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Amigos de Animales - December newsletter


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Our mission is to provide low cost spaying and neutering of dogs and cats, and to promote the general welfare of animals in our community and surrounding areas.  







Our Food Drive campaign has received $12,174 of contributions so far. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.


Carmen and Virgilio are a one income family with themselves and 19 animals to feed. They care for 14 dogs and 6 cats.  They also help feed other animals in their neighborhood.  Most of their dogs and cats have been rescued from the hotel/coffee finca in Alto Quiel where Virgilio works as a gardener.  


Many of these animals were dumped or abandoned there by their humans to roam and survive on their own.  Some have medical issues that need attention.  Virgilio has rescued these animals and now he and his wife Carmen care for them and provide them with a safe and loving home.  Both Carmen and Virgilio say they could not continue to feed themselves and care for these animals without the food that Amigos de Animales provides for them on a monthly basis. :


To us at Amigos de Animales, Carmen and Virgilio are heroes.  Please help us continue to help our local heroes and the animals they care for.  $10 per month will help feed one dog or cat.



On December 4th we took the mobile van and about 20 volunteers to Limones, which is past Puerto Armuelles on the peninsula near the Costa Rica border. We spayed or neutered 140 animals - 94 dogs and 46 cats.


The Alcaldia de Baru, Sr. Marcos Beitia, and Sr. Miguel Contreras with Forever Oceans de Panama each donated $2,000 to us so we could make this a free clinic for all owners who brought animals.


We are training the volunteers in that area, including many young people, so they can hold clinics on their own in the future. The student volunteers are from Programa Encontrando El Camino Correcto, a school focused on helping young people who have gotten into some trouble in the past and the school modeled after a police academy. From one of the local websites: "the students in this program were selected because they are considered to be "at social risk" and now they have the opportunity to make a new path in life..."


It was a very long day, but such a humbling experience to help such appreciative people and to work with such great volunteers. In 2022 we spayed or neutered a record 3,050 animals. We have sterilized 23,461 since we started in 2005.




On Sunday November 13, Animales held a BBQ thank you party for our hard working volunteers. Our volunteers are the core of our clinics and we could not do it without them.  If we don’t say it enough, thank you for all you do to make Animales the organization that it is! 


Our clinics will start up again in January and we look forward to working with you all in 2023.  We will be announcing training sessions for all new and returning volunteers in early January, the date will be announced soon. 


May this beautiful holiday season fill your heart with love, your home with joy, and your life with laughter. Happy holidays! Wishing you and your family love, peace, and happiness!




The 2023 calendars are here! Still only $10 - you can purchase them at La Granja, Mascotas, Mike's Global Grill, Sugar & Spice, The Garden, Larry's Place and the BCP Tuesday Market. These make great gifts!





We have made gift certificates in the denomination of $10 and $20, the cost of an individual sterilization for a cat or a dog. Do you have a friend or neighbor or worker who has an animal needing to be sterilized? Please tell them that the procedure will make their animals safer and free them from the worry of the related illnesses or injuries that might ensue with cat or dog fights.

These certificates are an easy way to help. They are available at the Animales table at the BCP Tuesday Market or at our clinics. You also can send an email to Cary at Animalesdeboquete@gmail.com



We will be holding our next Casino Night on Saturday January 21, 2023 from 5 - 9 PM. It will be a great night of fun, gambling with funny money, and raffle prizes. A $20 entry will include one free drink, appetizers and $5,000 funny money.


We are looking for raffle prizes and sponsors. Contact Carol Cardinale-Santana at cardinalesantana@gmail.com for more details.



This month we're featuring:


Name: Raquel Irais Coba Villarreal


Your position/title with Animales and how long have you worked here?:  Coordinator, WhatsApp Group for Spanish-speaking volunteers. Over one year


Can you tell us a little bit more about what you do with Animales?: I collaborate in the recovery of dogs and cats during the sterilization clinics.  I love working 


with the little ones. [Raquel has recently started helping us coordinate Spanish-speaking volunteers which has increased participation by Panamanians.]


Why would you encourage others to volunteer here with Animales?: When you enter the space for recovery, you give a little piece of yourself to these other species. Animals give us so many beautiful moments and their love for us is unconditional. Volunteering this way helps you to become more loving and understanding of their basic needs and a way to give back by sharing a little time and your love with them.
So that we can get to know you better can you tell us anything about yourself?:  I volunteer as an environmental activist; supporting educational activities to strengthen the environmental and social culture of children, young people and the adults in the District of Dolega. 


Click here for the rest of Raquel's story and more pictures on our website. 



•  Food Drive: We are continuing to feed needy dogs and cats in Boquete at a cost of over $1,200 per month.  You can donate by clicking here


•  Membership Drive: Sign up for your annual Amigos de Animales membership and receive this great car magnet. Membership is still only $10. You can sign up at the BCP Tuesday Market or at a clinic.


•  Gift certificates: We have made gift certificates in the denomination of $10 and $20, the cost of an individual sterilization for a cat or a dog. Give your neighbors, gardeners and maids certificates for their dogs and cats.  Let’s help each other help each other!  
These certificates are an easy way to help. They are available at the Animales table at the BCP Tuesday Market or at the clinics


•  2023 Calendar: These are now available for $10 at La Granja, Mascotas, Mike's Global Grill, Sugar & Spice, The Garden, Larry's Place and the BCP Tuesday Market.


•  Education program: We are visiting local schools to educate students about proper care for their pets, and the importance of spaying and neutering animals. Please email Katrina at katrinakneebone@gmail.com if you can help.


•  Spay or neuter your animal: we get new requests daily, but we are still following MINSA rules and doing clinics by appointment only. Contact Rosa, our appointment coordinator, at 6563-8686 to be added to our list.


•  Rescue/adoption?: The mission of Amigos de Animales is strictly spay and neuter, we are not a rescue, adoption or veterinary service.  Please do not ask Rosa about any other service, but there are many other rescue groups in and around Boquete


•  We have been updating our website - check it out here


•  Animales is always looking for stories and pictures to share in this newsletter.  

Please contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com if you are interested.



• Training - you can watch our training here.  We expect to hold an in-person training in January.  Contact Alicia if you have any questions.


• Clinics - Sunday January 29, 2023  (held the last Sunday of each month - we are dark in November and December)


• Casino Night - January 21, 2023 - raffle prizes needed, watch for more details 


• Valentine's Day dance - February 11, 2023 - watch for more details


• Non-Raffle Fundraiser - raffle prizes needed, ticket sales start in March. Contact Carol Cardinale-Santana at cardinalesantana@gmail.com for more details.



•  Donations:  Any amount will help.  

Click here for ways you can make a donation


•  Amazon Smile:  Amazon sends us a small % of every purchase you make (there is no cost to you). Click this link to register: Amazon Smile-Amigos de Animales, Inc. In 2022 we have received $521.57 through June. Thank you!!


•  If you would like to volunteer for Animales, contact Alicia or Raquel at volunteer@aadab.org

•  If you can donate dog or cat food, please drop it off at the Amigos de Boquete office in Alto Dorado or contact akcleavenger@hotmail.com

•  Don't forget, the Animales Events Center is available to rent for meetings and gatherings of any kind. Contact Sherry Shirritt at sshirritt@gmail.com or 6858-3607.

Here are the statistics from the December 4th clinic at Limones:


Here are 2022 year-to-date statistics through October:



 2022 Totals

Animales Totals-to-Date


Thank you for your support!  We could not do what we do without all of our incredible donors, sponsors and volunteers!


Amigos De Animales, Inc.

2733 Oak Ridge Ct Ste 104
Fort Myers, FL 33901

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Website:  www.aadab.org/


Contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com if you have any questions.


Copyright © 2021 Amigos de Animales, All rights reserved.


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