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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote


    Incompetence wherever you look


    Posted 09/01/2022

    The Panamanian State has legal instruments to collect from Odebrecht the money that it promised to pay in fines, after recognizing the payment of bribes to officials of previous governments. They are $ 220 million, of which it has paid a part, but never honored the commitments corresponding to 2019, 2020, and 2021. Odebrecht has investments in Panama and unfinished state works, the payments of which can serve to amortize its debt, but the diligence of the officials to assert our rights as victims is more than reprehensible. It is the same negligence that other government actors are proud of, such as the comptroller, who not only folds his arms while the mayors continue to abuse their position, increasing their income to $10,000 or more but has justified them, opening the doors wide for these cheeks to steal by the handful while he goes to the Assembly to scrub us that he does not intend to do anything. In other words, the assault is justified if other scoundrels approve. As things are going, Panamanians could not only do without the deputies but also the comptroller. Incompetence wherever you look. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 9.


  2. Quote

    New Supreme Court  appointments bring a ray of hope


    Posted 09/01/2022

    The new board of directors of the Supreme Court, chaired by Judge María Eugenia López Arias, represents an opportunity “to make the administration of justice a timely, impartial and effective system says Jose Ramón Icaza, president of  Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture.

    "The recent appointments bring a light of hope, not only because of their respective careers but because the president [Laurentino Cortizo] announced full support, which includes additional resources for the effective implementation of the Judicial Career," Icaza emphasized.

    In this sense, Icaza said that this objective can be achieved by appealing to "all the tools at its disposal, including from democratic values to the promotion and development of cooperation relations and inter-institutional, public and private technical assistance."

    According to Icaza, A generalized perception of impunity is the source of some of the problems that the country faces, from the inclusion and permanence of Panama in the gray lists to the decrease in the attraction of direct foreign investment. ”

    Icaza said that he expects from López Arias "an open communication and consensual actions with the forces of this country so that between them the bases are established for the consolidation of democracy, the social and constitutional State."


  3. Quote

    Martyrs day

    Posted 09/01/2022

    President, Laurentino Cortizo, led the ceremonies commemorating the 58th anniversary of the patriotic deed of January 9, 1964, a historic event that led to the negotiations of a new treaty and the reversal of the Panama Canal into Panamanian hands.

    "We remember with respect the brave struggle of our patriots, as part of the process that carried our flag to the top of Cerro Ancón, where today it flies victorious," said Cortizo.

    The president placed a wreath at the Ascanio Arosemena Training Center, where the Eternal Flame is located, a monument in honor of the 21 martyrs who offered their lives in the fight for national sovereignty.

    "That Thursday afternoon, the institutes made the decision to enforce the binational agreement that required the raising of the Panamanian flag together with the American one," said Luis Nava, speaker at the commemorative event.

    Different groups concentrated on the monuments on Avenida de los Mártires to commemorate the patriotic flag raising.


  4. Quote

    Conflicting views on 2022 Carnivals


    Culecos on the Cinta Costera in the capital city.

    Posted 09/01/2022

    Dr. Paulino Vigil wrote in La Prensa on Wednesday, January  5 that there are no scientific or epidemiological arguments that lead to banning carnivals assured that, according to his epidemiological analysis, that the carnivals of 2022 at the end of February and the beginning of March and will coincide with a period of fewer cases, where he considers that outdoor activities such as culecos can be carried out with a mask.u

    For Dr. Xavier Sáez Llorens it is better to wait a bit to make a reasonable decision since he considers that epidemiological scenarios are dynamic and changing.

    "At the Mesa de Periodistas I said that, in principle, I agreed with Dr. Paulino Vigil's writing, but that it was better to wait to pass the huge wave of omicron cases in January and assess the clinical-epidemiological scenario in February, before making a reasonable decision, ”explained Sáez Llorens, as he said so that his position on carnivals 2022 is clear and there is no comprehensive reading deficit or misrepresentation

    The epidemiologist, who has always been in favor of the vaccine to get out of the pandemic, assured that education and economic reactivation were higher priority issues like the celebration of carnivals.

    For the clinical researcher, the numbers of omicron infections will be enormous this January and we could soon reach between 5 and 10 thousand cases a day. "When people understand that the common good is more important than individual caprice, we will have a better human species” said  Sáez Llorens on his Twitter account.


  5. Quote

    Parents   form lines  in response to pediatric vaccination


    Posted 08/01/2022

    Parents by the hundred lined up with their children on Friday, January 7 at 28 locations in Panama on the first day of vaccinating the child population between 5 and 11 years of age.

    It is a group of the population that, since the beginning of the pandemic, had a lower risk of becoming ill and dying from Covid-19 than other age groups. However, for scientists such as Javier Nieto, former director of the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies, it lowers the incidence of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in children, and reduces the severity of the infection, particularly in the context of severe pneumonia and the development of multisystemic inflammatory syndrome due to Covid-19 (which affects children between 5 and 13 years old).

    The vaccination started at the Pediatric Specialties Hospital of the Social Security Fund (CSS), the Children's Hospital and at Omar Park, where the doses began to be applied to children with chronic diseases and disabilities.

    The first child to be vaccinated was 8-year-old Jassier Clark, who received the first dose at the Pediatric Specialties Hospital, and at the same time, Angélica De León (10 years old) was inoculated at the Children's Hospital.

    During the day, the Deputy Minister of Health, Ivette Berrío, announced that on Sunday, January 9, the next batch of 60,000  pediatric doses will arrive in the country.

    There are 28 points throughout the country where the vaccination process takes place, which will be resumed on Tuesday, January 11, because Monday 10 is a mandatory day of rest to commemorate the events of January 9, 1964.

    Health authorities also project that between the first and second week of January they will inoculate a total of 25,400 doses to this part of the pediatric population. In total, 522,198 people are between 5 and 11 years old, which represents 12% of the total population of the country.

    Continuing program
    Vaccination at the Children's Hospital will take place on January 11, 12, 13 and 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The vaccination area will be located on the fourth floor of Annex 1 building ( emergency building).

    Parents or caregivers must bring their child's vaccination card and a document, such as a birth certificate or identity card.


  6. Quote

    The impact of Covid-19 surge will be felt in two weeks


    Posted 08/01/2022

    The impact of the biggest increase in Covíd-19 cases since  January 2021will be will be reflected within two weeks according to Eduardo Ortega Barría advisor to the Panama Covid-19 Vaccine Research Consortium.

     He told La Prensa that there is usually a delay in reality and the incidence of hospitalization is expected in 15 days.

    On Friday The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported 5,043 new infections raising the number of active cases   past 30,000  a number not seen since the beginning of 2021 when the second wave of the pandemic occurred.

    The last time more than 5,000 cases were registered in one day was on January 19, 2021. And more than 30,000 active cases were reported on February 6 of that year.

    The latest reports reveal that the Omicron variant is gaining ground by being more contagious.

    “Ómicron is the dominant variant in Panama; it has displaced the Delta as has happened throughout the world; maybe 100% today! ", wrote Ortega Barría on his Twitter account.

    He highlighted that there are currently 18 times more cases compared to December 20, 2021, when the first contagion with Ómicron was confirmed. On December 20, 2021.

    According to the figures, so far, hospitalizations do not show a significant increase.


  7. Quote

    The mandatory vaccination debate


    Posted 08/01/2022

    Once again, the public debate begins on the mandatory nature of vaccination against Covid-19, in this case, as an imposition on state servants. The arguments against the mandatory nature of vaccines are based on the mention of the right to bodily integrity and protection against invasive procedures in the human body, without the authorization of the patient writes  Rodrigo Noriega  in La Prensa

    This discussion is not new, nor is it typical of Panama. In Western democratic societies and in human rights legal systems, it has been well defined that vaccination is compulsory and that the imposition of it does not violate any human right.

    The legal basis
    In the Political Constitution of the Republic of Panama, the obligation of the State to guarantee the right to health of all Panamanians is established. Article 110 verbatim says, "in matters of health, the State is primarily responsible for the development of the following activities, integrating the functions of prevention, cure and rehabilitation," and in paragraph 4 of this article the following tasks of the State are established: "Combat communicable diseases through environmental sanitation, developing the availability of drinking water and adopting immunization, prophylaxis and treatment measures, provided collectively or individually, to the entire population." The notion of "the entire population" would base the right to demand them and the duty to fulfill them.

    On the other hand, Law 48 of December 5, 2007, specifically regulates this matter and says in its article 1 the following: “Vaccination against immunopreventable diseases is established as a health measure of special attention. This vaccination process will be mandatory throughout the national territory ”. In addition, the second paragraph of article 8 of this law states: “People who exercise parental authority, guardianship or guardianship of children and people with disabilities have the obligation to comply with the instructions of the Ministry of Health in everything related to their immunization ”.

    Later, Law 48 specifically imposes the following: "Residents in the national territory, without distinction of religion or race, have the obligation to keep their vaccination status updated, to keep their vaccination card and to present it when required" . This legal norm is reiterative and insists on the mandatory nature of vaccination, assigning, in article 14 of the same, the power to order mandatory vaccination, to the holder of the health portfolio, as follows: Minister of Health so that, when he considers that the health of the population is at risk, he may order the extraordinary immunization actions that are necessary, which will be mandatory for all residents of the Republic ”.

    The international perspective
    In February 2021, the Vatican State was the first government that established the mandatory vaccination of all employees of that State, under penalty of dismissal.

    On April 8, 2021, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that mandatory vaccination and the ability of European states to enforce it does not violate human rights.

    For its part, with regard to Latin America and the Caribbean, the Protocol of San Salvador to the American Convention on Human Rights, ratified by Panama through Law 21 of 1992, establishes in its article 10, numeral 2, that: "In order to make the right to health effects, the States parties undertake to recognize health as a public good and particularly to adopt the following measures to guarantee this right." The same article, in its literal C, specifies the following: "total immunization against the main infectious diseases ..." This article is binding on Panama and what it means is that the Panamanian State is obliged to vaccinate its entire population. This mandate then requires the mandatory vaccination.

    Public servants
    Public servants are obliged to comply with all constitutional, legal, judicial, and administrative mandates emanating from the competent authority. Because the essence of his condition as a public servant implies compliance with the country's regulations in favor of citizens and in defense of the State, his complete vaccination is required as a protection measure for the citizens who receive his services, as well as of the public servants themselves who can be infected with Covid-19, as has already happened in numerous public offices.

    Let us understand the particular situation of public servants. Just as they are not allowed to perform their work naked, under the consumption of alcoholic or narcotic beverages. What is the reason for this? The integrity of the public service.

    There are special conditions in which the public service is provided, such as schedules, identification cards, uniforms and even usual security measures (firefighters, Sinaproc and captains of the Panama Canal Authority). Of course, there is also the ban on smoking in public offices, which is clearly a limitation of a right for health reasons.

    The decision of the Laurentino Cortizo government to demand the vaccination of all public servants or weekly swabs is just an intermediate step for the current government to demand what should have been an obligation from the first moment that vaccination was available: the public servants should have been the first.

    There is a very generalized, intentional confusion between “compulsory” and violent action by the State.

    Nobody is proposing that the Crowd Control Unit of the National Police visit house to house and grab each citizen by the arms so that a nurse injects the vaccine and repeats that action four weeks later, and then three months later, for the reinforcement.

    In the case of public servants, the State does not have to tie up anyone to roll up their shirt sleeves and forcibly vaccinate them. What you can do is simply exercise your authority against a public servant who breaks the law and apply the appropriate sanction, be it suspension from office or dismissal.


  8. Quote

    Panama sets new record of covid-19 infections

    Posted 07/01/2022

    Panama’s Health Ministry reported 5,043 new cases of covid-19. In the last 24 hours, four deaths were reported for a cumulative of 7,453 deaths and a fatality of 1.5%.  517,445 accumulated cases are reported.

    In the last hours, 24,475 tests were applied for positivity of 21%.

    Active cases total 30,285 There are 321 hospitalized 281 in wards and 36 in ICU.

    The Ministry of Health reminds the population NOT TO LOWER THE GUARD and to continue applying biosecurity measures, such as the use of a mask, alcohol gel, facial screen in public passenger transport, hand washing, physical distancing, and use of alcohol.

    In case of symptoms related to the virus, the person should immediately seek medical attention and undergo a Covid-19 test.


  9. Quote

    A step towards cleansing the Supreme Court


    Posted 08/01/2022

    Finally, the Judicial Branch will do what it should have done years ago: allow interested parties to participate in competitions to occupy the positions that the plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice has declared vacant. Previous administrations have taken the most convenient path for their interests and that of their relatives, appointing officials who respond to the one who appointed them, instead of the justice system. Hundreds of positions were filled "one to one", with the dire consequences that we have suffered. The Executive has announced millionaire funds to carry out the ambitious meritocracy plan and we hope that it will fulfill its promises, as this country is on the verge of collapse due to the anarchy that reigns in justice. We know that the system that will be developed is not perfect, but it will undoubtedly be much better than the one we currently have, which is notoriously inoperative and a complete disgrace. The implementation of the judicial career will help to clean up this organ of the State and it is likely that, for the first time in a long time, we will begin to see a light that will help us to trust again. We hope that this is the beginning of true justice in Panama. – LA PRENSA, Jan 8


  10. Quote

    COVID-19: Panama  exceeds 4,000 new cases for second day running


    21,466 tests were applied.

    Posted 07/01/2022

    Panama registered 4,623 new cases of covid-19 in the last 24 hours and 4 new deaths for a cumulative total of 7,449 deaths and a fatality of 1.5%.To date, 512,402 confirmed accumulated cases have been reported. On Thursday 21,466 tests were applied for positivity of 21.5%. Active cases increase to 26,157. There are 220 hospitalized in the ward and 32 in ICU.


  11. Quote

    Panama - a rich country that fails to eliminate poverty

    Posted 07/01/2022

    The latest accountability reports from the Vice President of the Republic (who is also Minister of the Presidency) and the Comptroller General have left a bad taste. In the first place, why does the Presidency make purchases that correspond to other specialized institutions of the State? It is clear that he meddles in matters that are not within his competence, but we all suspect why he does so. In the case of the comptroller, his role of control has been sold to please the government thugs. He has emasculated the institution, turning it into a pathetic and shameful caricature. He criticized what he saw as his predecessor's self-centeredness and lack of planning, but his own report was an undeserved tribute to himself Expanding the horizon beyond these "reports", the government's leadership is erratic. The investments do not respond to a plan or objective, rather they seem to be the particular and isolated needs of the friends of power, while the collection of millions of dollars in taxes is waived or projects are built that do not solve the problems of the great majority, which explains why being a rich country we do not get out of poverty. We are suffering from institutional anarchy.  - LA PRENSA, Jan. 6.


  12. Quote

    A second person jumps to death at Santo Tomas Hospital

    Posted 06/01/2022

    A 40-year-old man leaped to his death from the fourth floor of the Santo Tomás  Hospital (HST) on Wednesday afternoon becoming the second person to take his own life by jumping from a window at the hospital in less than12 days.

    Colombian Jaisson Valencia Rosero was involved in an incident that occurred on December 30 at the Banco General branch located in Paitilla. That day he was arrested when he hit the head with an object by the security of the establishment and was wounded by a firearm.

    Two versions of the incident appeared in local media, one that the foreigner had arrived on a motorcycle with another person and had tried to rob the bank.

    The other, that he gave to the judicial authorities was that he had gone to the bank to take revenge on a security guard who supposedly, had an affair with his wife.

    The causes that motivated Jaisson to take his own life are unknown, but it turned out that he was HIV positive reports El Siglo.

    Twelve earlier, another foreigner had jumped from a fourth-floor window The victim was identified as Venezuelan Diego Raúl Salas Contreras, 79, who was hospitalized after being diagnosed with Covid-19.


  13. Quote

    Maritime Authority gives all seafarers access to covid jabs

    Posted 06/01/2022

    Access to Covid-19 vaccine) will be provided by the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) to both local seafarers as well as any nationality, who are on board ships belonging to the Registry of Ships of Panama and those registered with other flags that arrive at ports in the country. 

    “To make this mass vaccination of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd doses possible, the AMP is working hand in hand with the Ministry of Health. We urge the different shipping agencies to contact us in order to carry out the coordination to be able to support seafarers who wish to be vaccinated, immunizing them is essential in the global fight against Covid-19 ".

    On Thursday, vaccines were applied in Flamenco Marina and the port of Bahía Las Minas and in the port of Cristóbal (located in the province of Colón) managing to vaccinate more than 130 seafarers of which around 100 received their booster dose and the rest their first doses. The entity called on more governments to act urgently as Panama is doing, in addition, with this action we comply with the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by protecting and helping our key workers as in the ports of the world, the vaccination card or passport is being requested to carry out crew changes It is important to highlight that we are the pioneers in the region by opening vaccination to seafarers regardless of their nationality and the flag of their Registry.


  14. Quote

    “Political” Dean of Law ousted


    Posted 06/01/2022

    The lawyer and teacher Magaly Castillo will become the new dean of Law and Political Sciences of the Santa María la Antigua University (USMA), on January 11 replacing; Ana Matilde Gómez, former deputy, and former independent presidential candidate.

    The rector of the USMA, Francisco Blanco, also appointed Cherty Mendieta as director of Law and Political Science; Anayansi Solís, as director of funding and scholarship coordinator; and the priest Miguel Ángel Keller as director of the department of Social Analysis of the church.

    Gómez indicated said that the resolution released on Thursday took her by surprise. The rector informed him in the morning of the decision he had made but she never thought it would be so soon. Gómez explained that they informed her that she was a "political" person and that at the university they seek to keep their staff of teachers distant from the political world.

    “For now I don't have any political aspirations. The rector asked me and I communicated it to him, ”said Gómez, who had already served two and a half years in office.


  15. Quote

    Omicron forecast to be dominant covid strain by month-end


    Posted 05/01/2022

    The number of cases of the omicron variant of covid-19  in Panama doubles every two or three days and will replace  delta as  the dominant strain by the end of the month but the positive impact of vaccination is apparent say health experts,

    The last epidemiological week of 2021 (December 26 to January 1), 10,604 new cases of the Covid-19 disease were confirmed , 6,063 more infections than those recorded in the previous week

    Epidemiological reports from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) , show that those hospitalized in the ward and intensive care units totaled 188, that is, 23 more than the previous week.

    Although hospitalizations in the ward and intensive care units increased, the positive impact of vaccination is evident, because for the last week of 2020 - a total of 2,279 patients were hospitalized in the ward and in ICU.

    The acceleration of Covid-19 cases in the country coincided with the arrival of  omicron and the Christmas and New Year holidays.

    The infectologist, pediatrician and clinical researcher Xavier Sáez-Llorens, said that every two to three days the number of new cases infected by omicron doubles.

    An example that new cases of Covid-19 with the Omicron variant are doubled is evident with the figures reported by the Minsa, since Panama reported 977 new infections of Covid-19 on January 2, of which 55 corresponded to the Omicron variant.

    The first case with this lineage was reported on December 19 and until December 24 there are already nine and 17 under investigation, by the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges).

    He added that without a doubt before the end of January, the Omicron variant will be predominant and will potentially displace the Delta.


  16. Quote

    New covid-19 infections soar to 4,372


    There are 34 patients in ICU.

    Posted 05/01/2022

    At the close of Wednesday, January 5, Panama’s  Health Ministry (Minsa) reported that there were no deaths from covid- 19  but new infections soared to 4,372 bringing the total of active cases to 22,352 with 246 hospitalized (212 in wards and 34 in ICU.)

    Those who are in isolation are divided into 21,859 at home and 247 in hotels.

    This Wednesday 21,991 tests were applied for positivity of 20%.


  17. Quote

    Redesign of fourth bridge 90% complete - Minister


    Posted 05/01/2022

    The redesign of the fourth bridge is 90% complete and that details of the final cost of the and its financing would be given in the coming days says  The Minister of Public Works, Rafael Sabonge .

    The plan of the past administration to finance the $1.5 billion project was to obtain about $600 million through a loan that would be financed with the collection of tolls.

    The original idea was that the MOP, once the construction of the bridge was completed, would hand over the infrastructure to the National Highway Company (ENA), which would manage the road through a new company called ENA Oeste.

    Sabonge said that the plan is to start with the construction of the cable-stayed bridge this year, The Panama Fourth  Bridge consortium. is made up of the companies China Communications Construction Company LTD and China Harbor Engineering Company LTD.

    Sabonge said that the final amount of the project and the construction term have yet to be defined with the contractor. He added that they already have the approval of the General Directorate of Public Procurement to make changes to the contract in order to include financing.

    Engineers have warned a lag of at least 3 or 4 years between the commissioning of the fourth bridge and the expansion to 8 lanes of the highway to Arraiján, which would create a bottleneck at the entrance and exit of the Bridge of the Americas.

    In February 2021, the Chinese consortium presented a financing proposal that would allow the construction of the project to continue.

    The Panama Canal Authority collaborated with the MOP in the review of the redesign of the fourth bridge, a work that will maintain three lanes in each direction.

    The original concept included ramps, accesses, and a new road, which together amounted to more than 40 kilometers of construction with 24 bridges. By separating line 3 of the metro from the fourth bridge, a percentage of this new road will not be built, changes that will be reflected in the new design.

    Sabonge said that the ACP appointed two engineers with experience in this type of works to review the redesign of the structure.

    He explained that within the ministry they are forming a team to supervise the work, and announced that they are preparing a tender to hire the external technical advisor who will be in charge of verifying that the contractor complies with the provisions of the redesigns.


  18. Quote

    Assassination suspect  arrested at Tocumen International


    Posted 05/01/2022

    The United States Department of Justice confirmed on Tuesday afternoon, January 4, that Mario Antonio Palacios, 43, was arrested in Panama for his alleged connection to a plot to assassinate the president of Haiti, Jovenel Moise.

    According to the entity, Palacios was arrested based on a "criminal complaint" filed against him in the Southern District of Florida.

    Palacios, who is a former Colombian military man, is charged with conspiracy to commit murder or kidnapping outside the United States and provide support resulting in death.

    The charges are related to the murder of Moise, which occurred on July 7, 2021, in the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

    The ex-military man in statements to Semana magazine denied that he participated in that assassination.

    According to the indictment, Palacios and a group of approximately 20 people of Colombian and Haitian-American origin participated in the plot to commit the assassination.

    Another point that stands out in the document of the complaint is that initially, they intended to kidnap Moise, however in the end they assassinated him at his residence.

    Palacios was deported this January 3 from Jamaica to Colombia and during a stopover at the Tocumen International Airport, he agreed to travel to the United States.

    If convicted of the charges, Palacios would face a maximum sentence of life in prison.


  19. Quote

    Booster jab needed to complete vaccination plan


    Posted 05/01/2022

    Health authorities announced Wednesday that the application of the third dose against Covid-19 will be considered within the complete vaccination scheme.

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa) confirmed that after discussion with the PanavaC-19 team, vaccine experts, and the prior authorization of President Laurentino Cortizo, it was agreed to include the third dose as part of the complete immunization cycle against the new coronavirus.

    The new provision will enter into force when it is published by Executive Decree reports La Prensa.

    Currently, in the activities that are developed with the massive participation of the public, people are required to present the QR Code with the confirmation that they have received two doses against Covid-19.

    According to the latest Minsa report, since the immunization against the virus began in January 2021, 6,342, 319 doses have been applied against Covid-19.

    Of that total, 3,126 215 are first doses, 2,811,906 second doses, and 404,198 third doses or boosters.


  20. Quote

    Dry Law decreed for Martyrs Day


    Posted 05/01/2022

    The Mayor's Offices of Panama and San Miguelito have issued decrees to establish the dry law from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on Martyrs Day, Sunday, January 9, a day of mourning in tribute to the martyrs of 1964.

    The documents, published in the Official Gazette on January 5, order the closure of public entertainment venues and prohibit the consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages in those places or any commercial establishment in the districts of Panama and San Miguelito.

    In addition, permits for parties and public shows are suspended.

    Those who violate these rules will be sanctioned with fines ranging from one hundred to one thousand dollars.
    Flags must be flown at half-mast to commemorate the Panamanian students who 58 years ago went to what was then the Balboa School of the Canal Zone to claim the hoisting of the national flag. The incidents caused clashes between Panamanians and Americans, with a tragic death toll of 21 Panamanians.


  21. Translation of article from Puro Periodismo. Link to the original is given at the end


    Chiriqui: 700 new cases of COVID-19 in one week, 991 active cases

    Posted 04 January 2022

    The province of Chiriqui is close to registering a thousand active cases of COVID-19, after 774 new infections were detected in one week, which increases the number of patients currently infected to 991, of which 27 are hospitalised, 21 in the shelter and another 943 in home quarantine.

    In the last hours this region reported 222 new cases of SarsCov-2 infections after having carried out 1,586 swab tests among all health posts and fixed swabbing points at the provincial level.

    Last week there were only 59,055 cases and this week the cumulative number of infections has reached 59,829 people, of whom 895 have died and 13 have recovered in the last hours.



  22. Quote

    Nearly $13 million seized in  anti-drug raids in 2001

    Posted 05/01/2022

    more than $12.9 million were seized in seven major anti-drug operations against local and international drug trafficking, the authorities of the Attorney General's Office revealed at a Tuesday, January 4,  press conference

    According to the superior prosecutor of the Homicide and Femicide Section of the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office, Rafael Baloyes, those raids were in the metropolitan area.

    The report highlighted that after these proceedings, a total of 106 people were apprehended, including Panamanians and foreigners.

    Among the more complex operations carried out by the Homicide and Femicide Section in the Metropolitan area were “Aries”, “Aquiles”, “Tridente” and “Jerónimo”.

    The people apprehended in the "Jerónimo" operation maintain an alleged relationship with the criminal group called "Afghanistan", which is allegedly linked to the "Bagdad" gang.

    In the “Jerónimo” operation, 23 raids were carried out and six people were apprehended.

    Exemplary  sentences
    Baloyes highlighted that the Homicide and Femicide Section obtained exemplary sentences and several "with the maximum penalty of 50 years in prison", in cases that occurred in Colón, Bocas del Toro, Cerro Azul, and Río Abajo.

    In addition, during 2021 more than 2,000 people were convicted of drug-related crimes throughout the country.

    The Office of the Special Prosecutor Against Organized Crime conducted more than 300 investigations for crimes of extortion, smuggling of migrants, arms and explosives trafficking, human trafficking, kidnapping, and organized crime.


  23. Quote

    Ongoing search for Americans missing  after plane crash


    Posted 04/01/2022

    The air search for two occupants of a crashed aircraft in the southern area of Chame resumed on Tuesday while maritime operations were maintained throughout the night in the area of the accident, said the Civil Aviation Authority (AAC).

    Three other people, who were also traveling in the Cherokee 6 aircraft, with US registration N5535J, were rescued alive on Monday afternoon and then transferred to a medical center.

    All the occupants of the plane, which had a flight plan from Contadora Island to Chame and which presented mechanical failures, are Americans.

    The missing are 57 and 70 years old, said Gustavo Pérez Morales, director of the AAC.


  24. Quote

    Covid-19 delays influence-peddling trial of son of ex- magistrate


    Posted 04/01/2022

    The influence-peddling trial of the son and secretary of a former  Supreme  Court judge has been postponed until  March 8 as one of the accused has tested positive for covid-19.

    The process against Oydén Ortega Collado son of former magistrate Oydén Ortega and Claudia Purcait began with a complaint filed by Chirican businessman César Alvarado Taylor, who accused the son of the former magistrate, of having requested money in exchange for the admission of an appeal, related to a lawsuit for the sale of eight farms. Alvarado Taylor also pointed to Claudia Purcait, former secretary of former magistrate Ortega

    The Trial Court adjourned the case after Ortega Collado tested positive for the Covid-19 virus, as confirmed by his lawyer Orison Cogley.


  25. Quote

    Fourth covid vaccine jab increases antibodies five times – Israeli study


    Posted 04/01/2022

    The application of the fourth dose of vaccine against the coronavirus is "safe" and produces five times the antibodies, said Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday, when visiting a hospital that carried out a study on the matter.

    Bennet said that administering the fourth dose to 154 employees at Sheba Hospital, near Tel Aviv, demonstrated that the procedure "works."

    "One week after the fourth dose, we know with a high level of certainty that the fourth dose is safe," he said with Professor Galia Rahav, head of Sheba's infectious diseases unit and director of the study.

    "One week after the administration of the fourth dose, we observed that the number of antibodies in the vaccinated person quintupled," he added.

    "This probably means a significant increase in protection against infection and against hospitalization and severe symptoms," he continued, noting that the center will publish its findings shortly.

    On Friday, Israel began administering the fourth vaccine to people with weak immunity and on Monday it expanded this measure to health workers and people over 60, becoming one of the first countries to do so.

    The country has registered more than 1.4 million cases of Covid-19 infection, including 8,247 deaths


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