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Amigos de Animales - February, 2018 Newsletter

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Amigos de Animales

February, 2018 Newsletter
Upcoming Events:
                         Spay & Neuter Clinic                           February 18
                         Annual Membership Meeting              March 10

January Clinic Report

Happy New Year! It's hard to imagine but we have started up our fourth year in our (now not so) new home, The Ruby McKenzie Clinic. 
On January 28, we spayed or neutered 234 animals, 125 dogs and x109 cats.  This was the first clinic of 2018, a big one, but still not the biggest – that honor is held by the clinic we had at the school in Los Naranjos in 2014, with 258 animals.  We had six vets and we were very happy to welcome back our old friends for a new year. This was a very smooth running clinic with everyone, new and old, getting down to the business of caring for the animals.
On January 27, the day before the clinic, we held a training class for all new and returning volunteers.  These classes are important as they can provide a refresher for our “old hands” and provide new volunteers with the information they need to be an informed volunteer with Animales.  This year, Dr Linda answered questions about caring for the animals as they go through the process and each of our station heads described what happens at each step along the way.
We have been very busy since our last clinic on October 29, 2017.  We held two mini-clinics, one in November with 13 dogs and 7 cats and dogs and one in December with 10 dogs and 9 cats. We held these to accommodate some animals who might not have been able to make it until the January clinic.
 We are very proud of having spayed or neutered 13,235 animals between 2005 when we began, and the end of 2017.
On January 13, we had the first annual Boquete Has Heart event benefiting Amigos de Animales and Buenos Vecinos.  This was the first joint event between the two organizations and we hope to do more in the future. This was a fun and well-attended party, featuring some fabulous items for silent and live auction bids and lots of excitement at the game tables.  A good time was had by all and we wish to thank all of you who purchased a ticket, donated to the event, or otherwise supported this effort.
We want to take care of as many animals as we possibly can at every clinic, but we do not want to take advantage of our vets and volunteers by having more animals than we can safely care for.  If you wish to bring a dog or cat to the clinic, you must have a reservation!  This reservation lets Magaly, our appointment secretary, get an idea of how many animals to plan for and how many vets will be needed. And then we can figure out what is needed for medicines and medical supplies, basic clinic supplies like paper towels, the number of volunteers needed, and food to keep everyone fed throughout the day.
Be a good clinic supporter:  make a reservation; if you cannot attend, please cancel.  Please let us know if you will be able to volunteer and at what time. Bring a dish to share, donate your old sheets and towels, work at our clinics and events. Your help in all our efforts is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
Our next clinic will be Sunday February 18.  It is the third Monday this month so it will not conflict with the Jazz Festival.
For a reservation contact Magaly at 6563-8686 or boqueteanimales@gmail.com
To volunteer contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com


Financial Update

          Jan 18
    Clinic Income                  2,346.33
    Donations                     808.14
    Interest Income                       71.97
    Rental Income                       90.00
  Total Income                  3,316.44
    Building Repairs/Maint                       61.73
    Clinic Coordinator                     255.00
    Clinic Supplies                  2,546.35
    Equipment                     263.17
    Food/Kitchen Supplies                     251.13
    Freight                       61.51
    Medical                  2,129.80
    Office Expense                       33.35
    Prof and Legal Fees                     200.00
    Tax                       400.00
    Utilities                     106.26
    Vet Reimbursements                  2,986.00
  Total Expense                  9,294.30
Net Income                   (5,977.86)
As you can see from our monthly financial report, we care for many animals each month, but the cost of medications, anesthesia, supplies, etc. far outweigh the income we generate from payment for our services.  We never turn away an animal, regardless of the owner's ability to pay.  We also have several great Collectors who gather animals from Boquete, Dolega, David and beyond and bring them to our clinic for neutering or spaying.  Please help us continue to care for the health and well-being of Chiriqui's animals by making a donation of any size!
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Copyright © 2017  Amigos de Animales, All rights reserved.

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