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Drinks: Monopolistic Practices in Panama

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Drinks: Monopolistic Practices in Panama

According to the Acodeco, the economic group formed by Cervecería Nacional and its subsidiaries Distribuidora Comercial, Refrescos nacionales and Financiera Pasadena committed "monopolistic practices by preventing the permanence and entry of its only direct competitor."

Friday, May 11, 2018

From Acodeco's statement: 

May 9, 2018. Through the Judgment of November 30, 2017, the Third Superior Court of Justice of the First Judicial District of
Panama, confirms Judgment No. 109-15 of December 22, 2015 of the Ninth Civil Circuit Court, by which it is declared that the Economic group conformed of CERVECERÍA NACIONAL, S.A. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES DISTRIBUIDORA COMERCIAL S.A., REFRESCOS NACIONALES, S.A. AND FINANCIERA PASADENA, S.A. (merged with Refrescos Nacionales, S.A. the latter surviving), committed relative monopolistic practices, pursuant to the provisions of articles 5 and 14 numeral 4, both of Law 29 of February 1, 1996, now articles 7 and 16 numeral 4 of Law 45 of October 31, 2007.

See: "Production of Alcoholic Beverages Up 5%"

The violations of the competition rules originated in response to the fact that the Economic Group, in the exercise of its substantial market power, created access barriers in the product distribution channel called beer, and / or prevented the permanence and entry of its only direct competitor, thus constituting an undue displacement classified as illegal when a sale or transaction is made subject to the condition of not using or acquiring, selling or providing the goods or services produced, processed, distributed or marketed by a third party. 

Read full statement (in Spanish



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