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A tribute to Jackie Gonzalez

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Many of our Boquete community know that there was a terrible tragedy after the big sale at the Handicap Foundation on Saturday. Following the sale, our beloved physical therapist Jackie Gonzâlez got into a horrible car accident on the way to her home in Potrerillos. Jackie was killed and her special needs son Jean Carlos suffered severe injuries and is in intensive care. Her other son Jonathan survived fairly unharmed. We will be having a wake at the Fundacion Pro-Integracion (Handicap Foundation) building starting on Tuesday afternoon. We urge you to watch this video which was placed on You Tube in December 2015 to see what kind of a caring mother and therapist Jackie was to her son Jean Carlos. Under Jackie's care, the therapy group at the Foundation became a family.
Jackie was the heart and soul of the Handicap Foundation and we don't know how to go forward without her.

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