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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    85.8% of covid-19 deaths with incomplete vaccination


    Posted 17/01/202

    During the last week, 85.8% of Covid-19 deaths registered in the country were people who did not have a complete vaccination schedule, says Lourdes Moreno head of the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

    Moreno said that the other 14.2%, despite having some dose of the biological against the new coronavirus, suffered from chronic diseases in an advanced or uncontrolled state.

    “That is why it is important that people who know they have a chronic disease not only get vaccinated but also effectively control their diseases,” said Moreno.

    Moreno explained that for the last week of December the average number of hospitalized patients was 168 people, of whom 85% were not vaccinated.

    While in the first week of January a total of 234 hospitalizations were registered, of which 86% were people who were not immunized and "for the past week a total of 418 were reported, of which 83% did not have their doses.

    The official explained that the vast majority of those who have not been immunized have various chronic diseases and added that the Omicron variant should not be thought of as just a cold.


  2. Quote

    OPINION: Supreme Court takes a good first step


    Posted 16/01/2022

    The magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice agreed to give a period of two weeks for the judicial servants, including the support and administrative staff of this state body, to present their affidavit of patrimonial assets. It is a good first step in complying with the ordinances of the judicial career, which includes not only Supreme Court justices, but superior court and appeals court justices, judges, clerks, directors, public defenders, coordinators and staff of support, judicial and specialized auxiliary, among others.

    Although it is a provision that has been in force for more than six years, it had not been complied with as is now being required of all those who are obliged to present it. Too bad these documents are confidential, because the population is deprived of monitoring if there are changes that deserve explanations from the owners. It is no secret to anyone that sentences have been negotiated in the Judiciary, without counting on many other proceedings, for which they are charged. The order issued by the magistrates gives hope of the promised renewal, along with the steps that have begun to be taken to elect judicial personnel based on merit. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 16.


  3. Quote

    New record of covid-19 infections with high economic impact


    Posted 16/01/2022

     Panama set a new record for covid-19 infections during the epidemiological week Jan.9 -15 with 45,329 cases. The nearest thing it got before was between January 3 and 9, 2021, during the second wave, when there were 25,008 and between January 2 and 8, 2022, when 24,441 were counted.

    The epidemiologist Arturo Rebollón and the former director of the Gorgas Commemorative Institute for Health Studies, Javier Nieto, agree that there is no need to fear, since it was the expected scenario.  

    Rebollón even projects that up to 30,000 cases per day could be reached at the peak of this fourth wave. The epidemiologist says  that the country is in the midst of an "acceleration of cases without the collapse of the health system, but with a high socioeconomic impact."

    At the moment, deaths and hospitalizations, although they are growing, do not do so in the same proportion as cases. Until January 14, 2022, there were 546 hospitalized, while for the same date last year there were 2,677, both in the ward and in intensive care units. And there  were 629 deaths.

    On Monday, it will hold an extraordinary Cabinet Council, only to analyze the Covid-19 issue. One of the main concerns is the number of the infected population, despite the fact that the occupation of beds in hospitals is around 50%.

    President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo, explained that, in less than a month, the positivity rates have increased

    by almost 20%. “On December 25, 2021, positivity was at 6.7% and by January 12 it was 27%,”.

    The president also urged the population to get the third booster shot.


  4. Quote

    Business Chamber calls for review of covid isolation times


    Lining up for swab tests.

     Posted 16/01/2022

    As   Covid-19  cases continue to rise Panama’s Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture Cciap), is pressing the authorities to continue the "timely review" of isolation time for those infected and quarantined for their direct contacts.

    According to the union, the guidelines proposed by the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) should be adopted. "This is important so that Panama can face the new wave of infections, without impacting, again, the functioning of the daily activities of society," said the Chamber on Sunday, January 16.

    In addition to these measures, the organization added, it is "convenient to implement" effective and convenient actions in covid-positive patients. “Both nationals and foreigners must have the right to choose their place of isolation, so that they can be guaranteed fair and dignified treatment to avoid saturating hospital hotels”.

    "In this new phase of the pandemic, the number of cases is greater, but the preparation to attend to them is better," added the union.

    Defining “close contact”
    The Ministry of Health recently issued a resolution which defines the terms of close community contact (family, work, and social), and health environment.

    “Close community contact (family, work and social) is defined as contact (close, direct physical or in a closed space), with a confirmed Covid-19 patient, within 2 meters for a period of 15 minutes or more, without a mask or with improper use of it ”, highlights the ministry.

    It explained that the 5-day quarantine is for people who were defined as close contact with the positive. It ends with a negative test result on the fifth day.

    Isolation with a positive result is 10 days, counted from the first day that symptoms or a positive test appear. "The first day is understood to be the full day after the symptoms appear (in symptomatic patients) and the collection of the sample of the screening test that was positive (in asymptomatic patients)," the ministry said.


  5. Quote

    Six migrant smugglers arrested in Chiriqui raid


    Posted 16/01/2022

    Six people linked to a migrant smuggling network including a minor were arrested in Chiriqui on Sunday, January, 16 by agents from the National Police, the National Border Service.

    The Superior Prosecutor's Office against Organized Crime reported, that they dismantled the network during "Operation Walker."

    Prosecutor Emeldo Márquez said that in addition, they managed to free 26 Nicaraguans who "were trafficked," including a 14-month-old minor. Of that group, 19 are women and 7 men.


  6. Quote

    Panama GDP growth predicted at 12.4%


    Posted 15/01/2022

    The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) projected that the growth rate of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021 for Panama will be 12.4%, the third nation in Latin America to exceed 12%.

    According to the report, "Preliminary balance of the economies of Latin America and the Caribbean" revealed on January 13, Panama of the countries of the region is surpassed in the first two positions by Guyana and Peru, with 18.5% and 13.5%, respectively.

    Meanwhile, Chile, the Dominican Republic, and El Salvador will be the other countries that exceed the 10% threshold, with 11.8%, 10.4% and 10.0%, ranking from fourth to sixth position.

    In the report, ECLAC highlights that the region's growth dynamics during 2021 was "greater than expected at the beginning of the year."

    "The still favorable evolution of the international context —both with regard to financial conditions and the prices of basic products and world trade flows—, together with the increase in mobility in the countries and the progress in the processes of vaccination, has resulted in an increase in growth prospects for the current year," it said.


  7. Quote

    Consumer price index climbs 2.6%


    Posted 15/01/2022

    The rise in some services and products was reflected in the consumer price index (CPI) for December 2021, which increased 2.6% compared to the same month of the previous year.

    According to the report of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), in the group that presented an increase is transportation, with 10.5%, defined largely by the increase in fuel last year. Amid the pandemic, the increases are attributed to various local and international factors, such as the rise in freight rates that has hit consumers around the world.

     Education shows an increase of 3.1%; housing, water, electricity and gas, with 2.3%; food and non-alcoholic beverages, with 2.2%; restaurants and hotels, with 2.0%


  8. Quote

    Unvaccinated  at risk as at covid-19 cases pass 55,000


    More swab centers are being activated.

    Posted 15/01/2022

    The increase in new Covid-19 infections is notably being registered in the province of Panama, with more than 200 daily infections reported in two townships in the past three days.

    According to the data provided by the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the sectors of the metropolitan area of San Francisco and Juan Díaz added at least 240 cases daily between Wednesday and Friday.

    San Francisco in three days  listed 935 cases and Juan Diaz 850.

    In addition, in the last two days, five districts were reported that exceeded the figure of 200 new infections. Among them Betania, Tocumen, Rufina Alfaro and Don Bosco.

    According to the latest epidemiological report from the Minsa, the country exceeds 55,000active cases.

    The Panamanian epidemiologist, Xavier Sáez Llorens, reported that based on international scenarios with the Omicron variant, the maximum number of diagnosed infections should be reached in one or two weeks so that later there will be a decrease in cases.

    "Unfortunately, serious cases will occur primarily in people who are not vaccinated or who do not have a complete schedule, especially in groups at higher risk due to age and/or comorbidity," he wrote on his Twitter account.


  9. Quote

    COVID-19: 18,604 new infections, 14 deaths in 48 hours


    Posted 15/01/2022

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported  on Friday January  14, that there were 18,604 new infections and 14 deaths from Covid-19 in the previous 48 hours.

    Due to a technological problem with the platform of the Department of Epidemiology on Thursday, the entity was unable to release the numbers of cases in the country

    Given this, the number of new infections on Friday was 9,530 and Thursday 9,074; Thursday and Friday there were 7 deaths, each day, bringing the total deaths, since March 20202, when the virus arrived in Panama, 7,500.

    On Friday, 28,562 tests were applied for positivity of 33.4% and on Thursday 27,659 tests were carried out, with positivity of 33.0%.

     Hospitalized patients total 546, (477 are in the ward and 69 in the intensive care unit.

    Cabinet Meeting
    President Cortizo , during a visit to Chiriquí on Friday, said that on Monday, January 17, an extraordinary cabinet will be held to approve the purchase of additional swab tests and urged the population not to lower their guard against the increase of Covid-19 infections.

    He said that the increase in the positivity, has resulted in a greater demand for testing. In less than a month the positivity rates have increased by almost 20%. “On December 25, 2021, positivity was at 6.7% and two days ago it was 27%,” he specified.

    The president also urged the population to get the third anticovid dose (booster) because “the Omicron variant is extremely fast, extremely fast.”

    Cortizo recalled that 90% of those who died from Covid-19 in the last year did not have the complete vaccination schedule

    The report of the Expanded Program on Immunization, on Friday, indicates that to date 6,663,649 doses of anticovid vaccines have been applied. Of that total, 3,150,511 have been placed in the first dose; 2,834,900 second dose; 669,199 booster doses and 12,694 pediatric doses.


  10. Quote

    At least nine children hospitalized with covid-19


    Posted 13/01/2022

    So far this year, at least nine children have been hospitalized and 90 cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed, according to Paul Gallardo, director of the Hospital del Nino (Children's Hospital).

    He added that throughout the entire pandemic, 1,076 children have been hospitalized.

    On Thursday, January 13, the vaccination day for children between 5 and 11 years of age without pathology began in circuits 8-7 and 8-8 in the capital.

    Dr. Gallardo urged that children be vaccinated to reduce transmission, which is what is complicating the situation.


  11. Quote

    Panama’s shameless mayors


    "Cortizo sleeps peacefully"

    Posted 13/01/2022

    Faced with the dispossession suffered by the treasury, perpetrated by shameless mayors from all over the country, nobody, absolutely nobody, does anything. The president no longer sits on his stool, because, from what we see, he seems to have exchanged it for a hammock where he sleeps peacefully while they rob us; the comptroller corrects the mistakes they may have made in the papers so that these shameless can steal from us expeditiously; and the deputies do nothing because they look towards those positions thinking in 2024, since, now having so much money in the municipalities, they will run for both positions to continue with the robbery. How can it be possible for these officials to earn such high incomes when the country is going through an unprecedented economic crisis; when we are in debt to the crown to cover the shortfall in the state budget; when there are so many needs of your represented? You can call it what you want: allowances, travel expenses, but it is nothing more than looting; and this fraud may have been legalized by others just like them, but it is still what it is: an act of pillage, pure and simple. And yet they still wonder why they define this government as corrupt. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 13.


  12. Quote

    One missing 12 rescued from Panama shipwreck


    Posted 13/01/2022

     The Panamanian authorities have rescued 12 of the 13 crew members of a ship that was shipwrecked in the Pacific waters of the country.

    The shipwreck occurred on Tuesday and the survivors spent the whole night adrift, explained the major of the National Aeronaval Service (Senan), Olmedo Escudero.

    The boat had sailed from the Garaniché area, in the province of Darién, on the border with Colombia, and "as a result of bad weather, it capsized and people fell into the sea."


  13. Quote

    Panama issues ultimatum to Canadian copper giant after four months of talks

    Posted 13/01/2022

    There are already four months of negotiations and progress has been made in environmental aspects, since President, Laurentino Cortizo In addition, he spoke of the advances in labor issues that give the possibility for more jobs in the Cobre Panamá project.

    He said that the economic part has taken too long and the limits have been reached and for the sake of transparency, he presented the proposal discussed with the company and that to date no response has been received.

    According to the minister, the proposal begins with royalties and as everyone knows, the current contract has a 2% royalty on sales and with this scheme, they have wanted to move to a system that is based on the company's profits and that gives the opportunity for the country to share those profits and therefore a structure of 12 to 16% royalties was proposed based on gross profits.

    Part of the proposal is the Income Tax, which to this day Minera does not pay.

    In this sense, he said that from day one this 25% tax must be collected and paid by the company. In addition, the withholding of payments made by the company for interest, dividends, and payments of services abroad is proposed.

    Martínez argued that this scheme, with the current price of copper, should give the country a figure greater than 400 million dollars.

    The minister was also emphatic in saying that in order to guarantee that the Panamanian State receives a guaranteed minimum amount during the course or life of the contract, the company has

    been asked to make a minimum financial contribution of $375 million  each year, with the exception  if the price of copper collapses to less than $2.75 dollars a pound, because the operation of the company and employment would be put at risk


  14. Quote

    Fourth covid wave should stop return to classes - ex-minister


    Miguel Ángel Cañizales,

    Posted 13/01/2022

    The fourth wave of Covid-19 should not stop the start of classes, in Panama as it has in several Latin American countries says former Minister of Education Miguel Ángel Cañizales,

    He adds that in Chile, Cuba and Argentina they are at the forefront in this matter, where children are being successfully vaccinated.

    "We in Panama cannot continue to harm the future of the nation that are our students," he stressed. It recognizes that there is fear and uncertainty, but it is necessary to give peace and tranquility to educators and the population with the coordination that the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education are having.

    According to the former minister, Panama is a world leader in vaccination issues, which will help the education process to take place next March.

    He argues that it is time for the whole of society to come together and allow students to return to class.


  15. Quote

    New Panama frog  discovery named after Swedish activist


    Posted 11/01/2022

    A new frog discovered in Panama has been named 'Pristimantis gretathunbergae sp in honor of Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg.

    This discovery was made by an international team of biologists, led by Panamanian Abel Batista (Chiriquí, A doctoral fellow of the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Senacyt); and the Swiss Konrad Mebert, on Cerro Chucantí, on the provincial border between Panama and Darién, reported Senacyt.

    The frog has black eyes, a unique trait among Central American rain frogs. The habitat of this frog is severely fragmented and threatened by deforestation for agricultural activities. Climate change is another threat, as rising temperatures would destroy their mountain habitat.

    The region around Cerro Chucantí has already lost more than 30% of its forest cover in recent years, so conserving the habitat of this new species is essential to guarantee its survival. The deadly chytrid fungus poses an additional threat to amphibians.

    The scientific article that officially describes and names the frog was published Monday, January 10, in the magazine ZooKeys of the Pensoft publishing house.

    Throughout his more than 20-year career, the Chirican researcher Abel Batista, a doctor in biological sciences specializing in the study of amphibians and reptiles, has identified more than 30 species new to science, in which he participated as main author or co-author.


  16. Quote

    Covid-19: Definition of close contact under review


    Dozens of people line up for swabs at the Heraclio Barletta Policenter.

    Posted 12/01/2022

    Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre announced Wednesday that the definition of when a person is in direct or close contact with a person detected positive for Covid-19 is being reviewed again.

    “As a country, in the situation, we are in,  we considered lowering the isolation period from 14 days to 10 days and we have lowered the quarantine period from 14 days to five or six days, provided that a test is carried out and came back negative, "he explained.

    The minister said that in the latter case the person must immediately return to work.

    These types of questions were asked on Tuesday when Sucre met with delegates from the Chamber of Commerce, the National Council of Private Enterprise, and other ministers, to analyze the impact of the fourth wave of Covid-19 in the country.

    At the meeting, Sucre was asked if the days of isolation and quarantine could be lowered to seven. The minister indicated that based on the discussion with scientists, epidemiology teams, and public health "at this time the best thing for the country is to stay for 10 days and five days."

    He added that this may change over time, however, it will remain that way today.

    The decision to reduce the isolation and quarantine time was announced by the Health authorities on December 28, eight days after the first case the Omicron variant was reported to the country.

    Sucre described as positive the meeting held with the businessmen and various ministers of State. He said that he was consulted about the possibility of applying drastic measures in the face of the increase in cases of Covid-19, a possibility that "for now" was rejected.


  17. Quote

    Gasoline prices jump Friday


    Posted 12/01/2022

    The 95 octane gasoline will climb four cents. to 95 cents per liter.

    While 91 octane gasoline will increase by four cents 93 cents per liter.

    Low sulfur diesel will raise its price a nickel to 86 cents a liter.

    These prices will be in force until 5:59 am on January 28, 2022.


  18. Quote

    7 Covid-19 deaths and record  new infections


    Posted 12/01/2022

    A total of seven deaths and  a record 6,513 new covid-19 infections in the previous 24 hours were confirmed on Wednesday, January 12 by the Epidemiology Department of the Ministry of Health.

    Active cases total 38,932. There are 408 hospitalized in the ward and 46 in ICU.

    From March 9, 2020 to date, 7,486 have died. The lethality of the virus remains at 1.4%.

    In the  24 hours leading up to the announcement 23,611 tests were applied for positivity of 27.6%.

    In the world, there are 314,363,635 confirmed accumulated cases of Covid-19 and 5,523,724 deaths for a fatality of 2%.


  19. This is a translation. Link to the original article is at the end


    Boqueteños ready to welcome visitors at the Feria de las Flores (Flower Fair)


    On this occasion, the IV National Accordion Contest will be held, with stage presentations and exhibitors; however, there will be no discotheques or dance events by order of the Ministry of Health, in order to avoid the multiplication of COVID-19 cases.

    Posted 12 January 2022

    Tomorrow, January 13, the Flower and Coffee Fair begins, the gardens are in full bloom and expectations are high as this is the first fair event in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has been sweeping the world for the past 22 months.

    Rodrigo Marciaq, president of the board that organises this activity reiterated that the complete immunisation scheme against COVID-19 will be verified through the QR code or the vaccination card in a perimeter in the fairgrounds, at the same time the attendees must keep two metres away and wear their masks correctly at all times.

    On this occasion there will be the IV National Accordion Contest, stage presentations and exhibitors; however there will be no discotheques or dancing events by order of the Ministry of Health, to avoid the multiplication of cases of COVID-19.

    The gates will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. each day, and the National Police and Fire Brigade will be on hand to organise surveillance.


  20. Quote

    Court to name judge in Martinelli acquittal appeal


    Martinelli after his second acquittal

    Posted 12/01/2022

    The judicial office of the Accusatory Penal System (SPA) of the First Judicial District sent to the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, the appeals and the warning of unconstitutionality filed against the decision of the Trial Court to acquit former President Ricardo Martinelli for the case of punctures.

    Nicomedes Castillo, the lawyer for Balbina Herrera, one of the victims, said that they are waiting to know which magistrate will be responsible for examining the appeals. In general, the distribution of files in the Court takes place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    The Criminal Chamber of the Court is made up of María Eugenia López Arias (president), José Ayú Prado, and Maribel Cornejo. In the past, Judge Maribel Cornejo was the rapporteur for appeals related to the case.

    On December 16, Castillo filed a cassation appeal and a warning of unconstitutionality against the ruling of the Trial Court of November 9 that acquitted Martinelli of the crimes of interception of communications and monitoring, persecution, and surveillance without judicial authorization.

    The objective
    The appeal seeks to annul the last paragraph of article 179 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which establishes that “when a new trial is ordered against the accused who has already been acquitted by the contested judgment, and as a result of this new trial, he is acquitted, said sentence is not subject to any appeal ”.


  21. Quote

    Covid tests reveal one in four positive


    Posted 12/01/2022

    A total of eight deaths and 4,105 new covid-19 infections in the previous 24 hours were reported by the Ministry of Health on Wednesday, January 11.

    Two deaths of previous dates were reported, raising to 7,479 deaths in the pandemic so far, in the country.

    Active cases amount to 34,013. There are 339 hospitalized in the ward and 40 in the ICU.

    In the last hours, 16,502 tests were applied for positivity of 25%.


  22. Quote

    Woman 60, First  dengue death of  the year


    Minsa official spraying to kill mosquito larvae

    Posted 11/01/2022

    The first death of a person due to dengue at the beginning of 2022, was announced on Tuesday by, Israel Cedeño the director of the metropolitan health region.

    According to Cedeño, it is a woman over 60 years of age in the Tocumen area.

    He added that the woman had comorbidities and unfortunately did not seek help in time.

    Cedeño recalled that despite the fact that what is currently hitting the most is COVID-19, there is also dengue in Panama.

    He urged people to take care of themselves in time, to avoid complications.

    The same advice went to  covid-19 patients, to come in time and not to self-medicate.


  23. Quote

    Long lines for 127,000 anti- covid tests in 7 days


    Posted 11/01/2022

    Long lines for covid-19 swab tests continued from early morning throughout the weekend as concerns grow  about the new  omicron variant leading  to the fact that in the first epidemiological week of 2022 (January 2 to 8) they carried  127, 888 tests.

    Data, from the epidemiology reports of the Ministry of Health (Minsa),  reveal that during the first week of January 24,441 cases were confirmed, 19.11% positivity.

    Given the high demand for tests, the Ministry assures that they have enough to supply it and that the Medical Services Provision Directorate is preparing a new acquisition: approximately 300,000 n tests by immunofluorescence and 100,000 antigen tests by immunochromatography.

    The epidemiology reports of the Ministry show that there were four days in which more than 20,000 tests were carried out. Only on January 8, 23,789 were made,  with 20.2% positivity.

    The Ministry confirmed that the swab centers and health regions of the country have sufficient diagnostic tests to meet the current demand of people.

    Currently, Minsa has 40 swabbing centers in the country, and it is expected to open about 14 more in the next few days.

    The pediatrician, infectologist and clinical researcher Xavier Sáez-Llorens specified that with the Omicron variant the person can experience symptoms earlier —2-4 days after infection—, so it is better to perform the test on day 3-4 and repeat it in case of strong suspicion (intimate contact with a case of Covid-19 or presence of suggestive symptoms).

    Sáez-Llorens stated that the country is going to have great transmissibility because the virus replicates in the upper airways such as the nose, pharynx and trachea.

    Given this scenario, he recommended avoiding mass activities (fairs, sporting and musical events).


  24. Quote

    Time  for Assembly  to act on court transparency ruling

    Posted 10/01/2022

    Transparency in public affairs is an issue ignored by the authorities, which is why sanctions against officials who seek management without accountability, without disclosing matters of a public nature, are becoming frequent.

    Recently, the Supreme Court has ruled on this lack of transparency. Such is the case of the mayor of San Miguelito and the National Assembly, especially the latter, which has denied La Prensa public information, for which the Court has ruled against it, forcing it to be more transparent. The law is very clear, but they use tricks to circumvent it, without success this time.

    Now, the Court has declared that the information on the identity of the people hired, their functions and the result of their supposed work is of a public nature. The Assembly alleged confidentiality and protection of personal information on form 172 - the cash back - to deny it, after the Executive approved a loan to pay it $8 million in the middle of the pandemic. We hope that the deputies deliver the information and stop giving excuses for not being held accountable for their actions. - LA PRENSA, Jan. 10.


  25. Quote

    21 passengers detected with covid-19 at Tocumen


    Posted 10/01/2022

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa)  reported on January 9 that  21 passengers who arrived at Tocumen International Airport in the preceding 24 hours had tested positive for covid-19 raising the total detected since the terminal resumed its activities in October 2020to 2,829.

    The protocol established by the Panamanian health authorities was applied to these passengers.

    The same day 4 ,066 new infections of Covid-19 were registered throughout the country.


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