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Gluten Free Gold Menu for Foodie Event at BCP Saturday November 19th


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Gluten Free Gold Menu
Saturday Nov 19th 11-2pm
Raspberry or Lemon Danish - Danish de limon y frambuesa
Ginger Pound Cake - Torta de jengibre
Cinnamon Rolls - Rollos de canela
Cookies - Galletas
Jalapeno Corn Bread - Pan de maiz  y jalapeno
Yucca Bread - Tde Yuca
Milk Buns - Bollos de leche
Pizza Buns - Bollos de pizza
Assorted Cupcake Pkg. - Magdelenas
Meat Pies - Tarta de carne
Flatbread Crackers - Pan sin levadura
These items will be available at the BCP Foodie Event on Saturday November 19th from 11 - 2pm while quantities last.
Check out our web site at Home/Principal
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