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Where Central Americans Want to Go

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Travel: Where Central Americans Want to Go

In Central American countries, nearly 8 million people are looking for travel packages online, and of this consumer segment, about 5% explore options for travel to destinations in North America.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

CentralAmericaData's interactive information system monitors in real time the changes in consumer habits in all markets of the region, with fundamental information to understand the current commercial environment in which companies of all industries must operate.

This analysis was conducted in the context of the gradual reopening of borders in Central America and the reactivation of airline operations. According to the most recent reports, since mid-May there has been a rise in Internet searches and social networks associated with travel agency services.


(Image extracted from the " System for monitoring markets and economic situation in Central American countries")

The figures show that in the Guatemalan market, of the total number of consumers who are looking to buy a travel package online, 19% are trying to travel to Latin American destinations.

In the Panamanian market, nearly 12,000 people have shown interest in purchasing a package to travel to Asia, while in Honduras, more than 28,000 consumers are exploring options to visit Mexico.

In the case of Costa Rica, of the total number of consumers who are looking to buy a travel package, 3% are exploring options to visit Europe, while in El Salvador that proportion rises to 5%, and in Nicaragua, to nearly 4%.



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