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The Handicap Foundation (FPI)


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"The Handicap Foundation of Panama (Fundación Pro Integración de Panamá) was established with funds raised by the 20-30 Foundation Telethon in 1983, but the Boquete chapter was not formed until several years later when there was a serious need for financial support for handicapped children (primarily blind children) from low income families requiring medical attention.  Members of the local 20-30 Foundation as well as individuals from both the medical and educational fields formed the Boquete chapter.  Through the years, financial assistance has been extended to anyone of any age with a permanent disability from a low income family living in the District of Boquete.   We are able to provide wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, hearing aids, transportation to medical appointments, physical therapy and special education classes as well as medicines not available through the social security or public health system.  We enjoy a weekly social gathering for anyone in the community who is handicapped and would like to attend where we encourage involvement in different activities and offer a hot lunch before returning to their homes.  We are able to operate as efficiently as we can from the hours of dedication of the most loving, caring volunteers in any organisation, and we receive our operating funds through fund-raising activities such as our Patio Sales, book sales at the Tuesday Morning Market, and raffles as well as the generosity of many faithful and caring donors.  Our mission is to provide the best quality of life to our handicap members and their families as we are capable of doing.  We appreciate your help.  Thank you!"

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