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"New Content"

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I am not sure how the site software works, but I sometimes come and click on "New Content", like i just did and see only a couple posts. I look at the "Activity Stream" and see activity that was only 4 hours ago listed. 

I don't understand why some recent content isn't showing when I request "New Content". 

Is it because the site knows that I have seen all the previous content and then doesn't display it for me. If so, that is fine. However, if everyone is only seeing what I am seeing, then that doesn't seem correct.

I have entered other times and content that I have read is still shown, but in a subdued color. Is it me or Memorex?

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I have mine set for new content, am I missing something? lol  I'm still trying to figure out how to just get rid of "new content" that I'm not interested in reading without having to open it.

Click "more", upper right. Click "mark site as read". Click "okay". Done.

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There are "filters" associated with the New Content button. After you click on the New Content button, then look at the left side of your screen for the various filters that one can apply so as to tailor the response that one gets to their specific needs. The filters can get reset as you do various functions on the website, but a general rule is that it tries to remember what it last did for you. That is not an absolute rule, however.

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