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  1. Amigos de Animales May 2017 Newsletter April Clinic Report On Sunday April 30, Amigos de Animales spayed or neutered 168 animals, 77 dogs and 91 cats. This was a very smooth running clinic, not too long for the animals to wake up, fast turnover of the tables, everyone out by 3. We were happy to welcome back Dr Cesar who has been ill and unable to come to the clinic for several months. We wish him a continued good recovery. We are privileged to spend time at the clinic with some wonderful animals and in many cases interact with their owners. They are proud of their pets, anxious for their recovery, and thankful for the service we provide. We see some big and fat and happy cats and some skinny and under-fed dogs. We care for them all and are often sad to see them on their way if they don’t have a home to go to, as might be the case with the animals brought by the collectors. Sometimes, a volunteer is so taken with the animalthey are working with they are adopted and taken to a new home. All this says is that we as volunteers care about the work we do, love the animals we work with, and hope for the best for a happy and safe life for them. I speak from experience as I fell in love with a sad scrawny starving puppy 6 years ago and now he is my best friend. He was brought in by a collector, and we thank them for their care in finding and bringing animals to us at the clinic. The next clinic will be on Sunday May 28. For an appointment, contact Magaly at 6563-8686 or boqueteanimales@gmail.com. To volunteer, contact Leslie atbrubble51b@gmail.com. Financial Update Income Clinic Income 1963.70 Donations 696.00 Total Income 2659.70 Expense Building Repairs/Maint. 1519.17 Clinic Supplies 89.61 Food/Kitchen Supplies 93.31 Medical 2415.50 Misc. 100.00 Office Expense 48.36 Phone Card/Internet 25.00 Salary—Clinic Coordinator 260.00 Utilities 40.45 Vet Services 2101.05 Web Page 1500.00 Yard Maintenance 105.00 Total Expense 8297.45 Net Income ($5637.75) Dreams DO Come True! After five years in various shelters, Chester the pit mix was snapped up by a loving family immediately after a simple photo of the lonely pooch with a sign that read the following was posted online: “Anybody want me? I’ve been waiting 5 years. Everyone at the shelter tells me what a good boy I am. So why has no one adopted me? I promise to be good and love my new family. Please maybe you are my new family. I sit and wait for you to come.”—Chester Dreams do come true, Chester! TICK FEVER Most of us who live in Panama and have dogs are aware that “tick fever” is endemic in all parts of the country. While the name “tick fever” can cover many types of tick borne diseases, the type here is Ehrlichiosis. It is caused by the Ehrlichia bacteria, a genus of rickettsiales. As Ehrlichiosis can be fatal, and because treatment is prolonged, the first line of defense should be prevention. Tick preventatives such as Frontline Plus, Revolution, or Advantix (monthly spot-on treatments) and/or tick collars, e.g., Preventic , are important for all dogs that spend time outdoors. Some preventatives work better in some areas of the community than do others, so seek advice from your pet-loving neighbors. Secondly, check your dog on a daily basis for ticks and remove them at once as it is believed that ticks must feed for 24-48 hours to spread Ehrlichia. Dogs can groom away some ticks, but be extra careful to examine those areas that their tongue doesn’t reach like the head , neck, chest, and ears. Don’t forget to check between the toes. Ticks need humidity to survive, so you also may need to attack the outdoor areas most likely to nurture them. Shrubs and grassy areas should be cut regularly so as to allow air and light and, if ticks are posing a particular problem, you may want to consider spraying those areas your dog habituates. Should your dog contract Ehrlichiosis, symptoms will appear from one to three weeks after being bitten by an infected tick. Those symptoms include joint pain, joint swelling, lameness, enlarged lymph nodes, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, and difficulty breathing. This is the acute phase of the disease. Some dogs experience only a few of the symptoms rather than all of them. Kris Berg, owner of Howling Success Kennels who has daily interaction with dogs in and around Boquete, says that the first symptoms she has observed are almost always loss of appetite and lethargy. It is noteworthy that bacteria may be present for months or years without exhibiting symptoms. Blood tests usually are conducted to confirm a diagnosis, but they do not always provide clear and definitive diagnostic answers. Vets do the best they can, but blood testing is a “moment in time” while the disease is a progression of infection. Ehlichiosis therefore can be difficult to diagnose with confidence. If left untreated, Ehrlichiosis can progress to the chronic phase and severe, often fatal illness can develop. Symptoms of chronic tick fever include abnormal bleeding, severe weight loss, fever, increased difficulty breathing due to inflammation of the lungs, joint inflammation and pain, eye inflammation, lack of coordination, head tilt, anemia, kidney failure, and paralysis. Ehrlichiosis usually can be treated, regardless of the stage of infection. However, the earlier the disease is detected, the more rapid is recovery. Chronically infected dogs may require treatment for several months. Dogs with severe anemia or hemorrhage may require blood transfusions. Should your pet be diagnosed with Ehrlichiosis, the vet will prescribe antibiotic treatment, usually tetracycline or doxycycline. While symptoms may improve after a few days, treatment usually runs three to four weeks. It is important that the dog be treated for the full period to eradicate the Ehrlichia bacteria. As you can see from our monthly financial report, we care for many animals each month, but the cost of medications, anesthesia, supplies, etc. far outweigh the income we generate from payment for our services. We never turn away an animal, regardless of the owner's ability to pay. We also have several great Collectors who gather animals from Boquete, Dolega, David and beyond and bring them to our clinic for neutering or spaying. Please help us continue to care for the health and well-being of Chiriqui's animals by making a donation of any size! DONATE NOW
  2. Nuestras Noches Mexicanas son bien conocidas por la buena comida y el ambiente …haga su reserva Pronto ¡! Tel. (507) 730-8313 / www.losmolinoshotel.com CONOCE LO NUEVO DE HACIENDA LOS MOLINOS HOTEL aquí: http://issuu.com/haciendalosmolinoshotel/docs/hlmboutiquehotel.pptx/0
  3. An audio recording was made of the May 2nd presentation by Dr. Paul Myers about Volcan Barú at the BCP Theater and Event Center. That audio recording is now available via the Chiriqui.Life (CL) website. Also, Dr. Myers has made his presentation materials available. Here is a link to the presentation materials and audio recording as posted on CL: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/5737-tuesday-talks-volcan-baru-a-danger/#comment-17267 You must be a member of CL in order to listen to the audio recording or to download the PDF documents mentioned above. There is no charge for using CL, and so if you are not a member and wish to access the audio recording or the documents, then click on the "Sign Up" link in the upper right corner of the home page. If you have questions about Volcan Barú, please email Dr. Paul Myers at paul.myers600@gmail.com. If you have questions about CL, please email support@chiriqui.life. Bud and Marcelyn Owners/Administrators of Chirqui.Life
  4. Welcome to the newsletter of Boquete Health and Hospice Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. A Word from the President of Boquete Health and Hospice Foundation With the successful fundraiser last November, the goals set for 2017, we knew that this year was going to be exciting and full of promise. Since February, we have given our website a fresh look, created a Facebook page, expanded our medical equipment for our loan bank and started a monthly newsletter to keep Boquete informed of who we are and what we do. At our May 13th monthly meeting we showcased our new video about Boquete Health and Hospice. All of the above has been initiated by our enthusiastic corps of volunteers and would not have happened without their selfless dedication to BHHF. David Wulf Are You Hurt? Sick? Need Medical Equipment? Equipment May Be Hard to Find -- or Too Expensive!! BHHF HAS A FREE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOAN PROGRAM. In 2016, we loaned equipment -- wheelchairs, hospital beds, oxygen concentrators, crutches, walkers, bedside commodes, shower chairs, and other items -- to 135 people in the Boquete community. These clients used our equipment for a total of 408 months before returning the items to our storage locker. 26 % of the people who benefited from using these free loans were Panamanians -- we hope to increase their number through the community's awareness of our program. Our records for April 2017 show good progress in awareness about our free resources: Currently we have 24 items on loan to 14 Panamanian clients; 17 items are on loan to 14 English-speaking clients. To request equipment, just call our Administrator's phone number -- 6781-9250 or send an e-mail to boquetehospice@gmail.com. There will be a conversation about your medical need, which can be done in either English or Spanish. In some cases, a visit to the home may be required to fully understand the medical situation. BHHF member volunteers will meet you at our storage unit in Alto Dorado to loan out the equipment; in some cases, like hospital beds, we will arrange delivery to the home. If you, your family or friends are in need of this service at any time, we hope you will call on us. Using the right equipment can bring relief, comfort and shorten the healing time. How We Help A Current and True Personal Story … What Boquete Health and Hospice Is There to do for YOU…. Life …. When you Are making Plans…. A story I wrote for my Husband By Erin Ross for her husband, Dave Ross. To My Dave: The Story of Your Stroke (because you say you have no memory of this). Sunday, January, 22, 2017 in our shower, you have a bleed in your brain. You said you felt dizzy and you lowered yourself to the floor of the shower. (You told me this later... the only thing you remember for about 2 months). 30 minutes later, struggling in 2 feet of water as your towel and body block the shower drain, ice cold water pours down on you. You are not one to yell for help, so instead you struggle alone to get up and drag your head up from sinking. You could have drowned. The doors to the bathroom and closet area are shut. Your wife hears your rescued pup, Ridley, barking ferociously, ferociously, in your bedroom. She goes to see why, annoyed at the barking… and realizes how much time has passed since you said “I’m going to take a shower”. She calls you… no answer. She bangs through the door. She wades into the shower pan, and holds a towel under your mouth because you are retching. She tries to lift you up. She thinks you have fallen. She wants to get a neighbor, but you say “No, I just need to get up”. So you are talking. The two of you struggle for too long because your wife thinks you had just fallen, and you were moving your legs and talking. When your wife finally gets you out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor, she asks “what happened”? You said “I am sitting on the bathroom floor and my right side is very weak”. The emergency bells ring in her head. She realizes you did not simply feel “dizzy”. Every Hemorrhagic Stroke is different. We did not have any idea what was happening at first. Our neighbors were caring, brilliant and steadfast. Our Community swept waves of support, food, visits, technical care, therapy care our way. Medical care was there at Mae Lewis. You spent 8 days in ICU and almost 2 months off and on in their Hospital rooms. You are home now. In May 2017, you are regaining your strength, and mobility, although your great inquisitive brain and all its talents, are straining towards, and have difficulty regaining, clarity. You also have difficulty visually. Today May 8th you were able to read a passage from a book aloud with our spiritual group. Everyone applauded and hugged you. Your humor, Spanish language and interpersonal skills never disappeared, amazingly. Boquete… We are sharing our story for several reasons. ONE ... “life is what happens when you are making plans”, and your life can be very different before you know it. At some point you grasp that and take care of what you need to do next. TWO … Make SURE that Anyone who needs to know … Spouse, Partner, Child, etc. … has the important information re: Banks, Passwords, All things required in Panama, also Instant money/credit cards/insurance to take care of Medical and other Bills. It will save many sleepless nights. THREE … We cannot ever thank the Boquete Health and Hospice organization enough!! All Free of Charge … *** Delivered to our home … a wonderful comfortable hospital bed, a walker, a commode extender, a commode, many paper and pamper supplies. *** Visits day and night from caring supportive Volunteers, both in the Hospital and then at home *** Delicious food deliveries every other day from caring Volunteers *** Calls from the Nurse Administrator *** Assist with some Dr. /Hospital issues Thank You Boquete Neighbors, Friends, and especially Boquete Health and Hospice!! Dave and Erin Ross Residents of Boquete for 12 wonderful years , with many more to come. Save the Date! Did you know 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 fall each year? Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries for people 65 and over. BHHF will do a presentation on Falls Prevention at the BCP Tuesday Market meeting on June 13th. Come learn the simple things you can do to prevent falling. Boquete Health and Hospice has a new website. Be sure to check it out. www.boquetehealth.org We also have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/boqueteheartshandsandhelp/?ref=bookmarks Please Like our page and Share the contents with your friends and families. To Contact Us Hospice/Health: 507.6781.9250 Blood Donor Program: 507.6590.2000 E-mail: boquetehospice@gmail.com E-mail: boquetehealth@gmail.com Confidentiality All patient information shared with any Boquete Health and Hospice volunteer is kept in the strictest confidence. Copyright © 2017 , All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: boquetehealth@gmail.com
  5. Join us to play and/or learn to play Mexican Train dominoes on Wednesdays at the Fènix Cafe. First gathering kicks off this Wednesday (May 24th). Gaming starts at 1:00 PM though you are welcome to arrive at 12:30 PM to learn or teach the game rules and strategy. Feel free to stop by and watch a game to see if you would like to play on a future Wednesday. We also have a GO game and instructor at 2:00 PM every Wednesday at the same location. Want more train? On Saturday afternoons Fènix hosts another "Game Day" with Mexican Train and an assortment of other table games. So please join us and bring your friends for some fun-filled afternoons! Fènix Cafe is located in the BCP Event Center just over the downtown bridge, immediately on the rignt.
  6. A very cute and friendly puppy showed up at our house in Alto Boquete Sunday morning. He has a collar, but without name or contact information. If you have lost this dog, please call 6709-8104 (Spanish) or 6949-3143 (English).
  7. The wizard of frames of frames and the master of creativity is back but time is limited. Come by my studio now! Still have ready made frames and canvas's available. Order 5 frames and get the 5th one FREE Call or send a email now for apointment ericinpanama@gmail.com 6464-5090 Life is good Eric Eric Carlson www.rambalajunglelodge.com
  8. Consider inviting one of these great animals into your life. Here are some of the animals ARF currently has up for adoption. Sasha is approximately 1 year old (5/17). She is a calm, quiet and mild mannered dog. She enjoys playing, but for her age is not an overly active dog. She tends to be on the quiet side is content to go off and be on her own with a toy. Not that she isn’t social, she is, but she does not need to be entertained. She is also very affectionate. She weighs 10kg or 22 pounds. Wendy We happened to follow up on a call to visit a finca near Isla Verde one hour after this pretty girl had given birth to her pups. Wendy is about two and a half years old and gets along well with other dogs and cats and loves to play. She is a bit on the quiet side – doesn’t bark much. She is on the smaller-medium size, and weighs about 18 kg or 40 lbs. Shadow is approximately 2 years old. She was rescued with a bad case of mange, but as you can see, she is a beautiful girl now. She is learning basic commands and loves to play with other dogs. She loves people and is a big “kisser”. She does not like to be alone, but is fine in a crate. She loves all types of food, including fruit and liver treats. She is becoming a very good watch dog. ZsaZsa is a 2 year old female that is spayed and vaccinated. She can be a bit shy with people at first, but not in an aggressive manner. She gets along with other cats as well as dogs. ARF is a small non-profit animal organization dedicated to the rescue, care, foster and adoption of the unwanted and neglected animals in Boquete and the surrounding areas. Please visit our website at http://www.arf-boquete.com/ if you are interested in adopting an animal. You can also help with the financial support of these animals by clicking here http://www.arf-boquete.com/donate.html 100% of our donations go to the animals. Our email address is arf.boquete@gmail.com Please visit and “like” our Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/ARF-Adopt-Rescue-Foster-Boquete-Panama-260616740779036/ YouTube: Adopt Rescue Foster ARF Boquete Panama Also, please visit our sister site Pets Want Homes if you are interested in adopting an animal on http://www.petswanthomes.com/
  9. NEWS for some . . . Reminder for others . . . Monday 22 May, 9-10am will be the Last Class with Kevin Reilly, for awhile. (I'll be back !) Art will be continuing the classes . . . Same days, same times, same place . . . I wish you all Well with continued Health Improvement! And I leave you (for now) with this nice video by Dr. Roger Jahnke: "The Physiology of TaiChi"… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJRtZAwVwgo&feature=youtu.be Kevin Tai Chi-riquí Panamá Boquete & DavídCHIRIQUÍ méto! facebook.com/taichiriqui?ref=hl
  10. We only have 4 openings for the "Learn Spanish in 3 Days" Class June 16-18th in Boquete. You can see details about the class at: http://www.garyascott.com/2017/04/21/51402.html Will you walk away from this class fluent in Spanish? No! You cannot become fluent in any language in 3 days. But you will leave the class able to communicate in Spanish and/or communicate much better than you do now. The skills you learn will make it easier to continue to improve your Spanish. You'll feel much more confident speaking Spanish. Speaking Spanish is a huge benefit on its own. You can become one of the rare North Americans who can get along in Spanish speaking countries. You can be one of the special people who can communicate with 10 million non-English speakers in the USA. Spanish is the second most used language in the USA. There are more Spanish speakers than speakers of Chinese, French, German, Italian, Hawaiian, and the Native American languages combined. You can tap into all this potential when you speak Spanish. Yet there are more benefits. An article in England’s leading newspaper, the Telegraph, entitled “Why learn a foreign language? Benefits of bilingualism” (1) sum up the biggest benefit of learning a second language and increased intelligence. The article says: “Learning a foreign language is more than just a boost to your CV or handy for traveling. It will make you smarter, more decisive and even better at English. Physiological studies have found that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process. The brains of bilingual people operate differently than single language speakers, and these differences offer several mental benefits.” The article then explains studies that show seven cognitive advantages gained from learning a foreign language. #1: You become smarter #2: You build multitasking skills #3: You stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia #4: Your memory improves #5: You become more perceptive #6: Your decision-making skills improve #7: You improve your English (FULL DISCLOSURE: I know Gary Scott and asked him to bring this class to Boquete. I am not making a penny from the registrations. I'm simply helping him to promote the class)
  11. GRAN CONCIERTO INTERNACIONAL DE GUITARRA Guitar International Concert ¡Acompáñanos a este espectacular concierto! Grisha Goryachev y Nadia Borislova. Anunciamos a nuestro selecto público que ya se acerca el esperado evento: Concierto Internacional de Guitarra en la Biblioteca de Boquete a realizarse el domingo 04 de junio, en horario de 4:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. Donación B/.20.00 Disponibles en: Biblioteca de Boquete y en Mailboxes Etc. En los siguientes links, podrán encontrar mayor información de nuestros guitarristas invitados: http://www.so.ucr.ac.cr/nadia-borislova-protagonista-en-el-… http://www.grishaguitar.com/biography http://www.angelfire.com/sk/syukhtun/nadia.html http://www.justclassicalguitar.com/vpmusicmed…/borislova.htm ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Come on to this spectacular concert! Grisha Goryachev and Nadia Borislova. We announce to our select public that the expected annual event is already approaching: Guitar International Concert. This concert will be held on Sunday, June 4, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Donation: B/. 20.00 Tickets will be available at the Boquete Library and MailBoxes Etc In the following links, you can find more information about our guest guitarists: http://www.so.ucr.ac.cr/nadia-borislova-protagonista-en-el-… http://www.grishaguitar.com/biography
  12. 10:30 in the BCP Theater Tuesday, May 23 – Dr. Bill McGraw will give a talk on the research he has done on coral reefs of Panama. Dr Bill Has been studying coral reefs in Panama for over 5 years and has documented the effects of the most intense el nino (2015-2017) in the past 25 years that has caused increased ocean temperatures and bleaching of coral (newaquatechpanama.com). He has visited every major reef system in Panama and has a scientific paper published in the Journal of Reef Encounters, regarding the el nino effect on corals at the Secas Islands., Did you know that corals have been reported to have been reduced by 50% in the Caribbean area of Panama during the past 30 years? Thankfully, although there has been widespread coral mortality, corals have found a way to adapt and survive the higher temperatures. Come and find out how they are doing it and what we can do to ensure the survival of one of the planet's greatest treasures. Go here to read more about Dr. McGraw’s work in Panama saving the shrimping industry and visit his website at www.newaquatechpanama.com Tuesday, May 30 – Melissa Vallarino, owner of Academia International Boquete will speak on education in Panama. Tuesday, June 6 – JR Pazo with Health Alliance Panama and We Care Pharmacies will present the following topics: -Presentation of HealthAlliance Panama and the new Hospital Brisas in Panama City that will accept VA-FMP, CHAMPVA, and TRICARE. - Location, POCs, and phone numbers of the pharmacies and clinics affiliated with HealthAlliance Panama that accept VA-FMP, CHAMPVA, and TRICARE -Explanation of the free services provided by the volunteer Veterans Assistance Officers (VAOs) to veterans, spouses, dependent children, widows, and widowers - Location and phone numbers of the VAOs throughout Panama Tuesday, June 13 – Boquete Hospice and Health -- FALLS PREVENTION. Did you know 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 fall each year? Falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries for people 65 and over. BHHF will do a presentation on Falls Prevention at the BCP Tuesday Market meeting on June 13th. Come learn the simple things you can do to prevent falling. Tuesday, June 20 – Kent McNaughton on the amazing new 3D printing technology - what it is, what can be done with it, what its benefits and shortcomings are, where it’s been and where it may go. He will have photos of parts he’s made, the machines he built, and things available to be made from the Internet. Kent may bring a printer with him and have it 3D-printing during the talk. Tuesday, June 27 – Local attorney Martín Santamaria Castillo and staff (Licda. Evelyn De Leon, and licdo. Roderik Telman) will talk to us about immigration. The talk will include the various options for expats to obtain residency in Panama and the penalties for not doing so. There are several new developments in this area and the foreign community needs to understand what they are. The audience may also ask questions about other areas of the law. Tuesday, July 4 – Tom McCormack will tell us all about Panamanian legends, wives tales, myths, and superstitions. This is a very entertaining talk and will teach us all something about this place we call home. Tuesday, July 11 – Our local mad scientist, Mike Petersen presents “THE WONDERFUL, WILD, WACKY, WEIRD WORLD OF QUANTUM THEORY”. Richard Feynman, one of the world's emminent particle physicists, once said that if someone says they understand quantum theory, then they don't understand quantum theory. Well, Mike respectfully disagrees. If you've ever wondered what all the hoopla was about (the double slit experiment, Schroedinger's Cat, quantum entanglement, etc.), then this talk is for you. Mike will explain how the whole thing works, and do so without math. You'll leave this talk more informed about the strange realm of the quantums. Like science? This one's for you. Tuesday, July 18 -- DEPRESSIVE ILLNESS is a common and serious human malady: what it is, what causes it, and it's medication and cognitive therapy treatment from the perspective of a (retired) psychiatrist. Dr. Dean Hoover, a Boquete resident, received his Medical Doctor degree from the University of Miami and then served as a USN Medical Officer for eight years including three years of Psychiatric Residency training. In 1983, he left the Navy and engaged in the practice private of Psychiatry in Annapolis, MD, until retiring in 2012. He and his wife have lived in the Boquete area for over four years. Tuesday, July 25 – Irma Castillo Smith from Keep It Simple Panama (medical advocacy and assistance) will talk about the things you need to know when faced with emergency or elective hospitalization in David. Aseguradora La Floresta (new insurance company in town) will introduce us to their products including those products for folks over 64. http://www.seguroslafloresta.com/ Tuesday, August 1 – ARF and other charities To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, Facility Manger
  13. Our films are is shown at The Fènix Cafe - which is a restaurant, so please, don't bring outside food and drinks to the event. Rather, support our film series by patronizing the Cafe, and be sure to say hello to Joy Alexander, the owner of the Fenix Cafe, and Ana, her cook/waitress. As usual, food, drinks and popcorn will be available. Early birds get the comfy sofas, but if you like, you can bring cushions for the hard restaurant chairs, or folding/camp chairs for more comfort. There is no admission charge, but we ask for voluntary donations to support the program and help pay for the video system. Below is a list of our films for May. We will send out details each film the week before the screening. May 21: A Little Chaos (2014 - U.K.) May 28: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013 - USA) David Van Harn Boquete Film Club Curator ----------------------------------------------- "A Little Chaos" (U.K. - 2014) Rated "R" Link to trailer Starring Kate Winslet as Sabine De Barrahe "A Little Chaos" is a fictional romantic drama that follows Sabine, a talented landscape designer, who is building a garden at Versailles for King Louis XIV. Sabine struggles with class barriers as she becomes romantically entangled with the court's renowned landscape artist. A big change from the remote natural settings in Australia and Ireland that were the locations of our last two films, this one is a British vision of the decadent world of Louis XIV with over-the-top portrayals of one of the most garish periods in Western Civilization. English language dialogue with English subtitles. From the New York Times movie review: "The silky growl and insinuating gaze of the British actor Alan Rickman make him a prime candidate to play a jaded aristocrat privy to every dirty secret within his purview, whether political or sexual. And in “A Little Chaos,” which Mr. Rickman directed, he portrays Louis XIV, the French king of kings, putting the finishing touches on Versailles, the royal chateau outside Paris where he moved his court, the better to exert control. The year is 1682." Mr. Rickman has found in the Sun King a character worthy of his imperious, reptilian charisma. With a knowing gaze, raised eyebrow and narrowed eyes, he surveys his courtiers as they bow and scrape and jockey for royal favor. A hotbed of scheming vipers, Versailles is really a gilded prison for the titled gentry who have nothing better to do than gossip, backbite and fornicate. You imagine that sooner or later, under Louis’s watchful eye, everyone will have slept with everyone else. Into this jungle of obscene privilege arrives Sabine De Barra (Kate Winslet), a sturdy, guileless everyday woman chosen by the king’s chief landscape architect, André Le Notre (Matthias Schoenaerts), to design the Rockwork Grove, an outdoor arena-like ballroom of tiered steps through which water gushes as an unseen orchestra plays behind the shrubbery. The movie makes much of Sabine’s unorthodox design sense. Where her employer believes in perfect order, Sabine, a modernist before her time, champions “a little chaos” to offset the uniform symmetry. “A Little Chaos” never pretends to be a realistic historical drama. Sabine, a widowed gardener who lost her young daughter in an accident, is a blunt, strong-willed modern woman who seems radically out of place and out of time. Rather than trying to justify her modernity, the movie...accentuates the disparity between Sabine and her surroundings. She simply could not have existed in the 17th century.
  14. AMIGOS DE ANIMALES SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC CLINIC: Sunday May 28, 2017 WHERE: The Animales Clinic in Alto Boquete FOR APPOINTMENT: contact Magaly at 6563-8686 or boqueteanimales@gmail.com TO VOLUNTEER: contact Leslie Sherling at brubble51b@gmail.com Once again, we are asking that anyone who can, to please bring a dish to share for our clinic lunch.
  15. Sunday morning 9:00 till 12:00 Some tools, small chest freezer, household items, decorative items. Priced to go. Boquete Valley of Flowers, 1st bld. on left, lower unit # B. Just off Volcancito Road past Fresha Mary's.
  16. Big Sale!!! Gran Venta Plaza San Francisco Segundo piso Sabado, 20 de May 8-11 Habra electrodomesticos Refridora-SAMSUNG Microondas-SAMSUNG Dispensador de agua-FRIGIDAIRE Ropas American, juguetes de ninos, y mas -- Joshua D. Kurth, Ed.S, LPC 507-6252-9114 (Panama Cell) 314-637-7443 (USA) www.ElevatePanama.org Follow Us! Twitter ~ Facebook ~ YouTube
  17. Our April (FPI) Venta de Patio was a huge success. Thank you to all who made donations of your merchandise, your time, and for the monetary donations . The proceeds made from the sale go directly back to the FPI To improve the quality of life for Boquete residents who are physically or mentally handicapped and who have minimal economic resources. Donations are now being accepted for the July FPI Venta de Patio. For drop offs, FPI BUILDING, BCP Tuesday Morning Market at FPI book sales table. For pick ups, call Mike Hart 6776-4184, Email mikeahart47@gmail.com Or Judy Hart 6786-1647, Email judy.hart25@gmail.com
  18. Anyone with a Mexican train domino game who would be willing to host a game and teach new gamers how to play, please get in touch with Joy (joya250@hushmail.com) at the Fènix Cafe (BCP building) and get your name on the list. We are trying to set up and afternoon each week for Mexican train enthusiasts and Joy has agreed to set up tables for us. Also let Joy know which afternoons would be best for you.
  19. It is with profound sorrow that I announce that Jean Marderness, who lived in Alto Boquete, passed away last night in Regional Hospital, David, following a short illness. Jean was a member of the Boquete Knitters and Quilters. She tirelessly knitted, crocheted and quilted baby items and soft toys for donation to the indigenous babies and children in Chiriqui. Her skill, her talent, her loving heart and room-lighting smile will be sorely missed. Arrangements are incomplete at this time.
  20. The Boquete Birders Group announces a Boquete Backyard Birdwalk for new comers, visitors and new birders. It is an easy walk of about 2-3 hours through the back streets of Boquete Village. Join us and learn about our local birds. Bring Binoculars if you have them. Boquete Backyard Birdwalk DATE Friday, May 19, 2017 LOCATION Plaza Los Establos (at the Gazebo) TIME 7:45 am (Ends about 11:00 am) For more information contact Ann van Denburgh
  21. The May 16th Tuesday Talk by Jason Boss on the very important (and timely) subject of computer security and computer maintenance at the BCP Theater was a standing room only event. Jason has been kind enough to provide access to his presentation materials. Here is a link to those materials, along with Jason's MicroServ business contact information: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/5878-tuesday-talks-at-bcp-keep-your-computer-safe/?do=findComment&comment=17060 If interested, you will be able to read the posting on Chiriqui.Life (CL) without being a CL member, but to download the presentation materials themselves will require that you be a registered member. (That is just how the CL software works.) However, there is no cost involved in getting a membership on CL; just click on the "Sign Up" link in the upper right corner of the homepage. Marcelyn Jandreau and Bud Huber Owners / Administrators of Chiriqui.Life -- support@chiriqui.life www.chiriqui.life
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