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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    51 get provisional detention in Operation Fisher hearing


    57 people were arrested

    Posted 09/12/2021

    Guarantee Judge,  Teodolinda Cardose, at the request of the First Drug Prosecutor on Thursday, December 9 ordered the provisional arrest of 51 people for the crime of money laundering and illicit association to commit a crime, for their involvement in Operation Fisher

    The judge ordered three of the defendants the measure of house arrest and two the measure of periodic notification.

    ON Wednesday, December 8 the judge declared a recess in the hearing, because she was exhausted, and she did not want that fatigue to affect the decision she would take regarding the precautionary measures that should be imposed on the accused reports TVN.


  2. Quote

    Border and community watch against omicron reinforced

    Posted 09/12/2021

    Health Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, reiterated Thursday, December 9, that epidemiological and genomic surveillance has been reinforced at the entrance and exit doors of the country, in order to be able to detect the Omicron variant of Covid-19, which to date has not occurred.

    Sucre also said that 90% of those who died from Covid-19 were unvaccinated or did not get their full schedule, of two anti-covid doses.

    He emphasized that anticovid vaccines "do not make us immortal", but rather improve the immune system and reduce the probability that the disease will complicate.

    Sucre said that of improving and reinforcing surveillance will not prevent the variant from reaching the country. "At some point, it will enter," he said.

    He explained that what is being tried is to "handle it and delay it" as much as possible, as was done with the Delta variant so that when the country enters the country "scientists have more information on how the virus is managed and we can have" greater control.

     What is sought is that this situation "does not hit us" as it happened in December and January of last year, when the cases increased, although in the hospitals it was quite controlled.

    Scientists at the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges) carry out epidemiological and genomic surveillance to identify cases with this new variant, classified by the World Health Organization as of concern.

    "All travelers arriving from suspected countries undergo genomic surveillance, so far we have no cases [of the Omicron variant]," said Juan Pascale, director of Icges.

    However, Pascale recalled that when the first case of SARS CoV2 arrived in the country, it was expected from China, which was the first place where the new coronavirus was detected, "but it came from other countries that already had it." For this reason community surveillance is being carried out, since Panama is a logistics hub.


  3. Quote

    Prosecutors seek provisional arrest of 56 in drug bust


    Posted 08/12/2021

    Drug prosecutors have requested provisional arrest imposed on 56 of the 57 investigated for alleged offenses of laundering and conspiracy laundering because of their ties assumptions with a criminal network associated with the Clan del Golfo that operates in the coasts of Colón, Panama and Coclé.

    The other accused has already negotiated a plea deal of 68 months jail time.

    During the fifth day of the hearing, the prosecutor Joseph Díaz said that the detention measure requested is appropriate, because they are serious crimes and all the accused are highly dangerous for the community.

    The prosecutor revealed that the network managed a large group of frontmen led by a lawyer, who was in charge of managing the creation of joint-stock companies for the acquisition of properties with which money from drug trafficking was legitimized.

    The prosecutor said that the lawyer created the companies, then bought the properties that, later, were transferred to other members of the gang, in order to simulate an alleged sale.

    According to the prosecution, this modus operandi extended to the purchase of luxury vehicles, valued at $60,000, $80,000, and up to $132,000, which were then used by Jorge Luis General - alleged leader - and other members of the network to travel to different points of the country

    The frontmen, including an official from the Ministry of Education, made their names available to the network for the acquisition of a farm valued at $1 million located in Río Hato, and another in Montelimar, in La Chorrera, valued at $335,000

    A financial report by the National Police revealed that the front men used cashier's checks and on other occasions credit cards for payments, but never occupied the properties, as is the case of an apartment at PH Astoria in El Cangrejo, which is registered in the name of a company, but in reality, it was occupied by General.

    A police report details that the apartment was also used by the leaders of the group to hold meetings.

    Investigations also reveal that the Magna Pesca company was used as a screen for legitimizing money from illegal activities.

    The prosecution confirmed that members of the network traveled to Colombia to meet with members of the Clan del Golfo.

    During the hearing, it emerged that the Clan has a territory dispute with a gang led by alias Marshall, detained in Punta Coco, for which it is presumed that an attack suffered by General is related to the rivalry.

    The Defense
    Defense lawyers alleged that the prosecution has presented a series of evidence on the purchase of properties without having corroborated them in the Public Registry and the Ministry of Economy and Finance since these properties were acquired between 2015 and 2016, long before the investigations started.

    They also alleged that surveillance and monitoring procedures carried out by the Police speak of meetings, but do not provide any details about the content of the conversations, some of which were of a family nature.


  4. Quote

    Mandatory vaccination  only when necessary to reach public health goals - UN


    Posted 08/12/2021

    Mandatory vaccination must comply with the principles of legality, necessity, proportionality, and non-discrimination said the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, on Wednesday.

    The High Commissioner said that the objectives pursued by countries that consider making the vaccine mandatory to fight the pandemic were "of course, of the highest level of legitimacy and importance." But she insisted that "mandatory vaccination should only be used when necessary to achieve compelling public health goals."

    "And only when less intrusive measures, such as wearing a mask and social distancing, fail to meet

    those public health goals. Although refusing to comply with the obligation to be vaccinated can have legal consequences, such as an appropriate fine,"

    Bachelet also emphasized that for the obligation to be "in accordance with the fundamental principles of human rights of equality and non-discrimination," countries have to ensure the supply of vaccines and that they are truly affordable as well as being "sufficiently safe and effective," she added.


  5. Quote

    Lottery boss sanctioned for ethics breaches


    Posted 08/12/2021

    Gloriela del Río, the beleaguered director of the National Charity Lottery (LNB) who remains in office while three of her erstwhile staff face criminal investigation has been  fined 50% of her salary for "breaches of ethics," reported the Transparency and Access to Information Authority (Antai).

    The Antai had initiated an investigation in the LNB last July for irregularities in the return and payment of lottery ticket prizes, as well as the payment of the million-dollar zodiac prize.

    According to Elsa Fernández, director of Antai, "the investigation detected a violation of the entity's own procedures and a lack of oversight duty."

    Gloriela Del Río, who has remained silent in recent months after complaints of anomalies and after the apprehension of three former Lottery officials for the irregular collection of chances and winning tickets, earns a monthly salary of $3,500 and other representation expenses of $3,500 reports La Prensa.

    Alejandra Bonilla González, former provincial director of Panama; Franklin De Gracia Domínguez, former Chief of Operations, and Yamilka Camarena Díaz, former Chief of Deliveries, were hired between July and October 2019, by Del Río. At the moment, they are all detained for the alleged commission of the crime of malicious embezzlement.

    Despite the complaints, Del Río did not fire them at the time but just relocated them to other duties.

    The director of Antai also reported that she sanctioned a cashier supervisor of the Colon LNB agency with a fine of 50% of the salary, for administrative irregularities that caused property damage in the amount of $8,960.


  6. Quote

    Panama on covid rebound may be new wave


    Posted 07/12/2021

    Panama could be on the cusp of  another pandemic wave said Doctor and researcher Vigil De Gracia, on TVN-2.com

    According to De Gracia, last week, from November 29 to December 5, was the third that reflects a minimal increase in new infections, a slight increase in positivity, and an increase in the number of new cases detected. "We do not doubt that we are in a rebound that can turn into a wave or not, but we do not know, so we must apply the vaccines."

    And, the country had dropped to values close to 1,500 active cases and currently reflects about 2,800 new infections. Meanwhile, the lethality of the virus has remained at a stable rate, according to Vigil De Gracia.

    The public health specialist, Jorge Luis Prosperi remarked on his weekly blog that, for four weeks, the country has reported a clear increase in cases, increasing from 26.8 the week that ended on November 13 to 35.5 cases reported per 100,000 inhabitants this week.

    Meanwhile, deaths remain an average of 0.3 per 100,000 inhabitants in the same period, but if cases continue to increase, the chances of serious patients and deaths will increase.

    "Although deaths and the occupancy of beds in the ICU maintain a downward trend; this increase in cases shows that we are at the beginning of a rebound and should be cause for concern," he said.

    Given this, the director of the National Secretary of Science and Technology (Senacyt), Eduardo Ortega, asked the population not to relax. "The masks work against all variants.”


  7. Quote

    “Most-wanted”  HP gang members in preventive detention


    Posted 07/12/2021

    Two people on the Damascus operation's most-wanted list were ordered held in preventive detention by guarantee judge Ruth Aizpú Ramos,  at a hearing that ended at 3:00 am on Monday, December 6.

    Carlos Ariosto Pérez Rivera and Victoriano Aguilar Becerra were charged with the alleged commission of the crime of money laundering and illicit association to commit a crime.

    The Damascus operation is part of an investigation by the Special Prosecutor's Office against Organized Crime in which they are after a criminal network allegedly led, among others, by Carlos Roberto Aguilar, alias Robert.

    On Friday, December 3, the authorities captured Aguilar Becerra an alleged member of the HP gang and Robert's brother. The action occurred in the Pueblo Nuevo area.

    According to the prosecution, the HP gang is a criminal group responsible for activities of illicit association, hired assassins, drug trafficking, and illicit association and that would have a close collaboration with the Clan del Golfo.

    The investigation began in October 2018, in which the prosecution located evidence against several people who allegedly participated in multiple criminal activities.


  8. Quote

    Chamber of Commerce   spearheads “Buy Panama” program


    Posted 07/12/2021

    The recovery of the consumer confidence index, and the 43.3% increase in the import of goods, has prompted Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (CCIAP) to spearhead a campaign that seeks to encourage consumption and sales in local shops that generate employment in the country.

    With the slogan "This Business is Panama, Buy Local", the president of the union, José Ramón Icaza, says that they seek to encourage the recovery of the commercial sector, especially mass consumption, during the busiest month of the year.

    "If local commerce is supported, the reactivation of jobs and the generation of new jobs is promoted."

    He argued that with thecampaign they also want to support artisans and entrepreneurs; as well as the micro, small and medium-sized companies that generate a lot of employment. Some 31 companies are participating in the program and although it was conceived for this month, Icaza indicated that they are analyzing extending it to other months given the acceptance they have had.

    Icaza  added that with the vaccination results, the development of the commercial sector for 2022 has favorable prospects, but they are concerned about the impact rising freight rates may have on the tertiary sector and on the prices of imported products.


  9. Quote

     Panama new car sales rebounding


    Posted 06/12/2021

    The new car market in Panama is reviving in 2021, with sales that exceed the expectations of the industry itself.

    Between 2019 and 2020, the market contracted by 49.7%, after going from 47,866 sales to 24,091. Virtually half as many cars were sold in 2020 as in 2019.

    This year, until November 33,920 new vehicles have been sold, according to figures from the Association of Automobile Dealers of Panama (Adap) , a figure that represents an increase of 67% compared to the same period in 2020 and a drop of 23% compared to 2019 data.

    The president of Adap, Anthony Salerno, made the caveat that in 2019 the Panama Motor Show car fair was held in person in October and this year it was held virtually between December 1 and 5 .

    Taking into account that the average number of cars sold each month in 2021 is 3,084 and the momentum that the fair usually gives, the industry expects to comfortably exceed 37,000 units sold at the end of the year, thus exceeding the previous expectation of 35,000.

    If this estimate is met, in one year more than half of the ground lost in 2020 will have been recovered, and the industry would close with some 10,000 fewer cars sold than in 2019, a year that was marked by the slowdown in the economy.

    The data reflects that local demand is recovering, while the main concerns of the industry focus, according to Salerno, on the tensions in the supply chain that affect a product of which Panama is an importer.


  10. Quote

    Plea deal earns Operation Fisher detainee 68 months


    Posted 07/12/2021

    A plea agreement with the Drug Prosecutor’s Office resulted in a 68 months prison sentence for one of the detainees in “Operation Fisher”, against a criminal structure that operated in the country in collaboration with the Colombian cartel Clan del Golf.

    The man was convicted on  Monday, December 6 on charges of conspiracy to commit a crime and is the first person convicted in a case that has captured the attention of regional media since the first week of December.

    It was the fifth day of the hearing of the Fisher operation, where the Public Ministry obtained precautionary measures to 22 of the 57 defendants.


  11. Quote

    Metro Panama distributes Mother’s Day  roses


    Accompanied by mariachi serenaders, Metro Panama staff handed out roses at San Miguelito and Cinco de Mayo subway stations on Tuesday, December 7 the eve of  Mother’s Day.

    Posted 07/12/2021


  12. Quote

    “Urgent” need to limit Ómicron onslaught


    Posted 06/12/2021

    The arrival of the first cases of  Ómicron, the new variant of Covid-19 in several Latin American countries, has led Panama’s technical health team to express the “urgent” need to take the necessary actions to limit its entry into the country.

    Lourdes Moreno, head of epidemiology at the Ministry of Health (Minsa), said on Monday in Telemetro Reporta: “We all know that the situation worldwide is difficult. What Panama has to do is maintain its health system in optimal conditions to provide a timely and effective response as has been given so far, "She said  that the Delta variant is the one with the greatest presence in the country, and "we have been able to respond."

    Moreno also affirmed that in the face of a slight increase in cases of the new coronavirus, the installed capacity is adequate.  With "intensified epidemiological surveillance, such in airports and ports, genomic surveillance, and flight traceability," he said.

    However, she emphasized that what is wanted is to reinforce anti-covid vaccination. She said that 89.7% of people over 12 years of age, which is the target population, already have the first dose, and 80% have a second. However, there are still people to be vaccinated.

    "This is extremely important, we become aware of vaccination and especially for Ómicron and any variant, not to leave biosafety measures,".

    The epidemiological report of the Minsa on Sunday, December 5, reported that 222 new positive cases of Covid-19 were registered in Panama, for a cumulative total of 479,053.

    There is a total of 7,374 accumulated deaths, since March 2020, when the pandemic arrived in the country.


  13. Quote

    57 charged with cartel links


    Posted 06/12/2021

    On Sunday, December 5 Guarantees, Judge Teodolinda Cardoze, charged 57  people, arrested in Operation Fisher with money laundering and  illicit association to commit a crime.

    In the Fisher operation, the Public Ministry and the prosecution detained alleged members of a criminal network associated with the Gulf Clan. Among the procedures carried out by the authorities, over $10 million were seized; a beach house in Río Hato (Coclé), valued at $1 million; 11  luxury vehicles and 4 yachts.

    During the hearing, the defense attorneys opposed the accusation of charges made by the Public Ministry, alleging that no concrete evidence was supported of the links between the detainees and the crimes charged.


  14. Quote

    Ex-president Varela locks horns with “cowardly” Martinelli


    FORMER president Juan Carlos Varela.

    Posted 06/12/2021

    Former president, Juan Carlos Varela (2014-2019)   denounced on Monday, December 6 the false accusations that another ex-president Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) has made against him in social networks, local and international media.

    According to Varela,  Martinelli has used the decision made during his government administration not to continue the failed radar project to make "unfounded accusations" against him.

    Varela said that he will face this "baseless campaign" in whatever field is necessary.

    "The accusations and cowardly attitude of former President Martinelli only seek to divert attention from the multiple cases of corruption he faces in Panama and other countries,” said a statement issued on Monday.

    In August 2014, Varela announced the suspension of the contract signed in 2010 by the Martinelli government with Selex, a Finmeccanica subsidiary, for the purchase of 19 radars for $125 million. He claimed that the artifacts did not meet technical specifications.

    The Public Ministry initiated an investigation on August 11, 2015, based on a report from the Ministry of Public Security that indicated that the radars purchased from Selex did not detect the speedboats used by drug traffickers on the Panamanian coast.

    “During my administration, the largest investments ever recorded in equipment were made for the security forces, including the acquisition of a logistics vessel, helicopters, patrol aircraft, interceptor boats, among other investments, in order to reinforce the fight against drug trafficking. , which entailed a record of 344.39 tons of drugs seized ”, Varela pointed out.

    He affirmed that in his more than 35 years of public and private life, neither he nor any member of his family has been involved in activities related to drug trafficking.


  15. Quote

    In search of creativity and initiative


    Posted 05/12/2021

    It is at times like this - when the country begins to recover from the pandemic - that creative officials with initiative who believe in what they do are needed, but unfortunately, it is inertia that acts as the wheels of progress in Panama.

    Tourism is one of the biggest victims of the pandemic and of the measures to mitigate it. But the recovery is inversely proportional to the speed with which the restrictive measures were taken. The numbers are disappointing when compared to other countries, which have quickly risen to their feet. And it is unfortunate, because our advantages, comparatively, are better than in other countries: a population vaccinated almost 80%; visitors have the same benefits as locals in terms of vaccination; a competitive hotel offer in prices and availability; good connectivity; a dollarized economy, and tourist attractions, shopping, proximity, and ease for Latin Americans. And the tourists are there, ready to get out of the confinement. So, with all this, how come it doesn't start with momentum? It seems that we are anchored to laziness, because the Government should do more than contemplate how inertia is the one that takes the initiatives.- LA PRENSA, Dec. 5.


  16. Quote

    Missing tourists found alive in Barú Volcano Park


    Posted 05/12/2021

    Two tourists were found alive in the Barú Volcano National Park, on Sunday after a search lasting more than 24 hours by a team made up of park rangers from the Ministry of the Environment volunteers and agents of the security forces.

    According to the Ministry of the Environment, the father  Alcides Gómez and his son of the same name entered the through the Paso Ancho area at 7:45 am on Friday, December 3.

    Crisly Quintero, regional director of the Ministry of the Environment, said that this was the first case of missing persons registered so far this year in the Barú Volcano National Park where in 11 months more than 7,600 visitors entered this protected area.

    Armando Palacios, regional director of the National Civil Protection System, (Sinaproc) said tourists or hikers who wish to enter parks, trails, or forests should be accompanied by certified guides to avoid situations to regret.

    Technicians from the Ministry of the Environment, volunteers from the NGO, SAR Panama, the National Police, the Fire Department, the Red Cross, and the National Civil Protection System participated in the search.


  17. Quote

    Panamanian education in intensive care without oxygen


    Posted 05/12/2021

    The publication of the decree that regulates the school calendar of 2022 should "be seen as the signal to lift the shoulders of Panamanian education" says Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of (Cciap) in a newsletter published Sunday, December 5.

    Therefore, it must be guaranteed that "100% of students return to classrooms" and have as a priority "the needs of both infrastructure and curriculum" says the Chamber.

    They would also have to focus on the academic recovery of the students, which should prioritize the areas of language, Mathematics, and Science.

    The Cciap weekly newsletter also recalled that Panamanian education was, for years, a patient in intensive care. However, the decisions that were made for two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic “have left the Panamanian educational sector without oxygen and with very delicate vital signs”.

    They stressed that the recent results of the Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study of 2019, as well as those of the PISA tests in 2018 "reflect the precarious situation of students in such important subjects, such as Spanish-reading, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences, recognized as priorities for the functional performance of people ”.

    Meanwhile, the recently presented report Panama, tell me !, an observatory that monitors the quality of life of Panamanians, reflected that 34% of students between 4 and 5 years of age "do not receive preschool education."

    In addition, in Panama, secondary education is not compulsory throughout the level, so adequate coverage levels have not yet been reached for the current parameters.

    "In summary, a significant percentage neither receive the foundations of stimulation that prepare them for school life nor complete high school, which, as indicated by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 'is crucial to acquire the basic skills to be inserted in a globalized world", Explained the Cciap.

    The Chamber stated that in the meeting with President Laurentino Cortizo he emphasized his commitment to continue supporting and contributing in order to implement actions that lead to quality education for Panamanians.


  18. Quote

    Arrest of 57 with alleged  links to drug cartel legalized


    Posted 04/12/2021

    A guarantees judge legalized on Saturday, December 4 the apprehension of 57 people allegedly linked to the Colombian drug cartel Clan del  Golfo who were captured in Operation Fisher.

    On Friday the judge legalized, the 10 raids carried out in the Fisher operation.

    Those raids included the houses linked to Jorge Luis General, alias El General, in Nueva Providencia, and in Costa Verde, in La Chorrera.

    According to the judicial authorities, in a house linked to El General,  the supposed leader of the criminal organization, located in Nueva Providencia, province of Colón, $10,917,871 were found in cash, in three coves, an unprecedented figure in seizures in the country.


  19. Quote

    The time is ripe  to move bill on illicit assets


    A luxurious beach house in Rio Hato raided in Operation Fisher.

    Posted 04/12/2021

    The operation in which the State security forces participated, which resulted in the capture of 57 people, the seizure of more than $10 million, cars and luxury properties, and surely the dismantling of a criminal gang that was dedicated to the custody and transportation of drugs through Panama and Central America —with their final destination to the United States— is an important triumph that was also possible thanks to the intervention of the US authorities.

    This case leaves several issues to analyze. In the first place, the Government and security forces of Panama are penetrated by drug trafficking. Second, these gangs are as dangerous as they are recursive since among their members there were informants who facilitated their criminal activity. Third, that, given the enormous amount of property seized, it is necessary that the National Assembly leave the detours and excuses to approve the bill for the extinction of ownership of illicit assets. To modify the Criminal Procedure Code or approving transfers of millionaire games does not take so many turns, but to stop the enrichment of these criminals, they have more scruples and reluctance. This operation shows that the approval of this bill is urgent. – LA PRENSA, Dec. 4.


  20. Quote

    In search of  # 99


    Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares

    Posted 04/12/2021

    This week, a federal judge validated a plea agreement presented by the prosecutor in the Odebrecht case in the United States and the defense of Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares. In that agreement - the content of which was not disclosed in its entirety - the confessed admits that he and his brother were intermediaries to receive $ 28 million in bribes between Odebrecht and a former "high-ranking official of the Panamanian government," a close relative of the defendants.

    That mysterious person we know who he is. We know how he sings and dances, we know how and what he talks about, we know where he will never go, we know who he hates with all his being, we know who his friends are - even those he thinks are hidden; We know what he makes fun of, what he uses the silver for and where much of it comes from. We know that he was spying on everyone and that he will never cease to be what he is. The description is only missing the name, but I have no doubt who it is, and neither should everyone who has at least one finger in the forehead.

    In a country where principles prevail, all of this would be enough to end a political career, whatever it may be, but in Panama, not even confessing the crime does not lead to jail ... or lose in an election. And why does something like this happen? The answer is simple. You just have to see how the Public Ministry is dismantled to strip it of the authority to represent the Panamanian people and, instead, give it to people to control the fate of high-profile investigations.

    What will happen to these cases? If anyone has any doubts, I refer them to the past. There you will find answers that look like these: impunity, nothing happens, etc. There are theories that are gaining ground among political connoisseurs of why all this is happening. One includes several aspects: bedroom agreements; candidates with a chance of winning in 2024 who are dropped in exchange for favors they receive now; that the gears of the alliances began to move, etc. If so, once again, voters will be used as useful fools, spoils offered as bargaining chips, and stepping stones to power. Time will confirm or deny it.

    Perhaps they are frustrated because they expect more for themselves: some direct contract, work, a ministry, travel, money, and other despicable privileges that come with the abuse of the position. But they must remember that in the life of their leader there are priorities and certainly their manzanillos is not one of them. We may sometimes learn more about his time in America and what he was willing to do in exchange for his release, but unfortunately, it didn't work out. However, what he was willing to do speaks volumes about what he does not care about.

    Those who have made a pact with him run the risk of betrayal. And it wouldn't be the first time. But they, drunk with power, deliberately ignore history. Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares was instrumental in the bribery game; however, he is not the big shot. But, as I said, there are priorities and priorities, and he and his brother are not among the first. Maybe they are No. 100 and 101 because up to No. 99, they are all already taken. - Rolando Rodríguez B.  LA PRENSA


  21. Quote

    Religious sect killers get 50 years to repent


    Posted 03/12/2021

    Seven people responsible for the “Church of  God” killings in the El Terrón community in the Ngäbe Buglé region in January 2020 were sentenced to 50 years in prison, related to torture carried out by the religious sect.

    The crimes for which they were sentenced are homicide, femicide, and deprivation of liberty, to the detriment of 7 people.

    Prosecutors managed to support the theory of the case of the Public Ministry before a court of conscience that, on Saturday, November 20, 2021, after six days of oral trial,  issued a unanimous judgment with a condemnatory sense.

     According to the investigation of the Public Ministry, the people who were sentenced participated in a religious cult where they murdered the victims with blows inflicted with machetes, Bibles, and sticks.

    During the final argument, the prosecutor Rodríguez indicated that they were victims, mostly minors who died cruelly at the hands of these people who, abrogating an act in the name of God, committed the crimes.


  22. Quote

    Organized crime infiltrates government and security services


    Captured suspects arriving for guarantees hearing

    Posted 03/12/2021

    The “Fisher” operation carried out by the First Prosecutor for Drugs of the Public Ministry (MP), in conjunction with the National Police, reveals, once again, the infiltration of organized crime in the governmental apparatus and in the ranks of the entities in charge of public safety reports La Prensa.

    Of the 56 people apprehended on Wednesday in the provinces of Panama, Panama Oeste, and Colón, four belong to the National Police (PN) and one to the National Aeronaval Service, while two worked in the Panama Canal Authority, another in the Ministry of Education and one in a communal board.

    Sources linked to the investigation, who requested anonymity for security reasons, detailed to La Prensa that the police officers involved were guarding the drug shipments and gave key information to the criminal organization to guarantee the success of their operations.

    The director of the National Police, John Dornheim, said at a press conference that he will not allow his agents to collaborate with criminal organizations. "Whoever crosses the road has two destinations: one, jail and the other, dismissal”.

    However,  this is not the only case where it is detected that police collaborate with illicit activities. In most anti-drug operations, the authorities themselves reveal that there are linked agents.

    Mayor’s family
     The prosecutor's office in charge of the investigation told La Prensa that the detainees included two relatives of Carlos Chavarría, mayor of Portobelo, province of Colón.

    They are his son, Carlos Chavarría Ceballos, and his niece Jeshihara Chavarría. Mayor Chavarría belongs to the Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement, (Molirena) an ally of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD).

    Attorney General Javier Caraballo stressed that the criminal group had the task of receiving large quantities of drugs that were sent by the Clan del Golfo, from Colombia. They received it on the Costa Arriba of Colón, then they hid it in “caletos” and, later, at the request of the cartel, the drugs were delivered to people with whom the Colombian group had negotiated.

    The network moved cargo to Panama City, through vehicles whose structure had been altered (double bottom). They also transported it in gas cylinders, vehicle tires, or speedboats. They sent it to Central America and from there to the United States.


  23. Quote

    US donates $8.5 million patrol boat to Panama


    Posted 03/12/2021

    The United States Government has donated to Panama a new coastal surveillance vessel valued at $8.5 million.  TheGeneral Omar Torrijos will allow the National Aeronaval Service (Senan) "to have a greater patrol capacity for the security and defense of our territory, the Panama Canal and protect our natural resources."

    In a ceremony on the Amador Causeway, the chief of mission of the United States Embassy in Panama, Stewart Tuttle, delivered the vessel to President Laurentino Cortizo. It was built in a shipyard in Louisiana.

    The vessel, 85 feet long and 25 feet wide, has a capacity for 10 crew members. It joins the team of the Joint Maritime Task Force to continue the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking, in addition to executing search and rescue operations, providing humanitarian aid, collaborating in social development tasks, and maintaining the safety of our seas.

    The donation also includes spare parts for the maintenance of the fleet of interceptor boats of the National Aeronaval Service (SENAN) and the Joint Maritime Force of Panama, for a value of $ 533,645; and maintenance equipment for SENAN, valued at $95,000, which is part of the US commitment to support SENAN with $4 million for maintenance. The “General Omar Torrijos” can carry out operations at sea for 6 to 10 continuous days


  24. Quote

    Over $10 million drug money seized in Fisher operation


    Posted 03/12/2021

    A dozen machines provided by banking entities and over 50 officials at the National Police headquarters In Ancón were needed to count the $10,91,873 seized in "Operation Fisher" on Thursday, December 2.

    Attorney General Javier Caraballo  said: "without a doubt, it is the largest seizure of money from drug trafficking that has been made in the entire history of the country."

    The seizure is part of the investigations carried out by the Public Ministry for about two years, and which resulted in the apprehension of 57 people, including security services personnel and  10 women.


  25. Quote

    Country of Happy Endings for Criminals


    Posted 03/12/2021

    It is a pity that Panama has not explored the possibility of becoming an accuser in the money laundering case against the children of former President Ricardo Martinelli, in New York. Although the funds passed through the US banking system, the truth is that it is money that belongs to the Panamanian people, so, at least, the Government should have been interested, but not even for that it has served. We lost the opportunity in Italy, with the Finmeccanica case, and now in the United States, with the Odebrecht case. The Government has also not reacted to the fact that the US lawyers who represent the interests of Panama in various matters and arbitrations are the same ones who defend this confessed criminal of conspiracy to launder bribes, to the detriment of the State. The government should fire them since you cannot be at the service of the State while simultaneously helping those who rob you. But these "subtleties" are imperceptible to our rulers because deep down they are not very different from these bandits. At the end of his sentence, the confessed will be deported to Panama and we will see him and his family saying that he is a politically persecuted person. And nothing will happen to him in the country of the happy ending for criminals.

    It is a pity that Panama has not explored the possibility of becoming an accuser in the money laundering case against the children of former President Ricardo Martinelli, in New York. Although the funds passed through the US banking system, the truth is that it is money that belongs to the Panamanian people, so, at least, the Government should have been interested, but not even for that it has served. We lost the opportunity in Italy, with the Finmeccanica case, and now in the United States, with the Odebrecht case. The Government has also not reacted to the fact that the US lawyers who represent the interests of Panama in various matters and arbitrations are the same ones who defend this confessed criminal of conspiracy to launder bribes, to the detriment of the State. The government should fire them since you cannot be at the service of the State while simultaneously helping those who rob you. But these "subtleties" are imperceptible to our rulers because deep down they are not very different from these bandits. At the end of his sentence, the confessed will be deported to Panama and we will see him and his family saying that he is a politically persecuted person. And nothing will happen to him in the country of the happy ending for criminals. – LA PRENSA, Dec. 3.


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