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Members - News Boquete
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Everything posted by NewsLady

  1. LATE NOTICE For a few weeks during the rainy season..... Home Church International will be meeting at 10:am on Fridays For location and directions, call Paul/Susana Allen at 6792 1898 Call also for individual prayer and ministry or email at: yeshuapa@yahoo.com homechurchintl.com HAVE A BLESSED DAY!
  2. Dear Boquete Community, You are cordially invited to our clearance yard sale, next Saturday the 31rst. Come early from 8 am to 11 am and take the items and clothes you need for very low prices. This time we will only have drinks and snacks for sale and will end everything at 11. The Handicap Foundation is a blue building with red roof across the road (more or less) from Skateworld. It's on the East side of the road. Thank you. Rodny Moreno F
  3. Dear Valued Costumers Due to our Homeland festivities, We will be closed during the following days shown below. Tuesday Nov. 3rd Wednesday Nov. 4th Thursday Nov. 5th Tuesday Nov. 10th Saturday Nov. 28th We really appreciate your comprehension. Arturo González MBE Boquete TEL. 011 (507) 720-2684 | FAX: 011 (507) 720-1019 Central Avenue, Don Andres Bldg. Suite # 2 Boquete, Chiriqui, Republic of Panama www.mbe-ca.com
  4. Remember to come to BCP this Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 1:00-3:00 Volunteers will be on hand to sell all BCP Members tickets to the upcoming Comedies in the Theater at a $3 savings per ticket. Shows are Nov.19-22nd at varying times. Not a member yet?... we can sign you up. $10-$100 Annual memberships available. It’s easy. All funds go back into the BCP Theater and Events Center. Thanks for your support. contact membersbcp@gmail.com for more information General Admission Tickets go on sale at Mail Boxes Etc. on Nov. 4th and at the Tuesday Mkt.
  5. I Style Salon, is pleased to announce our October-November Promotions. Promotion # 1- Massage Therapy + Manicure-Pedicure Spa (Using OPI, MASGLOW,SHELLA products)...$ 50.00Promotion # 2 - Massage Therapy + Facial (Using our Pevonia Product)....$50.00Promotion # 3 - Massage Therapy + Hair Cut+L'Oreal and Chi-Kerastase treatment + Blower)....$ 50.00 Our Promotion is valid through November 30th, 2015. To Make an appointment please contact Mimi 6-034-9842 or Iquella 6-478-0760 For an appointment...We are located at Edificio Kadini, at the back of the parking lot of the Global Bank
  6. This is an addendum to yesterday's report on the BCP meeting of Minister of Security Rodolfo Aguilera. I am posting this partly because of a possible misunderstanding about what the Minister said and more importantly, because the subject of juvenile crime is so much on our minds after the tragedy of Marion Clamp and others. If you would like to see these laws changed, see below. My original report stated that: "UN treaties supersede national law, so getting it changed will be difficult. " Well-informed reader Judy Sacco pointed out correctly that this is not the case: "A UN treaty does not supersede national laws. Specifically, the UN has no capacity or ability to threaten a country’s sovereignty." In the Minister's own words: "There is a juvenile crime law in Panama which is very soft - UN standards. These standards are drafted by Europeans, and..." [He jokes that he received his Master's Degree in England and that he knows how the Europeans think about these things. In my interpretation, the Europeans do not necessarily understand the lack of "social safety nets" here in Panama] "Congressman Samil [last name unintelligible] from David is the one who is leading the path for those congressmen who are willing to change the law. It means precautionary measures to incapacitate those juvenile criminals. We have to do it because the law has become an incentive for criminal gangs, so they [the minors] become the operating arm of bigger [criminal gangs].... I cannont change the law because I am not a legislator, but I know that Athena, your [deputada] here in the Boquete, Dolega and Gualaca regions is [active in this] and my brother is the congressman for the Volcan/Bugaba area... and it's important that initiative. The problem is we have signed treaties with UN standards and Panama treaties are a higher guarantee than law - so they would have to find a way to circumvent that problem. But I totally agree with you - we need more strict rules when it comes to juvenile gangs." [what is the difference between treaty compliance and loss of sovereignty?] What conclusions can we draw? First, we are well represented here in Chiriqui (and at the highest levels of government) in regard to this problem. Second, we have an obligation as expats to participate in the process of change. While we don't vote and most don't pay taxes, there is something concrete we can do to influence change in the law. In Panama, petitions carry weight in the political process. At the recent community meeting in Potrerillos, over 165 signatures were gathered on a petition to encourage changes in the criminal laws. These were forwarded to Athena with her gratitude. Next Saturday each and every one of us can go to the Chiriqui Storage Flea Market and sign a petition urging the legislators to change the criminal laws regarding juvenile offenders. -- Mark Heyer
  7. What a deal! For a $10 donation to Buenos Vecinos you get to sample at least 4 different appetizers, 12 different main dishes and 5 desserts. Then YOU get to vote which great cook did the best!! There will be a cash bar $1 beer, $2 wine, $3 mix drink, $1 bottled water and sodas, free coffee Thanks to the cooks for donating time and dishes. Some prize donors are: Isla Verde Spa 1 hour full body massage with MarkPerren-Jones Organica $50 gift Certificate Il Barolo dinner for 2 --
  8. Minister Rodolfo Aguilera requested that feedback to him go through his representative in Chiriqui: Gilberto Alvarez, Advisorgalvarez@minseg.gob.pa#6673-5090 Sr. Alvarez is a Panamanian who grew up in South Carolina so speaks fluent English.
  9. Do you need an official translation? I can provide English to Spanish or Spanish to English translations of rental contracts, contracts for purchase of real estate, powers of attorney , court documents or other documents as may be required. Please contact Jacky Fuentes, Public Translator, registered and licensed by the government of the Republic of Panama. Registration number 3764 of June 26, 2014 Email: jackylescure22@gmail.com / jacky.lescure@hotmail.com Jacqueline FuentesProfessor in Higher EducationAuthorized Public Translator
  10. OLE-Our Language Exchange Program Facilitator : Yaniris Yaniris is a bilingual ( Spanish & English) university graduate from the province...
  11. TICKETS FOR BCP MEMBER DISCOUNTS ALSO ON SALE WEDNESDAY Oct.28th AND THURSDAY, Oct 29th …. From 1:00-3:00 pm in the BCP Lobby. We hope you will join BCP and take advantage of the Savings. All funds are used to support the BCP Facility and its Events. Contact membersbcp@gmail.com for more information.
  12. My young Panamanian friend recently had a baby. Unfortunately, the physicians attending her at birth failed to correctly and cleanly close the Cesarean section they had to perform. This resulted in an accumulation of blood and infection and a nightmare to follow. After two weeks in the hospital with high doses of antibiotics she was sent home because it was too dangerous for her to remain in the hospital because of the pervasive bacterial contamination. She was provided with a machine which was to drain the accumulating blood and pus, but the drain was inadequate and she has become sicker and weaker. The family cannot afford the very expensive antibiotics and social security does not provide them or the pain medications she so desperately needs. They have frantically taken her back to the hospital because they are justifiably terrified that she will not survive at home. This is an added burden as transportation costs for her aunt who must be with her. Now she has been sent home again and is getting weaker and having difficulty breathing. I have given all I can financially and hope that some of you will be able to help. We are not talking about a large amount of money. About $500 would cover her needs at this point. Whatever is given I will portion out equally and return to you the portion that is more than what is needed. To say that the Panamanian health system is overburdened does not come close to the actual state of affairs. Please call or email me if you would like to help. It is not much for one person if many contribute a few dollars. Thank you to all who wish to help. Time is of the essence as she is in serious trouble. Evelyn Kendall evelynkendall@gmail.com 6752 2283
  13. The Boquete mayor, Emigdio Walker Vasquez has arranged for Panama's Minister of Security, Rodolfo Aguilera, to address the foreign community about security measures being taken in our area to combat crime. Sr. Aguilera would like to address the Boquete community at 10 AM in the BCP theater tomorrow (Tuesday). This meeting will immediately precede Lloyd Cripe's presentation about the weather. Please come to the theater before 10 AM for this important talk.
  14. Last minute meeting announcement. The Boquete mayor, Emigdio Walker Vasquez has arranged for Panama's Minister of Security, Rodolfo Aguilera, to address the foreign community about security measures being taken in our area to combat crime. Sr. Aguilera would like to address the Boquete community at 10 AM in the BCP theater tomorrow (Tuesday). This meeting will immediately precede Lloyd Cripe's presentation about the weather. Please come to the theater before 10 AM for this important talk.
  15. YES, MORE GREAT NEWS FROM ROTARY OUR BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR IS OUT! You will love the pictures. one the the best souvenirs, presents, also it has the Emergency phone numbers at your fingers tips. We have a few great projects to help our community 100% of the Funds we get from the sale of the calendars goes to school projects. PLACES YOU CAN GET THE CALENDARS TODAY: -MBE ( Mail Boxes Etc.) and -SUGAR & SPICE. Coming soon more places where to buy them. Tomorrow we will have them at THE TUESDAY MARKET From 9:00 am to noon. Please stop by the Rotary Table, we will be happy to answer any questions about Rotary THE PRICE OF THE CALENDAR IS $10.00.- THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT CLUB ROTARIO DE BOQUETE.
  16. Tuesday, October 27 – Lloyd Cripe the founder and operator of www.Boqueteweather.com will give a talk entitled: Boquete Weather: Things are changing. He will review the history of the weather station and the development of the website. Data will be presented demonstrating the changes in weather over the course of 8 years. The most likely causes will be presented as well as the challenges of the future. This is the third presentation he has given over the course of 10 years of living here. Come and see what he has learned. Tuesday, Nov. 3 – Panama Independence Day; no meeting
  17. Boquete, Panama26 October 2015 NEW VEHICLES AND CRIME FIGHTING EMPHASIS FOR BOQUETE By Bob Gregory This morning at the Palacio Municipio of Boquete an impressive array of government officials assembled to speak about a new emphasis for security for the Districts of Boquete, Dolega and Gualaca, including presentation of a large stable of brand new vehicles.. Alto al Crimen was represented at the invitation of Mayor Millo Vasquez. Support your local police and other officials, and also please support Alto al Crimen as it continues to work for a safer Boquete.Minister of Security Rodolfo Aguilera specifically mentioned that he supports the garita at the Caldera Road junction, but he told me that the project requires coordination with MOP and the Transito Police. Mayor Vasquez told me the same thing. After the speeches from the dais, all the dignitaries went into the plaza for presentation of the keys to all the new vehicles. There are six new pickup trucks, two new 4 X 4 ATV's and six new motorcyles. This was a very significant event and possibly a turning point in the security of all the residents of the District of Boquete. In his speech, Minister of Security Aguilera emphasized that the foreign population of Boquete is an important part of the district and that the security of regular tourists and residential tourists deserves strong attention. Alto al Crimen was pleased to participate in this event. All the officials were congenial and are behind these improvements.
  18. Offshore Tax Compliance Programs Bring In $8 Billion For the IRS To my American friends in Boquete: The IRS recently put out a press release about their offshore compliance programs (reprinted below). They've had tremendous success in rooting out undeclared foreign assets, using the tools afforded to them under FATCA and the intergovernmental agreements. The time is now to come forward and declare your assets in Panama. As I discussed in my presentation a few months ago, for most of you this will be a painless process; through the streamlined offshore submission procedures, you can get back into compliance with zero or minimal penalties. Those of you with bank accounts, rental properties, corporations, and foundations in Panama should all be considering this program, even if these assets don't generate any income. Penalties for noncompliance are severe, and due to the IRS's recent success it will continue to take enforcement action. I encourage any of you needing to do this to get in contact with me for a free initial consultation. I can take care of everything for you, from start to finish, for as little as $1,000 for straightforward cases. This is significantly cheaper than having an accountant or attorney in the United States handle this for you. Thank you. Don Joffe, CPA International Accounting Services, LLC +1 (765) 236-6739 don@intlaccounting.com ============================================= OFFSHORE COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS GENERATE $8 BILLION; IRS URGES PEOPLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE PROGRAMS Oct. 16, 2015 WASHINGTON — With more than 54,000 taxpayers coming in to participate in offshore disclosure programs since 2009, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded U.S. taxpayers with undisclosed offshore accounts that they should strongly consider existing paths established to come into full compliance with their federal tax obligations. Both the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) and the streamlined procedures enable taxpayers to correct prior omissions and meet their federal tax obligations while mitigating the potential penalties of continued non-compliance. There are also separate procedures for those who have paid their income taxes but omitted certain other information returns. “The groundbreaking effort around automatic reporting of foreign accounts has given us a much stronger hand in fighting tax evasion,” said IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. “People with undisclosed foreign accounts should carefully consider their options and use available avenues, including the offshore program and streamlined procedures, to come back into full compliance with their tax obligations.” Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and the network of intergovernmental agreements (IGAs)between the U.S. and partner jurisdictions, automatic third-party account reporting began this year, making it less likely that offshore financial accounts will go unnoticed by the IRS. In addition to FATCA and reporting through IGAs, the Department of Justice’s Swiss Bank Program continues to reach non-prosecution agreements with Swiss financial institutions that facilitated past non-compliance. As part of these agreements, banks provide information on potential non-compliance by U.S. taxpayers. Potential civil penalties increase substantially if U.S. taxpayers associated with participating banks wait to apply to OVDP to resolve their tax obligations. OVDP offers taxpayers with undisclosed income from offshore accounts an opportunity to get current with their tax returns and information reporting obligations. The program encourages taxpayers to voluntarily disclose foreign accounts now rather than risk detection by the IRS at a later date and face more severe penalties and possible criminal prosecution. Since OVDP began in 2009, there have been more than 54,000 disclosures. The IRS has collected more than $8 billion from this initiative. The streamlined procedures, initiated in 2012, were developed to accommodate a wider group of U.S. taxpayers who have unreported foreign financial accounts but whose circumstances substantially differed from those taxpayers for whom the OVDP requirements were designed. More than 30,000 taxpayers have used streamlined procedures to come back into compliance with U.S. tax laws. Two-thirds of these have used the procedures since the IRS expanded the eligibility criteria in June 2014. Separately, based on information obtained from investigations and under the terms of settlements with foreign financial institutions, the IRS has conducted thousands of offshore-related civil audits that have produced tens of millions of dollars. The IRS has also pursued criminal charges leading to billions of dollars in criminal fines and restitutions. The IRS remains committed to stopping offshore tax evasion wherever it occurs. Even though the IRS has faced several years of budget reductions, the agency continues to pursue cases in all parts of the world.
  19. TVChiriqui.com is pleased to announce that the Web Cams in the Boquete Park can now be viewed at www.BoqueteAlcalde.com (Camaras en Vivo) and www.TVChiriqui.com (Camaras en Vivo) Please use Chrome to view the Web Cams We hope that you find our productions both interesting and informative. TV Chiriqui
  20. TVChiriqui.com is pleased to announce the posting of Maria Ruiz’s Guest Commentary regarding Alcalde Emigdio Walker Vasquez’s August, 2015 Video Report The Video can be viewed at www.BoqueteAlcalde.com (Videos) and www.TVChiriqui.com (Alcalde de Boquete) DR. MARIA RUIZ CEO of Special Projects, Casa Ruiz, S.A. Dr. Maria Ruiz has more than 30 years of experience working in the Panamanian coffee industry, including growing, green processing, roasting, tasting, and product development. She has participated in many activities at a national level as a representative of the private sector. She has also represented Panama in international forums such as the Specialty Coffee Association of America, Specialty Coffee Association of Japan, and the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe. Currently she is the CEO of special projects with Casa Ruiz, S.A., in Boquete, Panama. We hope that you find our productions both interesting and informative. TV Chiriqui
  21. Start your day off great by having a relaxed breakfast at Re Pomodoro Coffee, cappuccino and delicious cookies Re Pomodoro, Plaza los Establos, Boquete Follow us on Facebook
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