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Oscar on the Streets Episode #14 - Buenos Vecinos de Boquete


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What We Do
Buenos Vecinos de Boquete (Good Neighbors of Boquete) is a small all-volunteer group that provides non-perishable food every month to about one hundred individuals and families in the greater Boquete area. The majority of these recipients are single moms, elderly without family support, handicapped individuals, or families struggling to support a handicapped family member. They represent some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

What We Provide
Each month Buenos Vecinos purchases food from a local wholesale provider. These are staples that are familiar to our families and include rice, beans, cooking oil, pasta, flour, salt, crema, canned fish, canned meat and powdered milk. This food is delivered to the Handicap Foundation (Fundacion Pro-Integracion) FPI, where BVB volunteers pack approximately $35 worth of food into reusable bags. Many of these are picked up by FPI families, and the rest of the bags are delivered by BVB volunteers. These monthly visits also give volunteers the opportunity to assess their families’ current health and living conditions.


See Video and Pics from Oscar's Day with Buenos Vecinos HERE

Please help this organization out by sharing the video.


To make donations go to:

For Cash or Check Donations contact -
Louise Orr - 6770-3678 - panamaleo@gmail.com







Visit Boquete Ning at: https://boquete.ning.com/?xg_source=msg_mes_network

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