens because ultraviolet rays strike with greater intensity in Azuero, considered as the dry arch of the isthmus.



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72,000 vehicles  on road for Carnival

Posted 02/03/2019

Nearly 72,000 vehicles headed t the interior from Panama City between 8 am Friday, March 1 and 10 am Saturday reports Panama’s Transportation Authority.  A lane reversal plan was introduced and will be effective through Tuesday, March 5.



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!6 detained in state vehicle check

Posted 02/03/2019
The Supervision Department of the Comptroller General checked 409 vehicles on the first day of an operation, to detect  improper use  and netted 24 offenders and 16 were detained

Among detected irregularities were  "not carrying the corresponding safe-conduct passes, expired license plate, transfer of unauthorized passengers, lack of license and insurance policy and expired license, " said the comptroller’s report.

State vehicles in use during Carnival celebrations must have their current license plate, while the driver must carry the safe conduct that clearly justifies the mission he is going to carry out.

If the breach of the provisions is verified, the vehicles will be retained and the offender will be sanctioned with a $100 fine and in cases of recidivism will be dismissed.



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1,578  tickets on first day of Carnival

Posted 03/03/2019
Speed, alcohol abuse, and using the cell phone while driving are the leading causes of traffic accidents in Panama and they were all on display on the first day of Carnival, Saturday, March 2 leading to multiple accidents and injuries, and  1,578 sanctions  

The National Police (PN)  netted 236 impaired drivers and handed out 1.282 speeding tickets and 60 for driving while talking on cell phones.



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Carnival siphons over  120,000 vehicles from Panama City

Posted 03/03/2019


By early afternoon of Sunday, March 3 that a total of 120,800 vehicles had moved from Panama City to the interior of the country for the Carnival break reports the Transportation Authority (ATTT).



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Rio Carnival  pays tribute to Panama

Posted 03/03/2019
The  World-famed Rio Carnival  had its first Panamanian delegation on  Saturday night, March 2   and in the Sambadrome,  The Estácio de Sá samba school,   assembled  3,000  participants and three giant floats to  celebrate  the Isthmus and  its traditions, the country’s  flowers, butterflies  coffee and  the Black Christ of Portobello  with an allegory titled "Faith Emerges from the Waters" and the expansion of the Panama Canal.
The Estacio de Sá school is the top samba school in Brazil and several times has been named champion of the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro.

Among the Panamanian personalities who took part in the paraded were soccer star Blas Pérez, who wore the National team shirt Miss Panama, and Miss Universe contestant, Rosa  Montezuma,  singers Erika Ender, of Brazilian origin, and the santeña Margarita Henríquez, who obtained the third place in the recently concluded Festival of Viña del Mar and Afrodisíaco, internationally recognized group and winner of the Viña del Mar Festival, and actors Ludwik Tapia and Óscar Díaz.



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1,4,00 arnival traffic fines, 623 impaired

Posted 04/03/2019
Over 1,4,00  fines for traffic infractions were handed out in the first two days of Carnival in Panama. Some 800 vehicles were towed, 623 related to alcohol consumption said National Police (Director  Alonso Vega Pino, on Monday, March 4.

Vega Pino said that the deployment of agents has fulfilled its mission and reduced statistics that tarnished the festivities in previous years.



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148,000 vehicles head back to city

Posted 05/03/2019
Over 148,000 vehicles that left Panama during Carnival began their return early on Tuesday, March 5 with the slow crawl home expected to last until Wednesday afternoon.

Between them, they acquired more than 19,000 traffic fines with speeding and impaired driving topping the list. Until Tuesday there were 411 accidents,  two deaths and 152 injured on the country’s highways.



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Overcrowding not UV alerts frustrate revelers


Hopeful revelers wait in the midday sun

Posted 05/03/2019
Hundreds of frustrated would-be revelers who,  in spite   of repeated extreme UV alerts from the  Civil Protection Service (Sinaproc) arrived  to dance under the culecos (water sprayed from  tankers) in San Miguelito were blocked by police on Tuesday, March 4  as the celebration area had reached its maximum capacity by 12.30 p.m. when the UV rays were at their strongest. Carnival celebrations ended on Tuesday, but the UV  alerts are effective through Wednesday, March 6.


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Carnival deaths highlight cash priorities


Jose Donderis

Posted 05/03/2019
José Donderis, director of Panama’s Civil Protection the National System of Civil Protection (Sinaproc), hit out at misapplied funding of carnival celebrations over security, following the death  of  a  35-year-old man man  working in the culeco area (water tankers spraying revelers) in "El Manguito" Coclé on Sunday, March 5.

According to TVN News, the man collapsed and was helped by people in the area, but as since there was no emergency post they had to transport him to a local hos[ital remove him and transport him to a medical center where he was pronounced dead from cardiac arrest. decreed due to cardiac arrest.

Members of the Carnival Board said there was a lot of security at the site, however, TVN News confirmed that an emergency post could not be placed due to lack of resources.

Sinaproc’s Donderis, said "You cannot continue investing, in the revelry and not in emergencies "

He confirmed that there was no emergency in "El Manguito", where hundreds of people come every year.

He added that operational expenses were denied to the Red Cross and Sinaproc which provided coverage in the area every year.

A death from drowning took place at a private water location listed as a “spa” where there was no lifeguard.



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Panama tribute gets top prize at Rio Carnival

Posted 07/03/2019
The samba school Estácio de Sa won top award in the A Series of the Rio de Janeiro Carnival in Brazil with its tribute to Panama culture and the Black Christ of Portobelo. Over 3,000 dancers from the school participated and Panamanian celebrities like Rosa Montezuma (Miss Panama) and the Afrodosiaco performing group were part of Panama’s first delegation to the world-famed event.


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