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Posts posted by Brundageba

  1. Keeping the feet clean and dry is key.  Tea Tree tincture diluted in the water.  Not much.....Tea Tree oil can be toxic. The soil here has a lot of fungus in it. We seemed to have cut down to nearly zero our dog's infection with Giardia  by washing her feet and drying them after walking her.  I know it seems anal but she is an inside the house dog and feet licking and leg grooming is one of her things she does.  If the fur of the  feet and legs are clean and dry she has a reduced chance of getting infected. Seems to be working. 

  2. 3 hours ago, BD said:

    Didja notice that none of the photos have a full front facial view of the bride? In fact the other women in the pictures at the wedding were absent a full front facial view. Also the bride’s name was not provided, with the only identifying information in the articles being that she is from Paso Canoas.

    It appears to me that her identity is being hidden, probably to deter problems regarding her safety at her home.

    Am I looney with this logic?

    Dear BD....here is one of three photos submitted to Reten Chiriqui via twitter. Pretty gal...both appear to be happy. Not your average day in prison. 


  3. I agree...the message is confusing. 

     'true love does not annul the legitimate differences, but harmonizes them in a unity’”  he states 

    To find yourself”, said the pontiff from the huge balcony in the Cinta Costera, "does not mean to imitate, nor to think the same everybody or to live the same everybody, doing and repeating the same things, listening to the same music or wearing the same football team shirt, not that"....he states

    I hope the youth are inspired by his message .  I remain confused..but for me...that's normal.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jim and Judi said:

    I noticed that yesterday. I was trying to get to a posted classified and no matter what I did it took me to the top of a scrolling list and I never did find the ad despite spending 10 minutes or so screwing around with it.


  5. Been there done that...they know, and we are told they are busy with other issues that apparently take precedence.    For some folks tanks are empty for lack of pressure enough to restore what is used.  If you do not have a tank , you do not have water now for several weeks.  For those that do have tanks  it's a stain on the water pumps and as well a challenge in the recycling of water.  The water I use to wash clothes I catch and wash the floors with then use what's left to flush the toilets and the rest to water a plant or two.  

  6. Thanks.  We'll take along the photos of the ruptured pipe ( one of three in Brisas) exhausting enough water to supply the entire flower fair daily.  It is an enormous amount of water and the biggest one supplies a fire hydrant & all the homes in the lower portion.   I guess the pressure has been amped up in order that what water does get through the ruptured pipe that some tanks get filled slowly over night.  We are told the City is busy with other repairs that take priority.  This is the 4th time ( I've lost count) this same pipe has been repaired.  Some residents have collect a fund to repair it themselves.  I do not believe this is a good idea.  It is a difficult repair and one the city should attend to. 

    A water fountain and a river....and off the side of the canyon a waterfall.



    Lutein (FloraGLO®  15mg.    AND       Zeaxanthin 4.75 mg  in combination

    Recommended for eye health by my ophthalmologist.  These are two vitamin supplements that  promote eye health and that pass the blood barrier into the vessels of the eye.  You can find this on Amazon and other places that sell vitamin supplements. Much cheaper than buying it at the Hospital Chiriqui pharmacy ! 

  8. The store needs a public address system so they can make announcements:  "Attention attention would Mr Citadel South Carolina please come to the office to collect your door prize..."  ( You can make up the rest of the story from there.)

       My vote:  The rotten tomatoes the store  discards could be used in a public tomato toss .   My hunch is some Panamanians would weigh on that one.


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