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What are functional mushrooms? Nature’s Ancient Healing Allies!


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Functional—or medicinal—mushrooms are Nature’s Ancient Healing Allies. They are not just for pizza and spaghetti sauce, anymore! Mushrooms can regulate blood sugar, attack tumors, lift the spirits, raise libido, make the brain sharper, create visions.

Here at Finca Luz in the Cloud Forest of Panama, during one wet October, we saw and photographed 50 different types of mushrooms growing out of logs, under trees, hiding beneath the soggy ground cover. Did we eat them? No! We are neither that brave nor that stupid! Because no matter how much some of them might be beneficial, some might make you really, really sick or dead and we don’t always know the difference! That, however, has not stopped us from diving deep into traditional and emerging research for proven uses for specific, known-to-be-safe mushrooms. We are students and explorers!

Our investigations led us, as the leading western herbalists and only CBD formulators in Panama, to ask the question: given how powerful these fungi are, what might happen if we combined them WITH traditional medicinal herbs AND CBD? This exploration has led to the development and release of new synergistic formulas that build upon the entourage effect. 

 We took five of the top functional mushrooms (gathered from certified organic suppliers) and made carefully crafted, super potent tinctures. We then combined them with a proprietary blend of terpenes (those  healing phytochemicals in all kinds of plants) designed to reduce inflammation, pain and anxiety. Next, we combined them with 3000 mg (!) of full spectrum organic CBD. Lastly, we flavored that combo with organic cacao extract from the Panamanian rainforest. The result is a deliciously chocolately, herby tincture that provides a gentle lift to the spirits, eases aches and pains, and increases the immune system’s ability to ward off viruses and bacteria. Boom! Yeah, baby. We are loving it and so are our clients. Read more here.

Come see us every TUESDAY at THE Tuesday Market at TapOut. Rain or shine...we are there!

Dianne and Elizabeth

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