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State Payroll Continues to Go Up

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Increase in State Payroll

The Panamanian State spends $321 million a month on salaries paid to public officials, well above the $209 million spent on this expense four years ago.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Monthly expenditure on public salaries has increased, especially during the Varela administration, as according to figures of the Ministry of Economy and Finance from March 2018, every month $113 million more is paid than in 2014.

See: "Public Spending Up 30%"

Prensa.com reports that "... If data from last March is compared with the month of July 2014, when the Varela administration began, there is an increase of 21 thousand employees, a figure that represents more than twice the number of employees on the Panama Canal payroll."

"... Asked about the growth in payroll expenses, the MEF indicated that this is due to increases implemented with special laws. For example, increases in the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, which correspond to agreements agreed with educational associations and health professionals. However, in the National Assembly there are 2,038 employees, when in 2014 there were 1,601 employees.  In the Savings Bank there are 1,836 people, 159 more employees."


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State Payroll Spending is Increasing

The Panamanian government has spent $2.580 million in salaries for civil servants from January to August this year, 10% more than had been reported in the first eight months of 2017.

Monday, October 8, 2018

According to figures from the Office of the General Comptroller between January and August 2017 and the same period this year, the expenditure on salaries for civil servants increased by $241 million, from $2,339 million to $2,580 million.

The report of the Comptroller's Office details that the accumulated Gross Salary of the Public Sector payroll in August 2018 reached $335.3 million, of which $315.4 million are for permanent employees and $19.9 million for temporary employees.

Prensa.com reports that the amount expended in the first eight months of the year "... Compared with the same period of 2014, the year in which this administration was placed, the difference is $926 million or 56%, due to the fact that between January and August 2014 the accumulated salary of the government payroll was one thousand 653 million dollars."

The article adds that "... In June 2014, just before the current administration began, the government payroll was formed by 208,682 civil servants. So far in government the payroll has reached 26,681 employees or 12.8%."

See comptroller's report. (In Spanish)



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