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Buenos Vecinos de Boquete in the Time of Coronavirus


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Buenos Vecinos de Boquete in the Time of Corona Virus March 2020


Our group was unable to pack for the 100+ families that we normally pack for each month in March. The majority of our clients come to the Handicap Foundation to get their food. The Foundation is closed and now the buses aren’t running. We didn’t have a way to deliver to all of those clients.  It was with careful thought and consideration that the March food packing was cancelled. We will compensate our clients for the food they missed this month with our future packings.

We do, however, have a group of 19 clients concentrated in a rural area within our Boquete designated parameters. The representante of this district identified six other families who are also in dire need of food. The Bunenos Vecinos volunteers living in this area quickly arranged with our wholesale food supplier, Ro-Her, to order and pick up the usual food allotments for the 25 families. The food was picked up and we packed it with the help of some neighbors who volunteered to assist us. It was a local community effort. The food was delivered in the last two days during our allowed two hours to be away from home. We have some photos of some of the grateful families receiving the food while our volunteers kept the recommended social distance.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our generous donors who have made it possible for us to be a food support service to our community for the past fourteen years. We are especially grateful at this time that we are able to assist at least a portion of our clients and we hope to be back to full support soon.





How to help?

If you would like to help our clients and the efforts of Buenos Vecinos de Boquete, we would appreciate your donation of any size. It is important for you to know that we are a small all-volunteer force with no administrative or overhead costs. Every dollar of your donation goes to the purchase or storage of food for our clients.
When you make that important decision to help feed the less fortunate in our community, you have truly become a “good neighbor”. When you donate $360 a year or $30 a month (about the cost of a daily latte), you will become a Coconut Foundation member as an acknowledgment of your concern and generosity.

Donate Online: We use PayPal for easy and secure transactions.








If you prefer to donate by cash or local check, please contact Louise Orr panamaleo@gmail.com for arrangements.

Be sure to check out our website and Facebook page:


Face book page: https://www.facebook.com/BuenosVecinosDeBoquete/


Website:  http://www.buenosvecinosdeboquete.com/

Thank you!

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