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Dog Camp News!


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Venta de Patio
Thank you so much to all the people who are donating, helping with, and signed up to volunteer at our upcoming Second Venta de Patio at Amigos de Animales Events Center.
We know that December is a very busy month.
 And, for this reason, we have decided to change the date of our Venta to March 22nd, 2020.  
What else is happening at DogCamp?
DogCamp recently moved to a new, temporary location in Volcancito.  We were told we would be able to stay at this new location for as long as needed, rent free.  Now, sadly, the manager of this property 
wants us to move at the beginning of 2020.  He has new projects he wants to use this property for.  
Relocating DogCamp's Shelter is disruptive, expensive, and a lot of work ! 
We are trying our very best to work out a way to not have to relocate our shelter (again).
 But, in case we are required to move, we have to start looking for a new location now and 
additional foster families are needed for DogCamp to continue accepting more rescue dogs.
We need your help finding & funding a permanent location for DogCamp !
Despite our recent fundraising events, we are far short of having enough money to buy a property and build a permanent shelter.  Our last move required a significant portion of the money raised at the last Venta to put in place what the dogs at our shelter need.  Another move will also likely be expensive. 
So we ask you... 
Do you have a property that you are not using (or know of someone who does) 
that could be put to use sheltering rescued animals? 
DogCamp has no plans to close.  
We are the largest dog rescue organization in all of Panama operating the only shelter for abused and abandoned dogs in Boquete.  Currently, we have 35 dogs living at our shelter and 6 dogs in foster homes
At this location it costs approximately $1,200 per month to operate DogCamp.
Our work recusing dogs in this community is only possible with the 
continued hard work and financial support of many caring people, such as yourself.
Thanks to your help, we have 19 DogCamp dogs ready for adoption or foster families !
All 19 dogs are totally healthy, spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and have no fleas or ticks.
We will gladly help you find the perfect pet !  
If you are new to this Community and would like to adopt or foster a dog, please contact us.  You can see the dogs that are ready for you at this link with pictures we created for people who don't use Facebook.   https://ibb.co/album/fK88Fa
You can contact us at:  dogcampboquete@gmail.com / 64151531 (whatsapp or calls) 
Our DogCamp Volunteers are fantastic !  (And, we appreciate every one of you !!)
 As always, we pledge to carefully and responsibly use your DogCamp donations 
solely for the important work of rescuing and enhancing the lives of our canine community.
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