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10% off -- Celebrate Los Dias de Patria!


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Tuesday, November 2 at the TAPOUT Tuesday Market
10% discount on ALL CBD products.
OM, NOVA, ChillOut, Pure Relief, Muscle Magick, Vitality gummies...all your favorites for relief of  inflammation, arthritis in those achy joints, gut issues, sleep disturbances.
See what a client wrote us today:
I had a dental implant done last Friday which was very painful.  I added some of the Vitality CBD  from you and it marvelously accessorized the pain med I was using. I actually switched to the Vitality the next two days and stopped the pain med entirely which was awesome 🤩 The Vitality also relaxed my lower gut pain that I have been dealing with for the past two years.Thank you!"
JH, Boquete
Our products are all crafted from organic botanicals and HEMP sourced CBD. Each product is carefully made in-house to the highest quality and potency available, with broad spectrum entourage effect, but NO THC.
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