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And Now I Know - Wireless Motion Sensor Lights



Recently a friend gave me a motion sensor light...a really great gift! These are rechargeable LED light strips that are activated by motion during low-light conditions (e.g., at night). We ordered additional units from Amazon. Bud placed several of them along the hallway leading from our bedroom. No missteps or falls at night because of poor (or no) lighting.

Installation is easy...no tools needed. Magnetic bar attaches to wall using adhesive strips (provided in the kit).

Considering how often we have electrical outages, more of these lights will be placed near the main entrance door to light our path into the house at night.

These units are not weather-proof, so they should be used only indoors. The brand is Hysuspeh, and they are available from Amazon - 3 lights per box. Here is the URL link for these lamps at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FD83RXW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Using that link you can see all of the specifications, pictures, and cost information, etc.

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I have them all around the outside of the house as well..  Cheap and very useful.   You can get strips but as well small individuals that come in a set of 3 or so.  They last a long time. 

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