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About this blog

Hello everybody!!

We are Javier and Magaly, ANIMAL LOVERS and vegetarians. We have 3 years living in Boquete and we are working so hard to trying to help many animals as many as we can, we know is not an easy work but we are trying so hard to making possible!

Now, we are creating this blog because we want that everybody can see all the beautiful and great dogs that we have at the DogCamp. Actually we have 42 dogs, most of them are puppies. We rescued most of them and we would like to explain to you what we do since the first moment that we rescue or receive a rescued dog:


1. We need to be sure that the dog doesn't have fleas and ticks, is very important to check and bath the dog with a shampoo for fleas and ticks, and after the bath (next day) we spray the dog with products for fleas and ticks (Fipronex or other similar)

2. After the dog is clean, we will put him/her in a separate area from the other dogs, we will feed him/her, we will give a nice and warm bed for sleep. We want that the dog feels comfortable in the new place for him/her.

3. The next day we will take the dog to the vet Dr. Chely to make a blood test and deworm the dog and see if he needs some treatments, normally the dogs comes with tick fever and anemic. So we start with Doxicicline for 21 days, Hepatic protector and GP Canine for the anemia, we need to pay for the blood test 8 dollars to the Lab and 10 dollars to Dr. Chelly, after that we need to buy the medicine (Doxi, Hepatocan and GP Canine).

4. We will start to feed the dog three or two times per day, it depends how bad is the dog, we normally use Pedigree, Dog Chow, Alpo or Kirkland. But for a rescued dog we need the cans food and we mix it with dry food and sometimes with rice and vegetables.

5. If the dog has skin problems, we need to use a special shampoo, it depends how bad is the skin of the dog, but normally the vet recommend Clorhexidine one, two or three times a week. The price of the shampoo is between 7 or 11 dollars, a small bottle.

6. After 21 days and a week, we make another blood test to check if the dog doesn't have tick fever and is not anemic, so we will pay again 8 dollars for the Lab and 10 dollars to Dr. Chelly.

7. If the dog is totally healthy, we will give the 6 in 1 shot (vaccine), the price is 15 dollars.

8. Then we will take him/her to the Animals Clinic to spay or neuter the dog, and we will pay 15 dollars for the surgery.

9. Finally the dog will be ready for adoption.

During all this time, we need dog food and cans food, and sometimes we need to feed them with meat or chicken mix with rice and vegetables and of course we need to buy what the dog need.


1. We will introduce the dog to the big pack (big, medium, small, young, old, puppy dogs) and our two cats.

2. We will teach him/her how to eat with all the pack together but in separate plates. The dog will learn how to eat with all the pack and don't fight for food (very important).

3. When the dog start to feel better we need to walk the dog with a leash inside the property, the dog will feel comfortable with collars and leashes around him/her.

4. The dog will start to learn how to play with the other dogs, with balls, and other many toys, most of them prefer to play with something they could feel attracted.

5. the new dog will learn how to live with cats around him/her. The cats are in the yard during the day and inside the house at night with all the dogs.

6. We recieve visits and volunteers who help a lot to the dogs, the dogs need all the time see different people.


1. When the dog is spayed/neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, no skin problems, we can start to try to find a good home for them.

2. During all the time that we have the dog, we will post many pictures (before / after), we want that the people see the difference between a stray dog and a rescued dog.

3. We post pictures of the dog with a little description of him/her in many places (facebook groups, instagram, youtube videos, olx, news Boquete email, Chiriqui Life) if somebody know where we can post pictures of dogs for adoption, please let us know

4. If somebody is interesting in adopt one of the dogs that are ready for adoption, we normally ask if the house has a fenced area or if they will walk the dog if the dog is a small dog and if they want to keep the dog inside the house.

5. We will never give a dog in adoption if we don't see the fenced area because we had bad experiences before when we gave in adoption two dogs and the people put on a chain and we had to rescued them "again"

6. We want to find a family or a person who really loves the dog and the dog loves them, we called THE PERFECT MATCH

7. If the person who wants to adopt the dog agrees and happy with the new member of the family, we will ask for a contribution (15 dollars) that is only the cost that we pay for spay or neuter the dog, and we ask for a donation (a bag of dog food) that help to continue feeding the dogs at the DogCamp.

8. We have a Adoption Contract for our dogs, and we will give the dog with a collar and a tag with our phone number until the new owner get one tag with the new phone number. We will give the vaccination card.

We hope that you can understand that all we are doing is because we really love the animals and if we are here in Boquete, we want to help and teach to the people the best way to take care an animal.

Now, for everybody who would like to know HOW WE CAN DO IT? Easy, with patient and love!!

We sometimes boarding dogs, not all the time because not all the people know about us, but we have some clients who loves to come and leave the dog here for a daycare, days or weeks, IF YOU WANT REFERENCES, YOU CAN ASK AND WE WILL SEND TO YOU A LIST WITH NAMES, PHONES AND EMAILS.

Magaly works at Amigos de Animales as a secretary (answer the phone calls, emails and help when somebody needs an appointment with Dr. Tello at the border) She is at the clinic every last sunday of the month.

And me (Javier), is who is learning every day about dogs, I am trainning them in a natural way and I will start a small program of trainning, so if you want that somebody train your dog, you can come and see how I can do it! Patient, dicipline and love

We would like that you come and meet the dogs for adoption and all the puppies that we have.and of course we would like to talk with you about them.


  • Javier Madge: 6965-9423
  • Magaly Bustamante: 6830-6858



  • Donate funds: PayPal
  • Donate food and supplies
  • Visit DogCamp Boquete
  • Adopt a dog (or two)



Entries in this blog

How You Can Help Dog Camp Boquete? There Are So Many Ways You Can Help Out

DOGCAMP Boquete has great news:   On Friday, April 2nd underwent a MINSA inspection and passed with flying colors!!!!!! They checked the dogs and the area and they didn't find anything wrong!  We are the only shelter/rescue/board and care center for Boquete  With the help of members like you, Dogcamp can stay strong and can continue to provide the much needed care that these abandoned, sick and rescued dogs need. Currently we have 46 dogs on site, 15 of which

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