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Paying corporate tax yourself

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I have been paying my corporate tax every year myself instead of having my attorney do it.  A friend recently asked me how to do it, but her attorney (the registered agent - all corps have an attorney as the registered agent) said she had to pay the attorney fee of $200 anyway.  My attorney never asked for that.  I think hers is just greedy.  I know some of you pay your own corporate tax.  Do you also pay your attorney a fee every year?

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I also pay my corporate annual fee (aka "tasa unica") myself at either Banco Nacional or Caja Ahorros. My corporation was formed by David attorney Adolfo Angulo who was one of the few English speaking attorneys around in 2003. He doesn't charge an annual fee to be the resident agent. Many other attorneys find it an easy way to make several hundred dollars a year for doing nothing. I'm not sure if you need an attorney as a resident agent. Perhaps if you have a good attorney for other business you can ask him/her if you could put them in as resident agent and what would be the fee.

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We pay our annual tasa unica at the bank as well.  Our attorney ( as did our previous attorney) charges $300/yr to do essentially nothing but be our resident agent. Penny, you are very fortunate to have your atty Angulo who charges nothing.    Today I prepared for mailing our request for marriage license for apostille purposes to be sent to Florida. This, in order to get our official "you're ole married farts card" from this country.  Might as well.  We're entirely too old to be considered single folks running loose in a foreign country !! (laughing)  For those of you who did not attend the latest Tues meeting, here in Panama departments don't talk with one another.  The marriage license apostilled we gave to Immigration stays there.  When we got our E-Cedula we were listed as "single" on that document.  For the purpose of making a Will it certainly helps if you are married to your husband in the eyes of the Probate court.  Tuesday Bill and I were enlightened that's for sure !lkd0.jpg...50 yr old wedding pictures don't count

Edited by Brundageba
spelling error
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2 hours ago, Penny said:

I also pay my corporate annual fee (aka "tasa unica") myself at either Banco Nacional or Caja Ahorros. My corporation was formed by David attorney Adolfo Angulo who was one of the few English speaking attorneys around in 2003. He doesn't charge an annual fee to be the resident agent. Many other attorneys find it an easy way to make several hundred dollars a year for doing nothing. I'm not sure if you need an attorney as a resident agent. Perhaps if you have a good attorney for other business you can ask him/her if you could put them in as resident agent and what would be the fee.

He's my attorney too, Penny.  I guess some people just have greedy attorneys.

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