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Trees and Plants at Chiriqui Flea Market Sunday June 4th

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Trees and plants offered at Chiriqui Storage Flea Market June 4th 10 till 1

For Pre-orders:

Dalis Miller 69144280 or donwiththemonkeys@yahoo.com

We will save pre-orders until 12:00 noon, unless you make previous arrangements.


For $2: (5) Mamon Chino(Lychee), (6) Maronon Acorazao(mountain apple), (40) Cacao.

For $4: (9)Cinnamon.

For $5: (11) Figs, (10)Taiwanese Guavas, (3) Passion Fruit, (5) Peppercorn Plants.

For $6: (7) Pears, (3) Mangostin, (2) Carombola.

For $7: (9) Red Plums, (8)Green Plums.

For $8: (5) Tropical Apricots, (3) Green Mamon, (5)G-Valencia Oranges, (7)G-Pink Grapefruit,

(12)G-Persa Lemons.

For $10: (7)G-Butter Avocados.

For $12: (4) Pomegranates, (6)G-Mangoes.


I will also have several types of flowering plants.

All of the products we use on our plants are on the OMRI list. The OMRI Products List© is a directory of all products OMRI has determined are allowed for use in organic production, processing, and handling according to the USDA National Organic Program.

Mamon, in Panama, is Melicoccus bijugatus, according to Wikipedia. The fruits are in bunches and about 3/4” diameter. They are very much like manon chino(lychee), but usually sweeter and more flavorful. When they are sweet ripe, you can pierce the skin with a thumbnail and they pop open easily. They are delicious and fun to eat!

Mamay is another wonderful fruit. We have some growing here and hope to have some trees ready next month.

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