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Aqua Zumba + Zumba Fitness August 19th - Lucero Golf & Country Club

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Lucero Golf & Country Club would like to invite you to an ALL OUT AQUA ZUMBA + ZUMBA FITNESS EVENT! This will be held Sunday August 19th at our Seasons Restuarnt in our pool area with certified Zumba instructor Damaris De Vargas.


We will be having an all exclusive transportation bus from David to Boquete to our facilities. Bus will be picking up passengers from David at 9:30am, at Plaza Terronal, parking lot of the Rey Super Market. White Bus with Lucero Logo.


Bus will also be picking up more passengers from Plaza San Francisco in Chiriqui Boquete at 10:00am then transporting directly to our facilities.


This Zumba event includes Lunch + a nice healthy green juice, also access to pool and jacuzzi. $20 per person. The event will begin at 10:30am.


You can call us for any questions or concerns at #730-8101 or email us at recepcion@lucero.com.pa


Thank you for your support! See you there?


Address : Chiriqui, Boquete – La estrella Jaramillo Abajo

Location : Lucero Golf & Country Club



Mayra M.

Sales Executive & Reception



Jaramillo, Boquete

Telephone: +507  730-8101 / 730-8102




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