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Our third day with Anouk -- a learning experience all around



Anouk started chewing on our plastic flower pots, actually destroying them. Oh, oh, not good. I got Bud out of a sick bed (bad cold) and off he went to Romero's to purchase dog bones from the meat market. Cost of 88 cents per pound. He brought them home and I "cooked" a couple of the bones in the microwave for a few minutes. My vet from the US recommended this process.

Believe it or not Anouk didn't know what the bone was. I've never heard of this before. Anyway after about 10 minutes Anouk took the cooled bone from my hand and started to gnaw timidly at the meat section.  After another several minutes Anouk stared to enjoy the experience and ate bone, meat and then wanted another. Nothing remained of her "treat" when she decided to nap.


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Marcelyn, you also may want to order her some Nylabones for chewing. Whatever you do, do not buy the local rawhide (or other synthetic) bones, which are made in China. When Skeeter was a puppy and was chewing everything in sight, I bought some in desperation. He had the worst doggie diarrhea I've ever experienced with a pet.

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1)Make some ice cubes with a little chicken broth. They love it!


2) Freeze a washcloth that has been soaked in chicken broth. Give it to her to chew on but, only for 10-15 minutes. It soothe's their gums. Keep a  close on her so she does not try to swallow it.

3) Cut up pieces of carrots.


Sorry but I have bad experience's with giving dogs bones. One dog cracked a molar...$800! Another dog's teeth had problems later as he got older.  



Good luck!

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Please do not cook bones for your doggie. They can splinter and possibly stick in the stomach or intestines. It's fine to give raw beef bones, raw chicken bones, etc. but NOT cooked.

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I used to give my dogs raw beef bones. But Dan Evers, the highly respected veterinarian who comes to Boquete two or three times a year to participate in the clinics and sees dogs for special problems the following day, advised against it. When he was here full time a few years back, he rented the house next door, came over often, and observed me giving the dogs raw beef bones. He said that in his practice in the States he did many, many surgeries to remove bones from dogs' intestinal tracts. Most were chicken bones, he admitted, which are the worst, but a significant number were raw beef bones, he said. As much as my dogs enjoyed those bones, I gave up the practice. I respect your experience and opinion, Dottie, but I respect Dan's more. My dogs now get only Nylabones, which last a long, long time. Occasional chewing just doesn't do it for some dogs. In the absence of a safe chew toy, they start on household objects.

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Well, there are pros and cons about raw vs cooked bones on the internet. I give my dogs raw beef bones and have for years. I checked into Nylabones on Amazon. I considered ordering them, but with 18 dogs, they are too pricey. Then I saw some negative reviews about them on Amazon--health hazards, dental risks, etc. You've used the Nylabones with no problems, I've given the raw beef bones with no problem. 

Re chicken bones, I'll bet Dan was talking about cooked chicken bones. For a long time I fed my dogs raw chicken thighs. Never a problem. I'd buy 100 lbs. at a time, frozen from Price Smart. But I quit when I became concerned about the hormones and antibiotics given to farmed chickens.

Edited by Dottie Atwater
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17 hours ago, Bonnie said:

I used to give my dogs raw beef bones. But Dan Evers, the highly respected veterinarian who comes to Boquete two or three times a year to participate in the clinics and sees dogs for special problems the following day, advised against it. When he was here full time a few years back, he rented the house next door, came over often, and observed me giving the dogs raw beef bones. He said that in his practice in the States he did many, many surgeries to remove bones from dogs' intestinal tracts. Most were chicken bones, he admitted, which are the worst, but a significant number were raw beef bones, he said. As much as my dogs enjoyed those bones, I gave up the practice. I respect your experience and opinion, Dottie, but I respect Dan's more. My dogs now get only Nylabones, which last a long, long time. Occasional chewing just doesn't do it for some dogs. In the absence of a safe chew toy, they start on household objects.

The problem with the beef bones sold here in the supers, as I see it, is that they are cut small and sharp.

Some butchers will cut a whole femur into a few pieces for me which our dogs love but inevitably argue over.

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