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Calling All Bakers!


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Jim, I don't believe AdA knows who donated. A general call goes out, and people are asked to reply. Some reply affirmatively and then don't contribute on sale day, while others do not reply but then show up with baked goods. It's impossible to keep a roster of donors on sale day as there are too many people bringing stuff at once, and those who man the table are too busy preparing the baked goods for sale. While I firmly believe that charities should be meticulous about thanking their donors, in this case I make an exception. I hope you will, too. In any event, we all know that money from this sale goes to the spaying and neutering, and general health, of animals in the community.

Edited by Bonnie
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Hi Jim,  what Bonnie says is correct.  Preparation and set up for the Venta de Patio is always somewhat chaotic. If you do not get a personal thank you, that does not mean that your donation was unappreciated.  Believe me, it was.  Our event is successful because of people like you who donate food as well as plants, clothes, and all manner of household items.  I wish we could thank every donor personally, but since we cannot, we do send out a big blanket thank you at the end of the event to everyone in the community who participated.  I hope you will change your mind and donate some of your biscotti after all. Again many thanks to you and all our wonderful donors and volunteers.


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