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11 years ago when I first arrived in Boquete there was no BCP with plays and a market, no Buenos Vecinos, no Animales de Boquete and no ARF (Animales Rescue Foundation).   But I did see packs of dogs running through town and ferrell cats roaming at night.   Halfway into my life in Boquete, I decided to move to Cuenca, Ecuador for its beauty and culture.   14 months later I came running back to Boquete.  Why?   Because of the sense of community that is so strong in Boquete and didn't exist in Cuenca.
Those who come now enjoy streets without packs of dogs, and ferrell cats in their yard, and the Tuesday Market and Animales and ARF and many other organizations whose hard working volunteers make life here great!   I just signed up for a monthly donation through PayPal to ARF, who takes homeless and abused animals, bring them back to health, places them in foster homes and tries to find permanent homes for these four-legged loving animals.   The spay/neuter clinic that amazingly has spayed over 10,000 dogs and cats over these years keeps the homeless to a minimum but still...ARF has more than they can handle in caring for, feeding and placing those who are born to unloving homes.
I just got a big thank you for my small monthly commitment, from the ARF folks and I want to send a plea out to those who take for granted the services of ARF and Animales.  You may not notice the difference they make, but had you seen our streets 11 years ago like I did, you would be gratefully amazed by these tireless volunteers who often shoulder the cost and efforts from their personal pockets.
If you haven't signed up to help ARF...then stop by their space by the fence at the entrance of the Tuesday Market and make a donation.  Without your support, things could be VERY different.
Penny Ripple
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I second Penny's post about the need to support local animal charities. Over the past few years, Amigos de Animales de Boquete and ARF (Adopt, Rescue, Foster) received substantial funding from Bid 4 Boquete. They now need to make up that money to sustain their operating levels. Attend the groups' fundraising activities (which are great fun), and donate money directly to the organizations. If you do not want to return to the former state of affairs when feral animals roamed the street and many animals suffered needlessly, lend your support to these organizations. Their volunteers are among the most dedicated I've ever seen.

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I would be more inclined to support Amigos de Animales if they would post their financial reports on their website.  I've heard that, if one asks to see them, you get a private audience and a report, but not one that the general public can easily access. 

In my opinion, ANY organization which depends on and is successful only because of the generosity of individuals owes it to those individuals to provide information as to where and how the donated money is spent.  So, why is it so hard to see the reports from Amigos de Animales?

There is an ''Annual Report'' on their website, for 2014.  It is incomplete and does not identify where monies went or other significant income details. 

There is, so far, no report for 2015. Is it too soon?  Will it also be incomplete?


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Fundacion Amigos de Animales Boquete held its Annual Meeting on January 28, 2016.  Notice of the meeting was posted in advance and all were invited to attend - over 60 people did.  At the meeting, all of Animales activities from 2015 were discussed and the financial report was presented.  Questions were welcome. 
Also, the fund-raising plans for 2016 were discussed and the budget for the year was presented.
The treasurer for Animales is a CPA and can account for every penny that comes in or goes out. All our finances are reported to a Panamanian accountant as well.
The Annual Report will be posted on our web site when I return from the US next week.  As always, the full financial report is available upon request; it is neither complicated nor difficult to obtain.
All are invited to volunteer at or visit and observe our clinics.

Sent from my iPad

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