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Posts posted by JimAndNena

  1. JohnF13,

    Bleak?  Here's a partial list of the crimes committed during 2015.

    1. Caldera murder and home invasion – August
    2. 2014 Food Box robbery – Volcancito
    3. 9 year old kid around Super 99 road in David shooting the shop owner
    4. Recent robbery in David at the Do It center
    5. Home invasion and attempted murder in Potrerillos
    6. Home invasion and injuries by pistol in Potrerillos
    7. Robbery in Brisas about a month ago (stole electronic stuff)
    8. Robbery in Skateworld about a month ago
    9. Robbery of people we know in Gualaca a week ago
    10. Attempted break in in Palmira
    11. Robbery in Potrerillos – $1000 tools taken from a friend’s house – September
    12. Robbery at Handicap Center – September
    13. A couple robbed of household belongings and 2 dogs, Boquete
    14. Armed robbery of the owners of the Fish House in Jaramillo Centro
    15. A couple robbed at gunpoint in Santa Lucia
    16. An indigenous guy in Jaramillo – sister in law returning from her job in Boquete and was attacked near Romeros (she later died)
    17. Beverly Hills Garden – Los Algarrobos – October – robbery of $1500 from staff and clients
    18. Los Algarrobos, Panamanian family theft of jewelry and 2 laptop computers – no one home

    Add the murder of Joe Petrobenko in 2015 and the attempted murder of Richard Moore just over a year ago.

    It does not seem like a relatively safe place compared to before the start of 2000.  With the removal of Noriega, thugs with guns became commonplace and juveniles are exempt from procecution.  Add a population of people with a guaranteed income to an area where the locals might make half that amount per month, factor in the little to no response from the police then adjust for the fact that the criminal investigation system is not effective ("as a retired police officer I was not terribly impressed") and what term would be proper to describe what has happened?

    A key factor in all these crimes is the mistake that the victims have no real way of determining what the thugs THINK they are going to obtain for loot.  Bochinche would have all the gringos owning guns, having safes full of cash, the latest hi tech electronics, expensive jewelry, etc.  There is some conjecture that the information gained from some victims' phones has lead the thugs to other victims.  Text messaging is a great communication feature but it also makes great reading for the bad guys.  Even this forum is good intel for anyone wishing to know when all the gringo houses will be vacant while the owners are attending the latest social event in the area.

    I can change bleak to mildly disturbing but kids with guns killing people without worrying about consequences is serious.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Don Ray in David has posted Marion's ordeal in his blog and referenced Chiriqui Life.  http://www.chiriquichatter.net/blog/2017/01/30/another-living-in-panama-guest-post/

    Everyone is always responsible for their security.  That should be a given.  However, the level of security is the unknown part of the equation. Where I live in Texas, I have a storage shed with a couple thousand dollars of equipment. It has no lock on the door, the back yard fence is a deterrent only to stray dogs and honest people and yet nothing has ever gone missing. In Panama, I would be lucky if the whole shed wasn't taken.

    In Chiriqui, some expats have learned from others' misfortunes and increased their security. Bars on doors and windows are added but they can be removed with fairly little effort or the thieves figure a way to reach any loot placed near the open window. So, alarms systems are added. The thieves cut the power or disable the wiring. So, perimeter fences are built to keep watchdogs as a defense. Dogs are poisoned, a few days later, the break-in happens.  Finally, every effort is applied to prevent the thugs from getting near the residence.  So, the thieves wait nearby and as the owners exit their vehicle, they are attacked and taken inside.

    The part of the equation that is missing is: there is no punishment for the thugs doing the crime.  Until such time as Panama changes the law regarding minors, the attacks will continue and the targets will be those individuals who provide the most loot from the attack.  Gringos are not being targeted; they just happen to have the most loot and the least connection to the locals.


    • Upvote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Roger B said:

    Hey Jim

    Join the site.  Some of your old friends from the other site are hanging around here and still exchanging notes and information without the name calling and sterile discussions.


    Hola Roger!  I do see some familiar "faces" in the posts. I looked at the other site today, OMG.  The first post I saw was Greg Meyer posting as Glen Fraser complete with bad grammar and vulgar/obscene language. Much better atmosphere here.

  4. On 1/29/2017 at 8:18 AM, Pat said:

    Jim and Nena if you read posts on CL, why don't you become members?  Ciao. Pat.

    Hi Pat,

    Not really a regular reader, more of a dumbing around on the web kind of reader. Sometimes a web search of Panama news ends up here. As I wrote in my email, our visits over the last 47 years to Panama consist of Nena visiting with primos while I fix everything in the house of the primo. Fixing leaky plumbing is my specialty.


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