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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Irregular migrant flow down 94%


    Posted 02/02/2022

    The flow of irregular migrants through the Darien Gap fell to a trickle in  January of this year with the daily average down to 140  from  2,400  between  June and October last year a  fall of 94% in those seeking a new life in the United States or Canada.

     Foreign Minister Erika Mouynes said at a Tuesday press conference that the Panamanian authorities are " cautiously optimistic” ….we are closely following the evolution of the profile of irregular migration,"

    In January, a total of 4,708 people passed through Panama, in transit.

    Mouynes attributed the decrease, among other factors, to the diplomatic and security efforts made by the national government.

    Oriel Ortega, director of the National Border Service, said that the high numbers experienced in 2021 could be due to the months that the borders in the region were closed due to the pandemic. When opening them, there was a high flow of migrants seeking to continue their journey.

    In addition to a marked decrease in the number of irregular migrants seeking to enter Panama to transit north, there is a demographic change. In 2021, the predominant nationality of the migrants was Haitian. Now, Venezuelan predominates.

    Panamanian authorities cannot attribute the change to a single reason, citing "geopolitical reasons."

    In  2021, some 134,000irregular migrants entered Panama through the Gap.

    Currently, some 780 migrants are in transit in Panama, of which 50% are already in Paso Canoas, in Chiriquí, awaiting passage to Costa Rica.

    Security Minister Juan Manuel Pino stated that last year, a thousand people entered Bajo Chiquito every day. On the contrary, in January of this year, only two people entered through this point. The Minister of Public Security also said that now the new routes are through Canaán Membrillo, on the Atlantic side of Darién; and Jaqué, in the Pacific.

    "We launched an unprecedented diplomatic strategy," said Mouynes, adding that cooperation between countries in the region has been key to dealing with the migration crisis that Panama was experiencing.

    The cost factor
    The amount disbursed by the Panamanian state in 2021 to deal with the migratory situation in Darién was approximately $45 million which includes supplies for shelters, food, and medical equipment.

    Pino stressed that "Panama has special humanitarian treatment and is distinguished from many countries." He added that there are many aspects that add up to being able to treat these people correctly.


  2. Quote

    One in four in the Americas have not had a single dose of covid vaccine


    Posted 02/02/2022

    AFP - One in four people has not yet received a single dose of vaccination in the Americas, where infections and deaths from Covid-19 continue to increase, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warned on Wednesday, February 2.

    63% of the inhabitants of Latin America and the Caribbean have been vaccinated against Covid-19, but it remains the most unequal region in the world in terms of access to vaccines, said PAHO Director Carissa Etienne during a  virtual press conference.

    Although 14 countries and territories have fully immunized 70% of their population, many others have yet to protect 40%, it adds.

    In low- and middle-income countries "more than 54% of people have not yet received a single vaccine against covid-19", says Etienne.

    Meanwhile, infections and deaths from Covid-19 continue to rise.

    Last week saw more than 7 million new cases and over 34,000 deaths related to the virus.

    Deaths increased for the fourth consecutive week in all subregions, with an increase of almost 33% compared to the previous seven days.

    In the Caribbean, deaths have more than doubled in Cuba, the Bahamas, and Antigua and Barbuda.

    On other islands, such as Martinique and Guadeloupe, the virus is spreading rapidly among the young and unvaccinated, and in South America, Chile and Brazil have recorded record numbers of daily cases.


  3. Quote

    High waves and floods alert for Pacific Coast


    Posted 02/02/2022

    The Civil Protection System (Sinaproc),  has issued a prevention notice (surveillance and monitoring), for maximum tides in the Panamanian  Pacific that will create waves that will reach a height of at least 16.8 feet (5.2 meters) until 7.15 pm on Friday, February 4.

    They warn that, if they coincide with heavy rains, flooding could occur, mainly in the coastal areas of the country.

    They recommended that artisanal fishermen use navigation equipment and personal flotation devices (life jackets).


  4. Quote

    Criminality in the National Assembly goes unpunished

    Posted 31/01/2022

    Once again, crimes that affected the reputation of people who were affected by the criminality that still reigns in the National Assembly remain unpunished. The Supreme Court of Justice refused to admit a complaint made by a citizen that, without her consent, her name appeared on the ghost forms of the Legislative Branch, but the salaries were collected by third parties without providing any service. If the aforementioned deputy did not hold a political position, surely the facts would have been, at least, investigated to find the culprits, but we verify – as always – that impunity prevails when it comes to the political caste. Others are added to these cases, as there are several complaints – filed by the former comptroller – that await investigations, both by the Court and by ordinary justice, given that several deputies lost their positions in the last elections. It deals with scandalous facts, like embezzlement, but nothing works, everything remains in limbo. How does the Court expect society to believe in the changes it promotes when its sentences say that nothing will change? If you want credibility, you can't destroy with your feet what you're trying to do with your hands. – LA PRENSA,  Jan. 31


  5. Quote

    74,000 pediatric doses of covid vaccine administered


    Posted 01/02/2022

    At least 74,000 pediatric doses have been applied against Covid-19 in Panama reports the Expanded Program on Immunization (PAI).

    The immunization of children from 5 to 11 years of age began on January 7 and in 25 days a total of 74,034 doses have been administered, which gives a daily average of 2,961.

    The Ministry of Health will inform in the next few hours the circuits where posts will be set up to vaccinate minors in this age group this week.

    The target population to be vaccinated is 3.9 million people, 81.3% have the first dose and 72.1% are with the second dose.


  6. Quote

    “Holy Inquisition” sparks withdrawal of Ambassador to Panama nominee


    Pedro Salmeron.

    Posted 01/02/2022

    Historian Pedro Salmerón announced his resignation as a candidate for Mexico's ambassador to Panama said Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in a morning conference on Tuesday, February 1.

    López Obrador said that he received a letter from Salmerón (dated January 30, 2022) – “whom I highly esteem and consider a first-rate historian” – in which he informed him of his withdrawal.

    Salmerón's appointment raised countless questions because the doctor of history has been accused by former students and fellow supporters of alleged sexual harassment.

    “As if it were the Holy Inquisition, the Foreign Minister of Panama [Erika Mouynes] was dissatisfied because they disagreed at the ITAM [Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico] and asked us not to send the approval request," said the president, who said he regretted the decision.

    ITAM, where Salmerón worked as a teacher, began a formal investigation process into complaints of students and former students. An ITAM investigation committee found sufficient evidence of sexual harassment in one case and a pattern of conduct that led to repeated situations of gender-based violence and sexual harassment in the university environment.

    López Obrador indicated that Salmerón is the victim of a smear campaign with a "conservative component." He announced that he will find a way to use the historian's knowledge "in another field” and dismissed the accusations against Salmerón, calling them a "media lynching."

    "The current lynching has crossed our borders," says the historian in the letter.

    “When the proposal for my appointment became an issue of gender and international politics, I have believed it pertinent, Mr. President, to do as in 2019, if you believe that the best thing for Mexico and for the government that you preside over is for me to take a step aside, I put at your disposal the declination to the position you offered me, ”Salmerón wrote. "Your friendship and trust are more important to me than any position or job, I never looked for it."

    After the letter was read at the conference, López Obrador revealed that they were going to present a proposal "to see if the government of Panama accepts it." "I don't think the president of Panama is aware of it, I think this has more to do with the chancellor," he added.

    Finally, he announced that he would appoint alternate senator Jesusa Rodríguez to the position of ambassador of Mexico in Panama.


  7. Quote

    Impunity cloaked in an electoral anachronism

    Posted 01/02/2022

    The processes to lift the criminal electoral jurisdiction are now more cumbersome and take longer, since it is necessary to go to second instances to annul the privilege. In practice, it means delaying, something that the deputies achieved in the recent amendments to the Electoral Code. Although it is true that jurisdiction is generally lifted at the request of the authorities, by now taking more time, the prescription of crimes is facilitated and with it comes impunity.

    And that is what the deputies wanted from the beginning since they —as we already know— do not legislate in the best interest of the citizens. No, they legislate for themselves, to obtain benefits and privileges, to stay out of the reach of the law, because many of them are in the wrong: they steal money from the state or appropriate state assets.

    That is why they cling to that electoral anachronism, as their lifeline. Hundreds of politicians have been protected from appearing in court or being investigated, thanks to the electoral processes established within their parties, which can last for months. Electoral jurisdiction is nothing more than another rogue of the criminals we have as deputies. – LA PRENSA,  Feb 1.


  8. Quote

    Scores protected from criminal trial by an outdated law


    Posted 01/02/2022

    Scores of members of political parties have criminal electoral jurisdiction as a result of different internal processes and the number will increase as the electoral calendar of the groups' advances reports La Prensa.

    In the Realizing Goals (RM) party, headed by former president Ricardo Martinelli, at least 20 directors have been granted immunity since January 28. If any authority needs to prosecute them, they must request the Electoral Court (TE) to remove that armor, one of the main obstacles to the progress of criminal processes.

    The most recent example is that of the New Business case, whose preliminary hearing was postponed to May as a result of the jurisdiction that Martinelli acquired due to his status as president of RM.

    With the changes made to the Electoral Code in 2021, the process to withdraw the electoral jurisdiction it must first be reviewed by an Electoral Administrative Court and, if there is an appeal, it passes to the plenary of the TE.

    Once again,  says La Prensa, the debate returns with force: the criminal electoral jurisdiction as an obstacle in the course of the investigations and, if any authority needs to investigate a registered politician, it must request the Electoral Court (TE) to withdraw this privilege.

    However, with the changes to the Electoral Code that took place last year, this process is now more complex: the competent authorities to lift the jurisdiction are the Electoral Administrative Courts, while the full Electoral Court will act when it comes to an appeal.

    The issue became evident after the Third Criminal Court Liquidator was forced to postpone the preliminary hearing of the New Business case until next May, after the lawyers of former President Ricardo Martinelli -one of those investigated in this process- invoked electoral criminal jurisdiction as of January 28, because Martinelli is the president of RM.

    In RM, at least 20 people already have electoral criminal jurisdiction, including Luis Eduardo Camacho, Alma Cortés and Alejandro Pérez.

    Article 260 of the Electoral Code says that the jurisdiction enters into force from the beginning of the campaign period until the last proclamation of the event is executed.

    Protecting criminals
    Four deputies from the independent bench of the National Assembly presented a legislative proposal that seeks to eliminate electoral criminal jurisdiction  “A tool that protects criminals, weakens democracy and has no sense of being”, published the deputy Gabriel Silva on his social networks.

    The PRD already has the process underway to choose the 4,200 delegates who will choose the new board in May.

    The CD party chaired by Rómulo Roux, a list of candidates for internal elections that are held to fill vacant positions in some district and corregimiento boards of directors was also published. The CD board has nine members, including deputy Yanibel Ábrego.

    The Panameñista Party, chaired by José Isabel Blandón, is also preparing for its own electoral process. It plans to elect party directors, executive secretarial positions, national delegates, and others next March.

    The rule
    According to article 261 of the Electoral Code, the electoral jurisdiction is lost if the Electoral Tribunal lifts it. In addition, the taxpayer may renounce it before the TE or before the competent authority expressly or tacitly.

    Requests for removal of jurisdiction must be approved by in the first instance, by the Electoral Administrative Courts and, on appeal, by the plenary session of the TE.


  9. Quote

    Bodies of two missing Americans  recovered


    Posted 01/02/2022

    The bodies of two Americans, a 70-year-old woman and a 57-year-old man -  retired school teachers - who were passengers on a plane that crashed into the sea at Punta Chame on January 3  were recovered on Tuesday, February 1.

    The Civil Aeronautical Authority reported that the discovery of the bodies was achieved after 690 hours of searching.

    Five people were traveling on the Cherokee 6 aircraft, whose flight plan was from Contadora Island to the Krish Persaud de Chame aerodrome. The other three people were rescued alive


  10. Quote

    Omicron is not the common flu warn doctors as deaths mount


    Posted 31/01/2022

    Although the omicron variant of COVID-19 is less serious than the delta, it is not the common flu say doctors and scientists and it continues to leave a high number of deaths.

    In the last week alone around 115 new deaths were registered out of more than 270 that have been registered so far in the month of January reports TVN.

    This translates to a large increase as in December 2021, 65 deaths were recorded.

    According to data from the Ministry of Health, 90% of deaths are to unvaccinated people or people with an incomplete vaccination schedule.


  11. Quote

    Judge denies ex-president’s request to leave Panama


    Juan Carlos Varela.

    Posted 31/01/2022

    The judge of the First Judicial Circuit of Panama, Baloisa Marquínez, denied a request to leave the country to former President Juan Carlos Varela for a period of 17 days, to attend an invitation from a university in Spain.

     According to his lawyers, Judge Marquínez's decision contradicts the position of the Public Prosecutor's Office, which, stated on two occasions that: "Mr. Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez has satisfactorily complied with his personal precautionary measure. He maintains work and personal roots in the Republic of Panama, and the investigation phase has concluded, for which he considers, there is no danger of destroying evidence or hindering the investigation."

    "We emphasize once again that former President Varela has shown at all times his willingness to prove his innocence and clarify all issues related to his political campaigns," commented the former president's lawyers, Orison Cogley and Erasmo Muñoz.


  12. Quote

    Two kids dead, three injured in joy-ride incident


    Posted 31/01/2022

    Two pre-adolescent girls, one 12 and another 14, died and three other minors (3, 12, and 14 years) were injured, one of them seriously, when the beach vehicle in which they were traveling overturned on an internal road in the Coronado sector on the weekend.

     All the injured were transferred to the emergency room of the Nicolás A. Solano regional hospital in La Chorrera.

    The three survivors of the accident were transferred by ambulance to another medical center in the capital city.


  13. Quote

    COVID -19: 18 deaths, 7,698 new infections


    Posted 30/01/2022

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa), reported  Saturday  18 deaths from Covid-19, raising the accumulated total to 7,698. After applying 24,221 tests, with positivity of 28.9%, 7,004 new infections were detected. Active cases total 75,079, of which 74,254 are in home isolation and 825 hospitalized  ( 747 patients in the ward and 79 in ICU.


  14. Quote

    Ricardo Martinelli gets broadside from columnist


    Posted 30/01/2022

    Monica Palm whose daily column in La Prensa uses former president Ricardo Martinelli as a frequent  target is on vacation, but before lowering her sights she aimed some withering grapeshot in his direction.

    “As many will remember, in the Wikileaks cables, former ambassador Bárbara Stephenson harshly questioned Ricardo Martinelli, warning that “his tendency to harass and blackmail may have led him to stardom in the world of supermarkets, but it is hardly like a statesman. ” and that he “made no distinction between legitimate targets and political enemies.” She said Martinelli asked for help conducting wiretaps and threatened to expel the DEA if they didn't comply. That was 11 years ago and now you will be able to find out if time proved Stephenson, who has already retired from the diplomatic service and is vice chancellor for global affairs at the University of North Carolina, right. The former president, on the other hand, could not even visit that campus, even if he wanted to.”

    MARTINELLI makes no secret of his scant affection for any authority other than his own. That, which in itself is bad, gets worse when it goes from words to deeds. For example, he has sued Tania Sterling the anti-corruption prosecutor in the Odebrecht case,  several times. In one of the complaints, he claims $10 million for alleged "moral, psychological, commercial, business, social, family and political damage." Yes… “family injury”, you did not read wrong.

    He demanded $20 million from Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado, because the Foreign Ministry sent the request for his extradition to the United States, in 2016. He also sued Harry Díaz and Jerónimo Mejía, prosecutor and guarantee judge, in the puncture case, and Kenya Porcell, who had to post a bond of $150,000 to stop the seizure of her assets. More recently, she denounced María Eugenia López Arias, President of the Court, because -according to him- she altered the hearing schedule so that the puncture trial would be held in 2021.

    Of course, he had to add Baloisa Marquínez, the judge in the Odebrecht and New Business cases, to that list. He has even said that it is “worse than Covid-19”. But that's not the most worrying thing.

    LAST Tuesday, two days before the New Business preliminary hearing, an Instagram account called @ricardomartinelli_politica published an (alleged) photo of Marquínez with the following text: “They tell me this is the inquisitorial judge who says no to everything. For her, there is no law, Constitution, codes, or international treaties. Her mission is to condemn and destroy the country. Keep it up @nitocortizo and @gabycarrizo, they're doing well. They tell me her husband has 'transportation' and that beauties will come out there... they say her name is Baloisa Martínez (sic) from Las Lajas de Chiriquí. Matito the deceased, before he died, left behind many things that will serve and are frightening”.

    “So what?”  writes Palm. “Well, according to article 388 of the Penal Code, any mortal who threatens, intimidates, hinders or impedes the performance of official duties by an official of the Judicial Branch or the Public Prosecutor's Office could be sentenced to 5 to 10 years in prison. Nothing that a personal army of lawyers, a medical disability book, and the property title of a political party cannot solve. That way no one who tries to blackmail an authority will worry if they do it openly and in writing.


  15. Quote

    Fourth  Panama covid wave has peaked - scientists


    Posted 30/01/2022

    The Panamanian scientific community sees a "sign" that the fourth wave of the pandemic has reached its peak and in the next few days the infections could begin to descend

    After maintaining sustained growth in Covid-19 cases for a month, reaching a daily average of 9,991 cases and 10 deaths (from January 16 to 22), the epidemiological week that ended Saturday registered a daily average of 7,873 cases and 16 deaths.

    In general terms, there is a decrease of 21.1% in cases, although there is an increase in the average number of daily deaths.

    The National Secretary of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Eduardo Ortega, points out that, both on Thursday and Friday of this week, a 30% positivity rate was reported in the tests, which is lower than what had been previously ( when they ranged between 36% and 37%). On Saturday it was 28.9%.

    “The good thing about is that the percentage of positive tests is going down for two days in a row, and that may be a sign that we have reached the maximum peak of the fourth wave. We have to see how this weekend ends, but it is a good sign, after having been at 37% positivity of the tests.

    The advisor to the Covid-19 Vaccine Research Consortium recalled that the waves of cases conditioned by Omicron in other countries, such as South Africa or the United States, have shown that as fast as they go up, they go down.

    However, he specified that hospitalizations and deaths will continue to increase for two more weeks, assuming that there is a 15-day gap between cases with hospitalizations and deaths.

    Booster shots
    He reiterated that the population must attend to receive the booster dose against Covid-19 to avoid the severe form of the disease,

    “We cannot underestimate an organism that has a high rate of transmissibility, like Omicron. Although it is less severe, it is going to have a very important impact on public health,” Ortega pointed out.

    For specialist doctor, Paulino Vigil-De Gracias, the peak of new infections has already been reached and now the decline will begin. His conclusion is direct: “Three days ago I said that I did not want to be optimistic, today I say that we are not only reaching the peak of the fourth wave, now we are going down [in cases],” he said.

    The Metropolitan Health Region handles 13,340 active cases. The districts with the most active cases are San Francisco, with 1,740; Parque Lefevre (1,463), Juan Díaz (1,285), Bella Vista (1,266) and Tocumen (1,161).

    The Ministry of Health  reported that 90% of the deaths that have occurred since the National Vaccination Plan was launched are people who did not have the complete vaccination schedule


  16. Quote

    278 people with covid-19 try to enter Fair


    Posted 30/01/2022

    During the first four days of the La Chorrera Fair, of 278 people with Covid-19 have tried to enter the event reports Carlos García, president of the Board of Trustees of the Fair.

    He said that the day they tried to enter the most was the day of its inauguration when 124 people were detected.

    The fair, which was inaugurated on January 26, designed a control system that includes the verification of the QR and the vaccination card with the help of the staff and equipment of the Government Innovation Authority.

    In addition, people must use masks during their tour of the fair event, García said while recalling that they expect to receive more than 200,000 visitors until February 6.

    García said that on Saturday, January 29, 90 people with Covid-19 tried to enter the fair, for which they were referred to the justice of the peace and must also comply with their quarantine.

    He added that offenders are exposed to a prison sentence for attempting to violate the quarantine for the coronavirus.

    All the people were detected before entering but emphasized that random checks are also carried out inside the fair to verify that no one is infected.


  17. Quote

    Charges filed against 12 snatched in cartel bust


    Posted 29/01/2022

    The First Drug Prosecutor's Office filed charges for the crime of money laundering, for 12 of the 14 people apprehended in the second phase of Operation Fisher Two of the defendants were sentenced for the same crime.

    Through Operation Fisher, the Panamanian security forces have worked together to dismantle the criminal structure of the Colombian Clan del Golfo, which in Panama had collaborators located in the provinces of Panamá Centro, Colón, Panamá Oeste, and east of the capital city.

    The second phase took place on January 26 and the first phase was carried out on December 1, 2021, after 22 months of investigation detaining a total of 57 people

    Among those arrested are officials from the National Assembly, the Maritime Authority, the Social Security Fund and the Panama Metro.

    The Clan del Golfo is a criminal organization that arranged and organized the shipment, receipt and concealment of illicit substances, coming from Colombia, passing through Central America with the final destination of the United States, in addition to the concealment of money resulting from activities of drug trafficking.


  18. Quote

    The Martinelli Soap Opera


    Ricardo Martinelli.

    Posted 29/01/2022

    Although the authorities have had to be more diligent, in order to anticipate the excuses that Ricardo Martinelli usually presents to avoid –as he is accustomed to doing– his judicial processes, the truth is that, in this case, the electoral privileges lend themselves to the evasion Prosecutors and judges should be more proactive in this matter, taking into account the previous conduct of that subject. There have been multiple excuses and this was not going to be the exception. But the election processes in political parties can last all year if every month they call an internal tournament to elect the members of commissions, secretaries, and everything that comes to mind to the owner of the party. It is like playing cat and mouse, because as soon as a new hearing date is established and the master is already calling an election, so the jurisdiction would never end. That is why the political parties –and their most prominent scoundrels– prevent the elimination of electoral jurisdiction because they fear being left unprotected before the law. Perhaps it is a good idea for the court to consider continuing the process with the other defendants and to dedicate special hearings to the star of this soap opera.  – LA PRENSA, Jan. 29.


  19. Quote

    Complaint against Comptroller calls for his suspension


    Posted 29/01/2022

    The Attorney General's Office, headed by Javier Caraballo, has processed a complaint against the Comptroller General Gerardo Solís which calls for his suspension.

    The complaint was filed on January 21 by the lawyer Abdiel González in the midst of the scandal over the waste of public funds through the figure of mobilization expenses managed by mayors and community boards in the country.

    The legal action claims that the comptroller omitted his control functions and delayed "illegally, acts of his office."

    The complainant points out that Solís allegedly incurred in the alleged commission of crimes against the public administration, in the form of abuse of authority and violation of public duties.

    It highlights that among the functions of a comptroller is that of "supervising and regulating, through prior or subsequent control, all acts of managing funds and other public goods", so that they are done correctly.

    On January 25, four days after the complaint against him, Solís, who has been in office for two years, announced that since January 20, the day he met with councilors and mayors to address the issue of spending of mobilization, had ordered to suspend the payment of these expenses and said that he would review the emoluments of the local authorities.

    The complainant, says that in reality it is not known what the role of the Comptroller had been in the control of these funds from 2020 to date. He adds that what proceeds now is for Caraballo to ask the Supreme Court to suspend Solis from his post.

    In addition, he says that the Administration attorney, Rigoberto González, who has also denounced Solís, must request a conduct report from the comptroller. Attorney González, in fact, was already carrying out an investigation and has not been able to get the comptroller to answer his questions reports La Prensa.


  20. Quote

    20 covid-19 deaths, 18 without complete vaccination


    Posted 29/01/2022

    EIGHTEEN  of 20 deaths due to covid-19 reported by the Ministry of Health (Minsa) on Friday, January 18 did not have the complete vaccination schedule 12 did not receive any dose, and six had a single dose.

    The Health authorities also highlighted that 90% of the deaths that have occurred, since the immunization process began, in January 2021, were people who did not have the complete vaccination cycle.

    Panama has accumulated 7,680 deaths from coronavirus since the pandemic arrived in the country in March 2020, for a fatality rate of 1.1%.

    Minsa reported  7,502 new cases after the application of 24,691 tests for positivity of 30.4%.

    Active cases reached 79,445, of which 78,618 are in home isolation and 827 hospitalized (749 in the ward and 78 in intensive care).


  21. Quote

    Martinelli is running out of arguments

    Posted 28/01/2022

    As expected, the star accused of the New Business case did not attend yesterday's hearing, alleging, as always, a medical disability that no one believes him anymore, since he has been in charge of disclosing how he enjoys himself. As soon as he hears the words “trial” or “hearing”, he suddenly falls ill or undergoes surgery. The judicial authorities should – at this point – be less lenient with those who openly mock them and the victims, in this case, the Panamanian State. In addition, to be a subject who says he does not fear justice and who shouts his innocence of the charges against him, he does everything possible so that the hearings where he can prove what he affirms do not take place. Only yesterday he clung once again to a principle of specialty that no longer applies to him. He also continues to cling to electoral privileges, appeals, and other technicalities, to prevent the hearing on the suspicious purchase of an editorial group, presumably with public funds, from taking place. He has also run out of arguments about the manipulation of justice since he has been released from charges twice. So, if justice has been "impartial" with him, what is he afraid of? – LA PRENSA, Jan. 28.


  22. Quote

    Direct flights Panama-Frankfurt begin in March


    Posted 28/01/2022

    Starting in March the European airline Eurowings Discover of the Lufthansa group will start direct flights between the city of Frankfurt (Germany) and Panama.

    This is part of the strategies developed by the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), in conjunction with the International Tourism Promotion Fund (Promtur), to make Panama a more competitive destination and to increase the number of tourists.

    The airline will have three weekly frequencies (Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday), starting on March 27, 2022, in Airbus 330 aircraft.

    Germany is among the priority markets, according to the Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism, approved by the Cabinet Council.

    In 2019, 39,000 German tourists were received, which represented an injection of more than $100 million into the country; $2,863 per traveler according to the Comptroller General.


  23. Quote

    Industrialists  forecast Panama economy back to pre-pandemic level in 2023


    Posted 28/01/2022

    The Panama Union of Industrialists (SIP) projects that the Panamanian economy will grow by 7%, this year which will allow the generation of 10,000 new jobs.

    "The country's economy is in the process of recovery," said SIP president Luis Frauca, who estimated that it will not be until 2023 when the figures that existed before the pandemic (2019) will return.

    Among the activities of the industrial sector that have had a good economic performance and that are projected to continue contributing to the country are: mines and quarries, cement production, the slaughter of cattle and pigs, and dairy production.  "We know that all activities are having an upturn and those that have not yet stabilized will be doing so in the coming quarters," said Frauca.


  24. Quote

    Fitch revises Panama rating from negative to stable


    Posted 28/01/2022

    Fitch Ratings affirmed Friday, January 28, Panama's risk rating at BBB -, and revised the outlook from negative to stable. Panama, therefore, maintains the investment grade with the three major international rating agencies reports La Prensa.

    The outlook revision reflects the continued improvement in the fiscal position and a better-than-expected recovery from the initial shock of the pandemic. The agency points out that its fiscal expectations have improved, as well as confidence in the authorities' ability to successfully adjust the fiscal deficit.

    Fitch expects the public debt to gross domestic product ratio to have a very gradual downward path and expects the government to meet the 4% deficit limit established for this year in the Fiscal Social Responsibility Law.

    For the next exercises, compliance will be a greater challenge it said.

    In 2020, the agency lowered Panama's sovereign note to BBB-, with a negative outlook, and therefore a further downgrade would have led the country to lose its investment grade, a good payer seal that allows obtaining financing in better conditions.


  25. Quote

    “Disabled” ex-president posted partying photos


    Posted 28/01/2022

    Former president Ricardo Martinelli dodged the first day of hearing into the purchase of Editora Panamá América, SA (2010) with money supposedly from the State, a process known as New Business,  by presenting a disability certificate although social networks carry photos of his attendance at various social functions and he was recently seen striding through the halls of the  National Assembly.

    Third Criminal Court Liquidator, in charge de Baloisa Marquínez,  is hearing the case in the building of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), in Amador, where on Thursday lawyers for those involved filed appeals with the purpose of dismissing the investigation and, consequently, stopping the hearing.

    The defense of Ricardo Martinelli, for example, asked Judge Marquínez to suspend the hearing, alleging that the former President of the Republic has electoral criminal jurisdiction because his party, Realizing Goals, is in an internal electoral process.

    Roniel Ortiz, former president's lawyer, delivered seven bulletins from the Electoral Court, related to the political tournament.

    Judge Marquínez ruled that he did not have electoral jurisdiction, since the internal campaign of that party begins today, Friday, January 28.

    The judge also denied two other appeals to the former president. In one it was sustained that he was violating the principle of specialty, consigned in the extradition treaty between Panama and the United States Marquínez said that her office had already resolved two similar appeals: one presented by  Eduardo Camacho and another by Alma Cortés.

    The judge argued that there is a ruling by the Second Court of Justice confirming that Martinelli is not covered by the specialty principle.

    She clarified that she will continue the process against Martinelli until a higher authority notifies her that she must suspend it.

    Another rejected annulment appeal alleged that, when the investigation began, Martinelli had "immunity", as a deputy of the Central American Parliament.

    Prosecution case
    Prosecutor Emeldo Márquez said that the New Business company was used as a basket to receive funds and finalize the acquisition of Epasa. He said the funds were delivered by companies that received contracts from the State for different infrastructure works. in 2009-2014.

    An analysis of deposits made to the New Business account showed that it received economic contributions from a network of transactions that had a common denominator: they all came from contracts given by the State for infrastructure works.

    The list of the 25 called to trial has a common factor: most are state contractors in the Martinelli administration and they are linked to other legal cases New Business seems to be the piece of the puzzle that unites the judicial processes.


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