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  1. BOOK STUDY This book group offers an opportunity to explore non-dual teachings and provides support for participants in their own spiritual quests. Sunday, March 12 we will begin a study of The Sound of Silence: The Selected Teachings of Ajahn Sumedho Ajahn Sumedho was the first westerner to undergo training in the Thai Forest Tradition. From 1967-77 he trained under Ajahn Chah at Wat Nong Pah Pong. He has come to be regarded as the latter's most influential Western disciple. His teachings are very direct, practical, simple, and down to earth. In his talks and sermons he stresses the quality of immediate intuitive awareness and the integration of this kind of awareness into daily life. Like most teachers in the Forest Tradition, Ajahn Sumedho tends to avoid intellectual abstractions of the Buddhist teachings and focuses almost exclusively on their practical applications, that is, developing wisdom and compassion in daily life. His most consistent advice can be paraphrased as to see things the way that they actually are rather than the way that we want or don't want them to be ("Right now, it's like this..."). He is known for his engaging and witty communication style, in which he challenges his listeners to practice and see for themselves. Students have noted that he engages his hearers with an infectious sense of humor, suffused with much loving kindness, often weaving amusing anecdotes from his experiences as a monk into his talks on meditation practice and how to experience life ("Everything belongs"). You are welcome to join us Sunday March 12 at 10:30 a.m. We will have an introduction to the book as well as food to share. There are no charges of any kind. If you are interested please call Evelyn at 6752-2283 or email evelynkendall@gmail.com for more information and directions.
  2. 10:30 in the BCP Theater Tuesday, March 7 -- Allison Tilluma will speak about detoxification of the body, how the body naturally detoxifies, why it is necessary, and what we can do to support it in a nourishing and natural way. Allison is a local massage therapist, herbalist, and yoga teacher. She has been specializing in alternative medicine for the past 10 years after realizing Western medicine was not effectively treating her issues. Tuesday, March 14 – David MacKenzie will speak on “Diseases Are Your Friends” and are messages from your body (and God). Medicines are unnatural and toxic and just kill the messenger. David believes the great majority of diseases are caused by diet and lifestyle and we all need to know the biologically correct diet. Tuesday, March 21 – “Saving Your Brain” by local resident Ted Harrison, MD. Dr. Ted will tell us how to help avoid Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, etc. as you grow older. Tuesday, March 28 – Kevin Fisher aka “Sparky” will give a talk/demonstration on cutting edge light based wellness technology. These products are used for appetite control, cell repair, detoxification, sleep, pain relief, energy, stress, and inflammation control. FREE ADMISSION Tuesday, April 4 – Mike Petersen (BS Mathamatics and BS Information Technology) presents “The Universe, Q&A”. He will entertain questions about the Universe, regardless of content. Mike has made a life-long study of Cosmology and associated topics, and know that a Q&A on this subject would garner many, many questions. Many will not be answerable, but that is one of the points. Tuesday, April 11 – Four Boquete authors present their works: James Fletcher - Poetry (https://www.amazon.com/Poems-Terra-James-Thomas-Fletcher/dp/153771113X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1481402495&sr=8-1&keywords=james+thomas+fletcher) Byron Edgington - Biography or essay (https://www.amazon.com/Vietnam-Anthem-What-War-Gave-ebook/dp/B01NAI0LFO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1482844730&sr=1-1&keywords=a+vietnam+anthem) Gabrielle Reynolds - Fiction (in progress) Tuesday, April 18 – Scott Yates will speak about the attributes and use of treated bamboo in construction of affordable kit houses already built and available here in Boquete. These are lightweight, ultra strong, energy efficient, quiet homes that are ultra low waste with natural light and beauty. Designs are available in ultra low cost 400 sq ft to luxurious 1800 sq ft homes. FREE ADMISSION Tuesday, April 25 – Jim Kavney will tell us about snakes in Panama – the good, the bad and the ugly. Jim’s love of Reptiles began when he was a youngster in New York and he became a Herper for life. He’s collected and studied snakes ever since and even worked a summer job with Ross Allen, one of the best-known herpetologist in the U.S. in the fifties. Jim’s goal is to teach us to identify and to not automatically kill the snakes we find in our yards and fields. Tuesday, May 2 – Dr. Bill McGraw will give a talk on the research he has done on coral reefs of Panama. Dr Bill Has been studying coral reefs in Panama for over 5 years and has documented the effects of the most intense el nino (2015-2017) in the past 25 years that has caused increased ocean temperatures and bleaching of coral (newaquatechpanama.com). He has visited every major reef system in Panama and has a scientific paper published in the Journal of Reef Encounters, regarding the el nino effect on corals at the Secas Islands., Did you know that corals have been reported to have been reduced by 50% in the Caribbean area of Panama during the past 30 years? Thankfully, although there has been widespread coral mortality, corals have found a way to adapt and survive the higher temperatures. Come and find out how they are doing it and what we can do to ensure the survival of one of the planet's greatest treasures. Go here to read more about Dr. McGraw’s work in Panama saving the shrimping industry and visit his website at www.newaquatechpanama.com Tuesday, May 9 – Evolution of the sports of Rock Climbing & Slacklining in Panama in general and Boquete in particular. Program presented by Cesar Augusto Melendez - Panama's first proffessional rock Climber & Sponsored World athlete and Ruben Dario Camarena - Panama's first Highliner. The presentation will include photos and videos. www.panamarockclimbing.blogspot.com Tuesday, July 4 – Tom McCormack will tell us all about Panamanian legends, wives tales, myths, and superstitions. This is a very entertaining talk and will teach us all something about this place we call home. . To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, email facilitymanagerbcp@gmail.com
  3. Please join us on Sunday as we try to raise money for Roger’s much needed surgery. Looking forward to seeing all of our wonderful Boquete musicians participate in this very worthy cause.
  4. To the American Community, First I would like to thank all 43 of you who took the time to respond to the request from the Consulate to relate your concerns about living in Boquete and Panama. They have all been forwarded to Mr. Tran and the American Citizens Section for their attention. One of the more prevalent themes was ‘justice for American Citizens’. I realize that things seem to move very slowly, or not at all in this area and there are really two issues – does the system work poorly for all in Panama, or only US citizens? (I would also ask that you keep in mind that Panama law is based not on English ‘common law’ which you are more used to, but rather on codified law) I would respond to this , after living here and raising our family for 44 years, that the system does sometimes work poorly, but it does so for all residents of Panama. In the multiple interactions I have had with the Police and justice system (generally involving US citizens), I’ve always been struck by the thoughtfulness and courtesy extended to US citizens – well beyond that of the general population. Second, below you will find a note from Mr. Kenneth Hoelfle which I have taken the liberty of forwarding to you all. I think he expresses the feelings of many. This morning I had the unusual opportunity to address at least one of his concerns. The contract for installing sewers and water systems in Boquete is a joint operation between two contractors, CUSA and Aprocosa. The former is the largest , oldest and most professional in the country. The latter, less so. The latter has the job of actually doing the work. This morning I had a conversation with one of the CUSA engineers who also has the contract to complete the Ruta Sur from Palmira to Potrerillos. He pointed out two things. First, that the contract includes a complete repaving of all the Boquete streets. Second, the fresh water lines will be installed between the asphalt roadway and the sidewalk (sometimes called a ‘parking strip’). I hope this answers some questions. Regards, Price Peterson Warden Emeritus. From: Kenneth R. Hoefle [mailto:krhoefle@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 8:28 AM To: price peterson Subject: Re: [News Boquete] Concerns and Issues of the US Community Mr Peterson - Concerns and questions about the outlook, detail and project steps of our sewer and water construction project, that have virtually destroyed all of bajo Boquete's Streets, have grown to a crescendo and need answering. People are leaving, while others who visit comment that Boquete is a third world wasteland, not a mountain jewel with promise. Rumors swirl, as facts are absent. These rumors result in residents and visitors having fears of years without results. Rumors that construction, from the same contractors who have left Puerto armuelles roads a disaster, abound. Others refer to the years long police and clinic project in Alto Boquete as proof we'll never be finished with a quality outcome. Anger and worries are the talk of everyone.... not a few, but all who frequent, or live in, or near bajo Boquete's mess and the community needs answers and hope. Respectfully, Kenneth R. Hoefle Panama cell: 507.6393.6420 Email: krhoefle@gmail.com Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama
  5. GARAGE SALE: Saturday 4 Mar from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. vicinity Los Naranjos, yellow house in front of Mi Jardin. Bubba
  6. The Three Great Temptations of Christ are the subject of the sermon for this First Sunday of Lent at San Juan Bautista Church. The English service, for all faiths, is at 9:00 a.m. The Temptations of Christ - All Faiths Service
  7. Hey Folks, it's on and happening. This Sunday from 10 til 1. Free admission to the public, the greatest flea market around! Buy and sell, all kinds of stuff from garden hoses to trees, clothing to hammers, ozone machines to clean the air in your home, to household goods. You never know what you will find, but there will be Penny's $1 hot dogs and other food vendors. Come join the fun. Where: Chiriqui Storage When: Sunday March 6 Time: 10am until 1pm Direction: km17 northbound, km20 southbound Boquete road, 1.5 north of Dolega To reserve a table or a space, email chiriquistorage@gmail.com or show up at the gate at 9 AM
  8. Garage House Furnishings Moving Sale We have the following, and more, for prompt sale on March 11th and 12th from 9:00 am – 11:30 am. Sofa, standard size, Green Color, (70" X 31" x 36") - $75 Triple Dresser Mfgr. Ethan Allen, 9 drawers, 66" X 19" X 32" - $175 Whirlpool Refrigerator 16 cuft, only 6 mos old - $425 Whirlpool Washer & Dryer, Large Capacity - $400/Both. Stove, Mfgr. Nisato, 6 burner w/oven - $160. Panasonic Microwave - $30. TV Bookshelf Stand ( 6'3" x 13') (can be separated into two halves) - $55 HP 3 in 1 Printer (no Ink) - $30 Triple Dresser Mfgr. Ethan Allen, 9 drawers, 66" X 19" X 32" - $175 Directions: At Cefati Tourist Center building on main Boquete highway turn up Volcansito Road which is directly across from Cefati. Proceed uphill past Santa Lucia sub-division entrance (on the left), around a right curve and left curve and onward until you see Capilla Rosa Mystica where you turn right. We are the first black gate on the left which is about 300 yards from the chapel. Parking will be before the house on the left, and after the house on the right. Please telephone to express interest in particular items. Prices are negotiable. Cellular: 507-6737-5485
  9. Your Last Chance for Medical and Aesthetic Laser Therapy At the end of this month Drs. Harrison and Andrew are heading back to Canada - and taking their laser with them. If you've been putting it off, now is the time to make that appointment! They can fix: Ugly Toenails Medications for nail fungus are expensive; have side effects; and rarely work well. Our laser goes right through the nail and kills the fungus dead. Quick, painless, cheaper and safer than a course of anti-fungal medication. Skin Rashes Psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, melasma and acne can be unsightly and even disfiguring. Laser treatments can dramatically diminish these rashes and clear up your skin. Spots Age spots, “liver spots”, "sun spots" and other pigmented lesions rapidly fade after laser treatment. Veins Small spider veins and cherry angiomas disappear with one or two laser treatments. Warts and skin tags Sure, you could have these removed with surgery, but why go to the trouble when laser treatment is so much easier, faster and painless? For an appointment in Boquete please call Dra. Digna Diaz at 6615-6740 For questions, pricing, or more information send your email to: questions "at" bajareque.com.
  10. Dear Boquete Weather Watchers: The weather data for the months of January and February have been posted at the website and a new Boquete Weather Watcher Update No. 95 published. You can access them via the website or at this link. Lloyd Cripe www.boqueteweather.com
  11. Sunday movies are back on track - we have pushed out the schedule one week. As many of you know, the La Villa Coffee Lounge is no more, but BCP is working on finding new proprietors for the facility and its restaurant. In the meantime, volunteers are helping by providing the basics and keeping the facility and restaurant open The movie starts at 1pm. Early birds get the comfy sofas, but if you like, you can bring cushions for the hard restaurant chairs, or folding/camp chairs for more comfort. There is no admission charge, but we ask for voluntary donations to support the program and help pay for the video system. -------------- Upcoming movies - details about each film will be sent out during the week before the screening. March 5: Brooklyn (2015) (Rated PG-13) March 12: Manchester by the Sea (2016 - U.S.) March 19: Tracks (2013 - Australia) March 26: Buena Vista Social Club (1999) ------------- The film tells the of the internal struggles of a young Irish woman who moved to the U.S. in 1951 to start a new life in a place with more opportunity. As the story progresses, the lead character has to decide whether to stay in her adopted place or return to stay in Ireland for family reasons. Description: (From the Roger Ebert Website - LINK): "Brooklyn" is the story of "Eilis Lacey, a young woman from a working family circa 1950. She’s bright, open and industrious, and there’s not much meaningful opportunity for her in her small Irish town. An Irish priest visiting from the United States sponsors Eilis for a job in the book’s title borough, and Tóibín beautifully tells of her uncomfortable crossing, her loneliness and alienation in her new world, how she finds her own way and finds romance, and what happens after she’s called back to her old home—away from the place where she’s been working so hard to make good." "The director and screenwriter have been gifted with an extraordinary lead actor. In the role of Eilis, Saoirse Ronan is as alert, intelligent, and emotionally alive as the character herself. Ronan, herself a native of Ireland, has, in this movie, put on a very, if you’ll excuse the expression, Irish-girl face: open, clear-eyed, with a not-hard jawline that’s nonetheless set with a certain kind of determination. It’s the furthest thing from forbidding, but it also sends a clear message: she’ll brook no nonsense." "Eilis is called back to her home to cope with a family tragedy. As much as she’s come to love her new life, the forces of homesickness and guilt, as well as the attentions of the kind, handsome local fellow Jim Farrell (Domhnall Gleeson, ...cause no small confusion for Eilis. Her inner conflict is played out with terrific sensitivity and understatement, but the director and the actors deliver the final click of the plot’s tumblers with no small emotional force. It’s a quietly devastating moment that, like much else in the movie, has a resonance that extends far beyond its immediate circumstances." "The persistent feeling that this movie so beautifully creates is that even when the world is bestowing blessings upon us, it’s still at the bottom a sad place, and the key to an emotionally healthy existence involves some rooted acceptance of that. The movie ends with Eilis having made some substantial steps to that accepting place, and also determined to move purposefully forward." David Van Harn Boquete Film Club Curator Link to trailer
  12. YOU Learn how to Move and the Dynamics of Great Posture! As we age our body becomes stiffer. Becoming more rigid, we lose contact with how to move our pelvis and hips. Often our shoulders lose their range of motion, as do our other joints. As our muscles tighten, our chest recedes, our back rounds, our belly pooches, we lose theability to move our head and neck equally in both directions. All too often, we're unable to balance and feel centered and grounded as we stand on one foot and leg. As a remedy... Welcome to the Movement System of Pilates! Re-learn how to activate your pelvis and hips. Experience your core! Increase your range of motion and the ability to move throughout your body. Expand beyond the limited patterns you've unconsciously developed over time. Regain the freedom of greater physical ease and fluidity. You may not restore the natural, total physical ease you experienced as a child, but with practice you can certainly improve! All it takes is awareness, discipline and practice. After all, it's your body we're talking about... the vessel we have to navigate this great life we have to live. Wouldn't you like to feel more free, at ease and at home in your body? Come to Pilates at the Haven and not only learn a great system of exercise. Learn how to naturally move to do everything you physically do better! Even just standing or sitting. Ongoing 75 minute classes every Monday, Wednesday & Friday, from 8:30- 9:45 a.m. Begin anytime! Pay by the class - $8, or Purchase 4 classes for $30, or Unlimited classes for the month for $72. All props- Mats, different size balls, stretchy bands, and magic circles provided. Have your own yoga mat? Bring it to be guaranteed 2 mats for when we go down to the floor. Questions? Email Susan Clare, Certified Instructor in both Pilates & Yoga with 25 yrs. teaching experience, at suzeclare@gmail.com * And Do Know- One need not be a member of the Haven to partake of Classes and Spa services. Come to the Haven to Improve your Health and Get in shape!
  13. Welcome to The Garden Brisket Specials & More Back by popular demand and meeting your request, we are proud to say Texas Style Brisket and Smoked or Baked Trout Specials are being served today and Friday. Today and Friday! We will have these wonderful specials: Brisket Tacos Smoked or Baked Trout served with Rosemary Potatoes Chicken Pot Pie Don’t forget to try Sarah Anne’s fresh baked apple pie We found an 'Ol' fashioned' ice cream maker and decided to try our hand at it. Three words simply describe the finished product "Ridiculously, Crazy Delicious!" This week we will offer: Oreos Cookies and Cream Vanilla Choco Chip Coffee We would love to here your positive comments on Tripadvisor, so others can find us and enjoy our little niche in Boquete as well. Please click on the link below to leave us your awesome review! https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g298424-d10838879-Reviews-The_Garden_Restaurant_Country_Store-Boquete_Chiriqui_Province.html Thanks for all of your support, we are really close to open our new space next door, it will have some awesome surprises. See you in The Garden.
  14. N&N Catering is offering a new dessert for dinner parties.....CANNOLI, every bit home made by the N&N Baker, Nancy Halbert. Nancy cell 6857-9536 Boquete, Panama
  15. John R Hampton BJBF Cinematographer NotSereyus Productions
  16. Fun & Unique Yoga Experiences and Socials in March Presented by BeAYogaUnicorn.com Sundays at Big Daddy's Grill (back patio): 10:15am - Enjoy a 45 minute vinyasa flow followed by unlimited mimosas (or Bloody Mary's) until 1pm. Every Sunday! No RSVP required. Only $15 for yoga and bottomless beverages. Yoga Under The Stars & Pool Side now being offered at Lucero: Fridays at 5:30pm & Saturdays at 10:00am. No RSVP required. $5 per class with purchase of a tasty beverage or meal at Season's Restaurant. Yoga for Strength and Balance - 6 week series on Tuesdays starting March 7 at 8:30am - Oriana Park, Alto Boquete (directions provided, overlooking Volcan Baru): Enjoy a slow, deep style of yoga practice where we'll hold the positions for several breaths thereby increasing our strength and improving our balance. All levels welcome. $35 for the 6 week course. Make-up classes available during the 6 weeks. Email: Team@beayogaunicorn.com to RSVP. Payment due at first session. Partner Yoga & Spa Day at Los Molinos on Saturday, March 11 starting at 10:30am Enjoy a unique Partner Yoga Course followed by lunch, massage, gym use, and pool time at Los Molinos. $65 per couple. RSVP & Prepayment required (minimum number of RSVPs necessary to proceed.) Email Team@beayogaunicorn.com to RSVP & info.
  17. There seems to be a misconception among some of the local restaurants with regard to the jubilado discount, and customers do not challenge it when they are told that “certain foods or specific plates are ‘specials’ and therefore pensionado discounts do not apply.” There is nothing in Law 6 that allows this type of discrimination and there is no distinction about so called “specials”. The only reference in the law is when a restaurant offers something at a promotional discount (which is less than the regular daily price), in which case the jubilado has the right to choose whether to accept the promotional discount or the jubilado discount. However, to make this selection, one has to know both the regular price of the specific food and the discounted price in order to determine which discount is more beneficial to the jubilado. Just to name something a “special” and deny the jubilado discount is not legal and any restaurant (other than those exempted by law) refusing to honor the spirit of Law 6 should be reported to ACODECO. The law is very explicit, and the recipients of the benefits of the law are not only Panamanians, but also foreigners living in Panama. It does not apply to tourists. On a different subject, although somewhat related to restaurants, Law 34 of August 2, 2016, establishes that a tip is voluntary, and the restaurant cannot include it automatically with the total amount of the check. Law 6 of June 16, 1987 Benefits for Retirees, Pensioners and Senior Citizens Text has been updated as amended by Law 18 of 1989, Law 15 of 1992, Law 37 of 2001, Law 14 of 2003, Law 51 of 2005 and Law 30 of 2008. January 2011 edition Article 1 – Benefits - Section 4. Discount of 25% of the value of individual food for consumption in any restaurant, except those considered as fondas (taverns), which do not require a commercial license to operate. It is important to stress that the discount applies only to the individual consumption of the beneficiary of the law, no matter who pays the restaurant bill. The benefit is not transferable and it does not apply to the entire check, even when the retiree pays the entire bill. Individual consumption means the main course, which may or may not include appetizer, dessert and drink, as long as it is purchased for the consumption of the beneficiary. However, if the beneficiary just wants dessert, cold or hot drink the restaurant is not required to give the discount. This discount does not apply to home-delivery orders. Fondas are not obliged to give this discount provided that they do not require a permit of operation. For purposes of the beneficiaries of this section it shall be deemed “fonda” that establishment that has no more than six tables and does not sell alcoholic beverages. Also, street carts selling food are considered fondas. The fact that an establishment selling food is called a "fonda" does not mean it is, as long as it has a license to operate, it must grant the 25% discount (in case of a promotion, the beneficiary must choose one or the other, the promotional discount or the jubilado discount). Parece que hay una idea errónea entre algunos de los restaurantes locales con respecto al descuento de jubilado, y los clientes no los desafían cuando les dicen que "ciertos alimentos o platos específicos son ‘especiales’ y por lo tanto los descuentos de pensionado no se aplican". No hay nada en la Ley 6 que permita este tipo de discriminación y no hay distinción entre los llamados "especiales". La única referencia en la ley es cuando un restaurante ofrece algo con un descuento promocional (que es menor que el precio diario regular), en cuyo caso el jubilado tiene el derecho de elegir entre el descuento promocional o el descuento jubilado. Sin embargo, para hacer esta selección, uno tiene que saber tanto el precio regular de la comida específica y el precio con descuento a fin de determinar qué descuento es más beneficioso para el jubilado. Sólo nombrar algo como un "especial" y negar el descuento jubilado no es legal y cualquier restaurante (salvo los exentos por la ley) que se niega a honrar el espíritu de la Ley 6 debe ser reportado a ACODECO. La ley es muy explícita, y los beneficiarios de los beneficios de la ley no son sólo los panameños, sino también los extranjeros que viven en Panamá. No se aplica a los turistas. Sobre un tema diferente, aunque algo relacionado con restaurantes, la Ley 34 del 2 de agosto de 2016 establece que la propina es voluntaria, por lo que el restaurante no puede incluirla automáticamente en el precio total de la cuenta. LEY No. 6 de 16 de junio de 1987 En Beneficios de los Jubilados, Pensionados, y Tercera Edad Texto actualizado conforme ha sido reformado por la Ley 18 de 1989, Ley 15 de 1992, Ley 37 de 2001, Ley 14 de 2003, Ley 51 de 2005, y Ley 30 de 2008. Versión enero 2011 Artículo 1 – Beneficios - Sección 4. Descuento de 25% del valor del consumo individual de comida en cualquier restaurante, salvo aquellos considerados como fondas, que no requieran de licencia comercial para operar. Es importante recalcar que el descuento aplica únicamente al consumo individual del beneficiario de la Ley, sin importar quien pague la cuenta del restaurante. El beneficio no es transferible, ni aplicable a toda la cuenta, así y cuando el jubilado pague toda la cuenta. Se entiende por consumo individual la adquisición del plato fuerte, al cual puede o no sumarse la entrada, postre y bebida, siempre y cuando sea adquirida para la alimentación del beneficiario. Sin embargo, si el beneficiario solo adquiere un postre, bebida fría o caliente el comercio no está obligado a dar el descuento. Este descuento no aplica para pedidos a domicilio. No están obligados a dar este descuento las fondas, siempre y cuando no requieran de aviso de operación. Para efecto de los beneficiarios de este numeral, se considerará fonda aquella que no tiene más de seis mesas y no vendan bebidas alcohólicas. Igualmente se consideran fondas los carritos ambulantes de venta de comida. El hecho de que un establecimiento venda comida y se denomine “fonda”, no significa que lo es, puesto que si posee aviso de operación para operar, debe otorgar el descuento de 25% (en caso de oferta, el beneficiario puede acogerse a una de las dos, a la promoción o al descuento de jubilados).
  18. Hi, everyone! There are two great musical events taking place this weekend: one at Art Café with Andy Egert on Friday and one at Lucero with DeDe Wedekind, her handsome husband, Larry, and Nicole Hart on Sunday. Details below: THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 3RD BOQUETE ART CAFÉ PRESENTS: THE SOFTER SIDE OF ANDY EGERT - AN EVENING WITH THE BLUES The Swiss troubadour who rocked the Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival performs solo with songs from Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, B.B. King, S.B. Williamson, Johnny Winter, Canned Heat, Freddie King and many others. We even have a little preview of the show with DeDe Wedekind, her husband Larry, & Nicole Hart. Dinner seating begins at 6:00PM/Showtime 7PM Our Prix Fixe Concert Menu for Our Evening with Andy has something for everyone! Mixtus Salad: Organic lettuce, tomatoes, vegetables & walnuts served with our House vinaigrette. Your Choice of Entrée Beef Bourguignon: Fork-tender beef steeped in red wine and delicious vegetables. Served with potato purée. Fresh Tuna or Grouper: Prepared to order with Green Peppercorn Sauce. Served with steamed vegetables & rice. Mediterranean Duck: Leg & thigh braised in the Mediterranean style with tomatoes, onions, green olives, & spices. Served with potato purée. Vegetarian Lasagna: Luscious layers of lasagna baked with cheese, eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms & tomato. You will not leave hungry! The room is filling up very quickly with reserved guests: if you'd like to join us, email Lavendergirl8808@icloud.com. Concert & Dinner $25 - a fine deal! No discounts, please. THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 5TH From DeDe: Dear Friends & Fans, We'll be hosting a very Special Jazz Standards & Oldies show at Seasons Restaurant in Lucero (Alto Boquete), on Sunday March 5, from 5:30-8:30pm! We'll be performing a selection of all your favorite Jazz Standards, Blues, Motown, and some very well-known Great Oldies thrown in too! We hope you'll join us for dinner and/or drinks and dessert at the NEW Fabulous 5-Star rated Seasons Restaurant in Lucero. Reservations NOT REQUIRED, but recommended. Shuttle Service available from Boquete by request. 50% of the Proceeds benefit Food & Education for La Estrella Village Children Courtesy of DeDe, Larry, Nicole and Sandeep Lal & Lucero. We really hope to see you all there...It will be a warm intimate evening of great: food, drinks, music, views, friends & FUN! Call 507-730-8101 to reserve your table. Reservations email: info@lucero.com.pa. DeDe Wedekind: Texas & Lucero Singer Songwriter Nicole Hart: NYC & Art Café Jazz/Blues Diva! DeDe, Larry & Nicole Enjoy life! Enjoy music! DeDe:) New! “Dream of You” 2016 IMEA ALBUM of the YEAR: NOW Available! Indie Music Channel's BEST NEW Female ARTIST of the YEAR-2016! Two 2014 IMEA ALBUMS of the YEAR
  19. About "Stretching for EveryBODY" at The Haven The methods taught are gentle and easy, conforming to individual differences in muscle tension, flexibility, and age. You do not need to be in top physical condition or have specific athletic skills. No matter who you are the same techniques apply. —BOB ANDERSON, author of Stretching for Everyday Fitness and worked with the Broncos, the Jets, the Dodgers, etc... “We can learn a lot from animals. Watch a cat or dog. They instinctively know how to stretch. They do so spontaneously and responsibly, never over-stretching, as they naturally and continually tune up muscles they will have to use.” Why Stretch? — Proven Benefits Increases strength and flexibility in the spine, legs, wrists & fingers, elbows, shoulders, knees & hips Increases range of motion and mobility in all limbs Increases energy, promotes circulation, slows the aging process Reduces muscle tension & makes the body feel more relaxed Prevent injuries such as muscle strain Helps coordination by allowing for freer and easier movement Look younger, fresher, and be stronger It feels good! What’s Included? Three 75 Minute Sessions - Personal Instruction - Handouts Individual Stretching Routines for EveryBODY, especially those over 50: • First Thing in the Morning • Before & After Walking • Relief of Lower Back Tension or Pain • After Sitting for Long Periods • Simple Stretches You Can do While Watching TV We will also cover sport specific questions should there be any When? Monday Feb 6 10:30am - 11:45am Wed Feb 8 10:30am - 11:45am Friday Feb 10 10:30am - 11:45am Where? The Haven Hotel & Spa Yoga Center ~Maximum attendance is 8 ~ So Everyone receives personal attention. How Much? Suggested donation is $50 per person, which covers all 3 classes, all instruction, and all hand-outs. How do I Sign Up? Reply to Michael at mic1951co@gmail.com to RSVP, or stop by The Haven reception desk. If I am not available, the receptionist will take your reservation and donation. RSVP soon as space is limited! Questions? Email Michael at mic1951co@gmail.com Important Note! If you are unsure about beginning these exercises because of physical issues, please email me to schedule a 20 minute consultation. There is no fee for this consultation. If for any reason this is not for you I will tell you. mic1951co@gmail.com Yours in Health, Michael Private Sessions Available mic1951co@gmail.com
  20. This Friday from 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. at the Biblioteca Boquete (Library), there will be an "Ethnic Windows into Races and Colors" art exhibition. Complimentary coffee, snacks and wine will be provided.
  21. From Chiriquicito to the Continental Divide & Fortuna Reservoir by Honda NC700 YOUTUBE LINK:https://youtu.be/P4GqQnlvnok John R Hampton NotSereyus Productions
  22. SCHUMANN'S SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH By Reservation Only! This Sunday, March 5, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM What a great way to celebrate Sunday :-) ! Join us for a special Sunday brunch in an enchanted garden setting and enjoy a glass of Champagne on us :-) ! There is no better place to start your day! The Schumann's Team will be delighted to make your stay a memorable one! We are preparing for you a sumptuous, cold and hot buffet! Delicious Pâté de Foie de Volailles, House graved Salmon, Roasted Pork, Homemade Fettuccini, different Green Lettuce, Roasted Peppers, freshly baked Breads and Rolls, Home baked Cakes, delicious Desserts and much more! The Brunch is 35,00 USD per Person and includes: Cold and Warm Buffet, Coffee, Tea, Orange and Cranberry Juice, Breads and Rolls and Tax. All other alcoholic or non- alcoholic drinks like wine and beer can be purchased at the bar. We also serve you drinks by request. Please enjoy a complimentary glass of champagne (non exchangeable)! Please understand that we cannot serve children under the age of 15. This is a special event and therefore "Pensionado" discounts do not apply. Tickets can be purchased prior to the event at Mailboxes Boquete and directly at the SCHUMANN'S restaurant at Jardin Encantado. SCHUMANN'S Restaurant "the art of dining" at Jardin Encantado Alto Boquete, Volcancito Road 2nd private entry to the right after Casa Decor, Antique store Contact Phone: 6657-5555 Website: http://jardinencantado.com You received this email because you signed up on our website or made purchase from us. Unsubscribe
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