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The Long Awaited Organic Garden Products Are Here


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Whether you’re a backyard gardener, or have a large (or small) finca producing food, fruit, flowers or coffee, you’ll love these products.

They are certified “Organic” after extensive testing and approval by the government of Panama and we are the exclusive importers.


The SoilTap Products are a complete system of 4 products accomplishing over eight functions ranging from root strength and expansion, pest control, enhanced flowering, with increased yields and larger sizes of whatever you grow. One of my avocado trees is producing avocados 1 ½ to 2/lbs. And yes they’re yummy.


SoilTap – Feeds the soil and dramatically increases nutrient uptake, increases overall production and growth rate, gives a boost to seeds and new starts, and suppresses pathogens in the soil.


RootTap – Stimulates early root production, increases root mass and nutrient uptake, eliminates transplant shock, and protects against fungus and mold.


ImmuneTap – Induces systemic resistance to many pests and pathogens. It reduces insects, presence of pathogenic bacterium and fungi increasing overall plant health and yield. The plants strong immune system doesn’t attract bugs and insects. (Critters like to attack a weak or sick plant.)


FlowerTap – Induces flowers increasing fruit set. Suppresses fungus and increases sugar production for better quality and quantity of fruits and flowers on “flowering plants”.


I have used these products at Finca Feliz for almost 2 years and the results have been amazing. When I started using it I had kale, broccoli, and cabbage (in the greenhouse) all with leaves that looked like lace. No matter what we did (keeping it organic), nothing worked. After 2 months of using the SoilTap products, the same plants were growing beautiful leaves untouched by the worm that was eating it. From that moment on I’ve never been disappointed and in Panama where most everything is a challenge to grow organically, SoilTap has made my life and my farm very happy. Finca Feliz is proud and honored to be able to offer it to you for a more successful experience in gardening.


Getting started is easy. I have “kits” available with 4-one ounce plastic bottles of each “Tap” (with measured droppers) so you can try it out. Since all you need is a few drops in large amounts of water, it goes a long way and if you want more, I have 2/oz. refills. Included also with the “kits” are complete instructions and information (including scientific) for use. The large “finca size” of 16/oz. is also available.


All this is ready for you at the BCP Tuesday   Market in the Hex room         KITS $29


For information and copies of  “kit” inserts, email Lvanderkar@gmail.com and they will come in a Word doc.



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