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BCP Meeting & Market Schedule


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PLEASE NOTE:  No Meeting & no market on Tuesday, Nov. 3 (Panama Independence Day)


Your $1 admission helps us keep the doors open


Our Meeting Schedule – 10:30 in the BCP Theater

Tuesday, October 20Beyond sustainability to Abundance - all beginning in our own back yards and farms Building ecological, abundant systems on your land: Strategies in the fields of Permaculture. Ethics, principles, strategies and tool kits in the large umbrella of permaculture.. What we need to know about being a permanent, restorative culture? How can we benefit from Permanent Agriculture or Restoration Agriculture to avoid pesticides, fire, drought, and food scarcity?  How can proper Earthworks avoid flooding? How can we produce zero waste to maintain a beautiful pristine nature in the face of increasing population???

Kelly Ware has been involved in permaculture for 21 years.  She received her Permaculture Design Certificate in Basalt, Colorado at the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Center. She has studied Large-scale farm permaculture at Versaland in Iowa and has spoken at several convergences and conferences of an intro to permaculture: She is part of the Permaculture Voices network and a founding member of PermaEthos of the Survival Podcast.  She is moving to Boquete to consult on eco-settlements. She offers online classes in Profitable Urban farming, PDC by Geoff Lawton, Plant Propagation, micro greens, and more. 

Tuesday, October 27 Lloyd Cripe, “the weatherman” talks about the micro-climates andweather in the Boquete area and how it has changed.

Tuesday, Nov. 3 – Panama Independence Day; no meeting

Tuesday, Nov. 10 – Being Prepared in Panama.  A presentation by Boquete Hospice. "Being Prepared" The recent sudden, unexpected illnesses and deaths of several of our community members have brought to mind how quickly things change and leave our control. Hospice explains the paper work, legal documents and procedures necessary in Panama for an illness or death to be handled the way you would want with a minimum amount of stress for the person trying to see that your wishes are followed.  Many people seem to believe that because they have their affairs in order in their country of origin that those papers will carry over to Panama.  Absolutely not!  Things are different.  Paperwork is different.  Laws are different.

Tuesday, Nov. 17Rodny Moreno discuses his new business Rodny Direct.

Tuesday, Nov. 24Penny Ripple presents “Trips around Panama”. Penny has assembled a panel of experts with knowledge about different destinations to explore in Panama:

Randy Hilarski - VIP Tours Panama - Colon, Gatun, Gamboa

 Amy Bennett - Portebelo Tours - Portebelo & Isla Grande

 Debbie Fishell - Visit Puerto Aurmelles - Puerto Aurmelles & Frontera

 Patricio Ortiz - Bocas del Toro, Taboga, Contadora

 Penny Ripple - San Blas, Boca Chica, Volcan/Cerro Punta, El Valle/Coronado


Tuesday, Dec. 1 Kevin Reilly talks about the health benefits of Tai Chi. He has more than 30 years of experience in Martial Arts and has been teaching Tai Chi here in Boquete and David for the past 2 years.  He will talk a little about Tai Chi . . . he and his students will demonstrate the most practiced form in the world. . .and there will be time for questions and discussion.


Tuesday, Dec. 8 Thomas McCormack speaks on Panamanian myths, folklore, legends, and wives’ tales..


Tuesday, Dec. 15 -- Elizabeth Farrell de Rios presents "A Caffeinated History of Boquete"


Tuesday, Dec. 22Travis Taliaferro, owner of Panama’s number one drone company tells us all about drones.  www.thepanamadrones.com


Tuesday, Jan. 12 – Jose Arias of Memorial Group will talk about the new private cemetery and crematorium service in David. Memorial Group has a 15 year history in Panama offering burial, funeral, memorial, and crematory services. .


To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting


To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, email Elena Serracin

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