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Organic Gardening Classes Starting Oct. 10th


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Are you interested in some organic gardening classes? When I came to Panama, having grown gardens most of my life, I thought it would be no problem to do it here. Boy was I wrong. After many trails, errors and disappointments, I’ve learned a lot and want to share my knowledge with you. Here are a few things you will be learning:

How to use the cycles of the moon for planting, trans-planting and pruning.

How to make compost from your kitchen scraps and never turn soil with a shovel.

How to make your own soil and what garden cuttings and leaves are good to use.

How to identify a problem with a plant and what to do to solve it

What products I use, that work, to keep it organic.

Companion planting and what grows best where. What plants repel insects?

Growing Panamanian herbs and their medicinal uses.

How to “graft” a fruit tree.

The care and feeding of plants, orchids and much more.

Please email me privately if you are interested in participating and any questions you have.  lvanderkar@gmail.com

The first class will be Friday morning 9-11am on November 10th (which is a holiday) . This will be a "show and tell" complete tour of  Finca Feliz for 2 hrs. You'll see what you're learning "in action". This class is jam packed with lots of information, so bring something to take notes and comfortable shoes (not sandals). From then we can set up a schedule of days and topics according to your needs.

I will be at the Market Tuesday (as usual) to answer any questions or sign up anyone interested.

A donation of $25 per person is appreciated. This will include free cuttings and plants to go home with.

To respond, click the "reply" button or email me privately   Lvanderkar@gmail.com    

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