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Fuel (Gasoline and Diesel) Prices and Consumption Levels [Ongoing]

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Gas prices  continue to climb


Posted 23/03/2022

The price of 95 octane gasoline will rise three cents to 1.19 cents per liter on Friday, March 25  and

91 octane gasoline will rise two cents to 1.15 cents per liter. Low sulfur diesel adds one cent  1.14 a liter


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Fuel prices continue skyward


New fuel prices from Friday, April 8: 95 octane gasoline will rise two cents to 1.21 cents per liter. 91 octane will rise two cents to 1.17 cents per liter. Low sulfur diesel will increase by one cent, to 1.22 cents per liter.

Posted 06/04/2022


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Four-day week  proposal to counter rising  fuel costs


Posted 06/04/2022

Francisco Carreira-Pittí, president of the Unity Movement, has delivered to the Ministry of Labor (Mitradel) a proposal that seeks to reduce the working week to four days. A measure with which it is intended to respond to the rise in fuel prices.

Pittí explained in a statement that the initiative is based on the global instability in the supply of fuel and the increase in price, which is not expected to decrease.

The proposal consists of reducing the working week from five to four days, working an additional two hours during the four days a week to complete the 40 hours, and having an additional day off, either Friday or Monday.

According to the proponents, the measure would lead to a reduction in fuel costs of 20% weekly, which depending on the distances and consumption would be a savings of between $20 and $40 per week.

Pitti clarified that the proposal would be of a temporary nature and does not intend to nor can it be applied to all economic activity in the country.

It must begin first in the public sector and its dependencies and then extended to economic activities that can be reduced to 10 hours a day for four days.

“The proposal is applicable to government entities, including the judiciary and companies related to said activities that normally work 40 hours per week. Those activities that work 48 hours a week require the consideration of other measures, such as implementing work at home, which was acceptable during the pandemic.”

The president of the National Council of Private Enterprise (Conep), Rubén Castillo,

"This is a thorny issue, but we believe that we can at least offer a point of view so that labor relations can be regulated in a context that is different from the one that gave rise to the Labor Code," Castillo said.

He explained that, before the pandemic, there was already talk of an idea of grouping the working day in such a way that workers could have more days off at the end of the week if they worked more than the traditional 8 hours. "This would have to be discussed with the sectors," Castillo said.


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Big rise in gas prices on Friday


Posted 04/05/2022

Gasoline prices will rise on Friday, May 6. 95 octane gasoline will rise five cents a liter, to $1.27 Meanwhile, the 91 will increase three cents per liter, to $1.20. Low-sulfur diesel will rise 11 cents, to $1.36 per liter. The prices will be effective until May 20.


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Gasoline prices rocket - diesel falls


Posted 18/05/2022

Another major surge in gasoline prices will kick in on Friday, May 20, when the 95-octane will go up 15 cents a liter, to $1.42.  The 91 octane will rise 13 cents per liter to $1.33. Meanwhile, low sulfur diesel will decrease by 6 cents to $1.39 per liter.


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Gasoline prices edge upward


Posted 01/06/2022

The price of 95 octane gasoline will rise three cents 1.45 per liter on Friday, June 3  and 9l octane will increase one cent, to 1.34 cents per liter. Meanwhile, low sulfur diesel  will fall 8 cents to 1.23


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Another major  gasoline price hike


Posted 15/06/2022

95-octane gasoline will increase by 14 cents a liter on Friday and 91-octane gasoline will rise by 11 cents and low-sulfur diesel by 16 cents. The prices, which reflect fuel costs in the international market, will be valid from Friday, June 17, until Friday, July 1, at all fuel stations.


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Gasoline prices tumble on Friday


Posted 29/06/2022

After months of continuous increase in the price of fuel, 95 and 91 octane gasoline will fall although diesel will continue upward. The  95-octane gasoline will be reduced 7 cents a liter and the 91-octane will drop 8 cents a liter, while diesel will increase one cent.  The new prices will be effective July 1 -15.


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All private vehicles will benefit from fuel subsidy


Posted 14/07/2022

All owners of private vehicles, regardless of the brand, cost, or year of the car, will benefit from the fuel subsidy, Luis Oliva, administrator of the Authority for Government Innovation, told Telemetro Reporta on Thursday.

Oliva said that the only requirement that will be requested from owners of private cars is that they have their vehicle registration up to date.

To access the benefit, the owner of the vehicle must enter the platform combustible.panamasolidario.gob.pa to validate the following data: license plate number, identification number, and year of the vehicle.

The platform will be available from this Thursday, July 14 at 6:00 am, but the benefit will be valid from 12:01 am on Friday, July 15.

" It is not a record to be able to access this subsidy, it is simply an activation to carry out controls and make payments to the oil companies," Oliva said.

" There is no limit to the number of times that they will be able to use it, nor is there a limit at the

Through the resolution, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) is authorized to carry out the procedures and budgetary actions that are necessary to temporarily stabilize the price per gallon at B/.3.95 or its equivalent of $1.043 per liter of 95 and 91 octane gasoline, and low sulfur diesel.

The announcement of the fuel subsidy for private vehicles took place in the midst of an indefinite strike and demonstrations at the national level, for 10 days, by teachers and various sectors to demand concrete answers from the National Government related to the cost of fuel and the basic food basket.


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At least 10 probes of fuel subsidy scams


Posted 28/07/2022

The administrator of the Authority for Government Innovation (AIG), Luis Oliva, confirmed that at least 10 cases of anomalies in the use of the fuel subsidy are under investigation.

In an interview with TVN  he said that a video of a fuel station shows that the dispatch was not made to the sedan vehicle but in plastic containers, an amount that far exceeds the capacity of the car's gasoline tank.

“The important thing is that the vast majority of stations have the videos and have been cooperating with us in all the cases that we have been closing. The fuel stations are assuming these losses, due to the fact that the dispatcher is involved, ”he added.

He presented a graph in which he reported a vehicle that received $1,469.25 in subsidy amount in one day, another with $556.34 in one day, and the third car with $484.16 in subsidy in two days, and a motorcycle with $312 in one day.

With the confirmed cases, Oliva stated that these people are blocked from the system and the case is passed on to the competent authorities.


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Across the board fall in fuel prices


Posted 10/08/2022

The Secretary of Energy reports new fuel prices starting Friday, August 12. The price of 95 octane gasoline will drop 10 cents to $1.14 cents per liter. 91 octane gasoline will drop 4 cents to $1.11 cents per liter. Low sulfur diesel will fall 6 cents to  $1.15 per liter.


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Gas prices fall and diesel climbs


Posted 25/08/2022

A gallon of 95-octane gasoline will drop three cents and that of 91-octane 12 cents onFriday, August 26, until September 9. Diesel will increase by 8 cents per gallon.

These are the regular fuel prices without the state subsidy that for more than a month was established at $3.25 a gallon for gasoline and diesel at all fuel stations in the country.

With the changes, the top price of 95-octane gasoline will be $4.29 per gallon, 91-octane gasoline at $4.07, and low-sulfur diesel at $4.45 per gallon, in the cities of Panama and Colón. For the rest of the country, prices show a slight variation due to transportation costs.

At the current frozen price of $3.25 per gallon, the State will subsidize $1.04 per gallon of 95-octane gasoline; $0.82 for a gallon of 91-octane gasoline, and $1.20 for a gallon of diesel.

According to reports from the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG), the first month of the fuel subsidy has cost some $42 million.


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Gasoline prices edge down Friday


Posted 22/09/2022

95 octane Gasoline will drop 0.01 to 1.08 cents per liter. Octane 91 gasoline will drop 0.02 cents to 1.01 cents a liter and low-sulfur diesel will drop 0.07 cents to 1.14 cents a liter.

The prices will remain until October 7.

With the new prices, the government subsidy stipulated at 3.25 per gallon for all fuels would represent the following savings:

95 gasoline - Unsubsidized price – $4.09, Subsidy Price – $3.25. Consumer savings – $0.84.

91 gasoline - Unsubsidized Price – $3.83, Subsidy Price – $3.25. Consumer savings - $0.58

Diesel - Price without subsidy - $4.32. - Subsidy Price – $3.25 .Consumer savings - $1.07

The government has paid approximately $120 million in fuel subsidies.


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Gas will cost more at the pumps from Friday


Posted 19/10/2022

The prices of gasoline and low-sulfur diesel will rise from Friday, October 21.

The National Secretary of Energy reported that the liter of 95-octane gasoline will rise by 7 cents While the liter of 91-octane gasoline will increase by 6 cents.

Diesel is the one that reflects the greatest increase: the liter will be add18 cents.

The prices will be in force until next Friday, November 4.

Currently, the Government grants a fuel subsidy so that it is sold to the public at $3.25 per gallon of 95, 91, and diesel. Without the subsidy, the sale price as of Friday would be $4.39 for a gallon of 95, $4.16 for 91, and 4.94 for diesel.


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Gasoline prices will tumble Friday


The National Secretariat of Energy announced Wednesday the new official fuel prices.  On Friday, December 2 In the provinces of Panama and Colón, a liter of 95 octane gasoline will cost $1.01 a liter, a reduction of 12 cents a liter. 95 octane will be down by 18 cents a liter to  $0.948 and diesel will fall by 10 cents a liter.  Prices will be effective until December 16.

Posted 01/12/2022


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Gasoline prices continue to climb


Posted 11/01/2023

Gasoline prices continue to rise. Starting Friday, January 13, a new increase will be registered according to the National Secretariat of Energy.

The 95-octane liter will go up five cents and will sell for $1.01. The 91 will increase by four cents and will be at 0.96 cents per liter. While the liter of low-sulfur diesel will have a rise of 0.02 cents and its sale will be $1.07.

When converted to a gallon, the 95 octanes will rise by 0.24 cents, remaining at $3.86; the 91-octane will increase by 0.15 cents and will sell for $3.62. While diesel will increase by 0.08 cents and will remain at $4.04 a gallon.

At present, the Government grants a fuel subsidy so that it is sold to the public at $3.25 a gallon of 95, 91 and diesel. But it will only be valid until January 15.


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Gasoline subsidy extended for a month


Posted 12/01/2023

The Government announced on TursdayJanuary 12 that the Cabinet Council approved the extension of the price of a gallon of fuel to $3.25 for 95 and 91 octane gasoline, as well as diesel.

The measure will be for an additional thirty days, until February 15.

"While fuel costs worldwide are very high, Panama, with the rate of 3.25 a gallon, has one of the cheapest fuel prices in the world," said the State Communications Secretariat.

"In order to maintain this price per gallon of fuel, the National Government makes a great effort and a fiscal sacrifice in order to alleviate the high costs of products and services to the population in general and avoid the increase in the price of the ticket to the users of collective and selective transport, ”says the statement.

The subsidy, which arose from the agreements of the dialogue table, installed after the countrywide protests in July 2022, expired on January 15.


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Gasoline prices set to take another hike Friday


Posted 25/01/2023

The National Secretariat of Energy reported that the liter of 95 octane gasoline will rise seven cents and will be sold at $1.08. While the liter of 91 octane gasoline will increase by six cents and will be on sale at $1.02.

Low-sulfur diesel will increase by three cents and will cost $1.10 per liter.

When converted to a gallon, the 95-octane will rise by 24 cents, remaining at $4.10; the 91-octane will increase 24 cents and will sell for $3.86. While diesel will increase by 14 cents and will remain at $4.18 a gallon.

The new prices will be in effect until February 10

The Government currently grants a fuel subsidy so that it is sold to the public at $3.25 a gallon of 95, 91, and diesel. But, it will only be valid until February 15.


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Fate of gas subsidy will known Feb. 15

Posted 30/01/2023

Whether or not the  Government makes the decision to extend the fuel subsidy, will be announced by the National Secretary of Energy, Jorge Rivera Staff on February 15.

Rivera highlighted that, coincidentally, the evaluation mechanism that was taken for the Extraordinary Tariff Stabilization Fund is similar to what is taken with the fuel and diesel subsidy.

"In the coming weeks, the Cabinet Council will meet again with the Ministry of Economy and Finance to evaluate the fiscal capacity of the State at this time, the economic recovery process and the announcement would be made to the country," he said.

The calculation they have for this month of fiscal impact is an additional $300 million dollars, which would be disbursed to support drivers.

 Staff highlighted that last year there was a decrease in consumption volumes for the first time during the months of May, June, and July when there was an increase of up to 6.00 dollars per gallon.


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Gasoline subsidy extended for 44 days


Posted 14/02/2023

The Cabinet Council approved on Tuesday, February 14 the extension of the subsidy that sets the price of fuel at $3.25 per gallon until April 1.

The benefit initially approved in July 2022 as part of the agreements of the single dialogue table, was in force until this Wednesday, February 15, and is now extended for 44 days.

"In order to maintain this price per gallon of fuel, the National Government makes a great effort and a fiscal sacrifice in order to alleviate the high costs of products and services to the general population, as well as relief for collective, selective transportation, collegiate and cargo ”, said a presidency statement.

In the midst of nationwide protests last July, due to the high cost of living, the Executive reached an agreement with the organizations to freeze the price of fuel at $3.25. The difference in the regular prices of 91 and 95 gasoline and diesel is assumed by the State.

So far, the State has subsidized $186.7 million for private vehicles and $139 million for public and commercial transportation.


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New fuel prices effective Friday


The National Secretariat of Energy announced on Wednesday the new regular fuel prices that will be in force from Friday, March 24 until Friday, April 1. 95 octane gasoline will maintain its price of $1.05 per liter. While 91-octane gasoline will increase by one cent and will be sold at 99 cents per liter. Diesel will drop three cents and its price will be 94 cents per liter. New fuel prices Friday All fuels have a subsidized cost of $3.25.per gallon

Posted 23/03/2023




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Gas prices rise -Subsidy  for 95 octane ends April 22


Posted 06/04/2023

The National Secretariat of Energy announced the new regular fuel prices for the next two weeks, starting Friday.

The new prices will be in effect from 6:00 a.m. Friday, April 7 until 5:59 a.m. on Friday, April 21.

95 octane gasoline will sell for $1.073 per liter and 91 gasoline for $1.014. Meanwhile, low-sulfur diesel will be priced at $0.933.

The Government extended until the end of May the fuel subsidy with a fixed price of $3.25, a gallon with the exception of 95 octane gasoline.

As of April 22  95 octane gasoline will be sold at the regular price


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Subsidy  on 95-Octane gasoline ends Saturday


Posted 19/04/2023

The subsidy applied to 95 octane gasoline will expire on Saturday, April 22, confirmed the National Secretary of Energy, Jorge Rivera Staff, who said that the government analyzes how international prices are, as well as the capacity of the State and the situation of the economy to determine the validity of the program.

"On Saturday, April 22, the 95-octane fuel will no longer be under the solidarity subsidy program, the rest of the fuels, for example, 91-octane gasoline and diesel, will be maintained until May 31, as agreed,” said Staff.

He indicated that since the fuel subsidy policy was applied, a total of $400 million has been allocated.


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Subsidy remains on 91 octane


Posted 22/04/2023

Regular gasoline prices register increase; the 95 will sell for $4.44 a gallon starting today. The subsidy for 95 octane gasoline expired on Friday, April 21.

91 octane gasoline and low sulfur diesel are maintained with this subsidy. That is, it sells for 3.25 a gallon. This measure will only be until next May 31.

Drivers who fill their vehicles with 95 have to buy it since this Saturday, at the market price: $1.17 a liter or $4.44 a gallon.

But the Secretary of Energy, Jorge Rivera Staff, recommended that those who use 95 octanes could use 91. "From the point of view of the manufacturers (of vehicles) there is no incidence in the change of the type of fuel in their engine," the official explained this week. He added that “there is no type of limitation so that a vehicle that uses 95 cannot use 91 gasoline. That is why the scheme is maintained. It is an alternative that the Government presents to consumers”.

Since July 2022, after protests by social movements, fuel prices have been set at $3.25 a gallon and the State assumes the difference before the dispatching companies.


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Gasoline prices tumble Friday


Posted 04/05/2023

 The Ministry of Energy reported that there will be new fuel prices starting Friday, May 5.

95 octane gasoline will lower its price by 11 cents to  $1.06 per liter. While, 91 octane gasoline will drop nine cents, to 0.97 cents per liter.

Low sulfur diesel will decrease by seven cents, remaining at 0.86 a liter.

These prices will apply until 5:59 am on Friday, May 19.


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