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May newsletter - Amigos de Animales

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Our mission is to provide low cost spaying and neutering of dogs and cats, and to promote the general welfare of animals in our community and surrounding areas.  








On Sunday April 24, Amigos de Animales spayed or neutered 249 animals, 109 dogs and 140 cats with five vets and one trainee working all day.  73% of the animals were female and 41% came from Boquete (we've opened registration up to wider areas). Of this, 185 animals were brought in by owners and 64 came from collectors.  


We have 325 animals registered for our next clinic to be held on Sunday May 29th. We have finally gotten through our waiting list, but get new requests daily.  See more statistics below.


In January we raised our prices for the first time in years to $20 for a dog and $10 for a cat which has enabled us to pay our vets more for their services.  Despite that, we still have a shortfall of over $2,500 at each clinic.



People always ask what we will do when we run out of animals…that does not seem to be happening any time soon!  One of our collectors found a family with three female dogs – one has five puppies about 2 or 3 months old.  The others are about to give birth any day so that will mean another 10 or so mouths to feed and find homes for. This is a family who cannot afford to pay for the sterilizations.  The collector, Rosemary, will pay as much as she can and Animales will fund the rest.  


Stories like this illustrate why we continue to need your support, both for the clinic and towards our feeding program.  The need has not passed, Panamanians are still suffering from the closing down of the country two years ago and many jobs were lost as a result. 


There is a tendency to sterilize the females over the males but the statistics show that a male can impregnate up to five females a day, every day for its entire life.  We hope to get our education programs up and running in the schools again soon so the local children can pass on the need for sterilization of both the male and female animals in their care. 




At our clinics, we have up to 75 volunteers helping at any one time.  If you haven't been to a clinic before, or are interested in learning more about different departments, please watch our training here.


We have many non-clinic small jobs or tasks that need volunteer involvement as we are not just a once a month organization. Most do not require a great deal of time commitment and could be done from home (and possibly outside of Panama), but are very important to keeping Animales running.


A big thanks goes out to Kat McKay, who has created brief overviews of many of the non-clinic tasks that we need help with.  Please click here to review.


Please contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.



Sign up for your annual Amigos de Animales membership and receive this great car magnet. Membership is still only $10. You can sign up at the BCP Tuesday Market or at a clinic.




Training - you can watch our training here.  Station heads will contact new volunteers for date & time before the next clinic.  Contact Alicia if you have any questions.


Clinic - Sunday, May 29th (future dates will be the last Sunday of each month, except we are dark in November and December)



•  Food Drive: We are continuing to feed dogs and cats in Boquete at a cost of almost $1,000 per month.  You can donate by clicking here


•  Gift certificates: We have made gift certificates in the denomination of $10 and $20, the cost of an individual sterilization for a cat or a dog. Give your neighbors, gardeners and maids certificates for their dogs and cats.  Let’s help each other help each other!  
These certificates are an easy way to help. They are available at the Animales table at the BCP Tuesday Market or at the clinics


•  2022 Calendars: We still have a few copies left. You can get them at the BCP Tuesday Market or the clinic.


•  2023 Calendar: We have sold out all of the picture pages of our 2023 calendar, but we still have a few ad spots available for as low as $50.  Sign up at the BCP Tuesday Market, or contact Jennifer at landjpascal@msn.com or 6398-7274.


•  Spay or neuter your animal: we have gotten through our waiting list, but we are following MINSA rules and doing clinics by appointment only. Contact Rosa, our appointment coordinator, at 6563-8686 to be added to our list.


•  Rescue/adoption?: The mission of Amigos de Animales is strictly spay and neuter, we are not a rescue, adoption or veterinary service.  Please do not ask Rosa about any other services.


•  We have been updating our website - check it out here


•  Animales is always looking for stories and pictures to share in this newsletter.  

Please contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com if you are interested.



•  Donations:  Any amount will help.  

Click here for ways you can make a donation


•  If you would like to volunteer for Animales, contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com

•  If you can donate dog or cat food, please drop it off at the Amigos de Boquete office in Alto Dorado or contact akcleavenger@hotmail.com

•  Don't forget, the Animales Events Center is available to rent for meetings and gatherings of any kind. For rates and dates, contact us.

Here are the statistics from the April 24th clinic:


Here are 2022 year-to-date statistics through April:



 2022 Totals

Animales Totals-to-Date


Thank you for your support!  We could not do what we do without all of our incredible donors, sponsors and volunteers!


Amigos De Animales, Inc.

2733 Oak Ridge Ct Ste 104
Fort Myers, FL 33901

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Website:  www.aadab.org/


Contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com if you have any questions.


Copyright © 2021 Amigos de Animales, All rights reserved.

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