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Gray River Will be at Saturday's Flea Market


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GrayRiver Farms Plant Sale on Saturday, November 21st at Chiriqui Storage Flea Market
We will be ready for you at 10:00am until 12:30pm.  Toward Boquete go 1.5km passed Terpel Gas Station.
Our specials for November are sweet potatoes at $2.00 per pound.  Please pre-order because supply is limited.  We will also have a few free range organic hens for sale at $2.50 per pound.  They should dress out at 6.5 to 7 pounds. 
We also have Mirto, a perfect plant for a privacy hedge.  The beautiful little white flowers are intoxicatingly fragrant.  It can be trimmed very low or will grow to ten feet tall. $3.00 each.
If you want a particular plant, please let us know and we will try to find it for you.
Please contact us at grayriverfarms@yahoo.com
Plant List:
Joy Perfume                                   $100
Hass Avocado                                $32  
Moringa                                          $6   
Ylang Ylang                                    $12  
Dwarf Eureka Lemon with fruit       $40
Eureka Lemon   grafted                  $20
Persian Lime grafted                      $20
Ruby Red Grapefruit                      $20
Calamondin Orange                       $30
Washington Navel Orange             $10
Kumquat                                         $20
Cinnamon                                       $10
Spanish Fan Palms                        $25
Phoenix Palms                               $15
Foxtail Palms                                  $40
African Tulip Trees                         $10
Crap Myrtle                                     $10
Bauhinia (orchid tree) purple          $15
Hybicus large pink flowers              $5
Cape Honeysuckle (orange)           $6
Jasmine officinale                           $6
Japanese Mock Orange                 $15
Dwarf Cannas, red, white pink       $2
Cannas tall, each stem,                  $2
Bronze leaf Begonia                       $5
Ground covers
Dichondra silver                             $2
Purslane white morning star          $3
Licorice silver                                 $6
Herbs                                            $4
Dill,Rosemary, Sage, Mexican Tarragon
Anise, Broad leafed Basil, Purple Basil
Jicama                                            $4
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