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Boquete Garden Walk to get ready for the upcoming Library Plant Sale


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To the community:

   Inspired by the Boquete Birders (who lead birdwalks through town), I will lead a tree and shrub walk to point out appealing plants that, unidentified and unnamed, often go unnoticed. There are many more than I know, but I'm hoping to be joined by knowledgeble others. This may help you figure out what to buy at the plant sale on April 16. It may also help me figure out what to deliver for the sale (I will take orders).
    When: Tuesday April 5. 8:30 am. Stroll town for an hour and be done in time for Tuesday market! 
  Where: plaza in front of La Biblioteca de Boquete (same location for the plant sale).
Equipment: cell phone to photograph memorable plants.

Peter Sterling
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