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Thoughts about another forum

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Thank you for your recommendation, Don Ray.

Now I'd like to ask you a question. You often post links to Chiriqui Chatter whenever you have the opportunity. But sometime back on your Chiriqui Chatter site, within a context of another post I mentioned http://forums.delphiforums.com/panamaexpats . Your response was something like, "Oh, boy, just what we need...another forum." (I can't find the specific post because there's no way to do a search on your site except under specific topics. And by the way, the Delphi "forum" is more of a blog than a forum.)

My response is that the more all of us can learn about Panama in general, and Chiriqui specifically for those of us who live here or want to live here, the better. 

So far at http://forums.delphiforums.com/panamaexpats the information focuses on what is currently happening in Panama. The laws and political happenings definitely affect everyone who lives in Panama or wants to live in Panama, whether it be Chiriqui or any other part of Panama. There is no other forum/blog that I know of with that particular focus. All forums/blogs have their place. There are no advertisements on http://forums.delphiforums.com/panamaexpats and no one has anything to sell.

Personally, I'm very glad to find another source of information like chiriqui.life. I notice that you have not criticized this forum/blog. I find it questionable that you'd criticize still another source of information, such as http://forums.delphiforums.com/panamaexpats 

(Moderators: if this response is not in the proper place in this blog/forum, I apologize and please move it.)

Edited by Admin_01
This posting was split off of a different topic. Appreciate the pre-acknowledgment of the need to split off. Thnx.
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Has anyone missed American expat, Don Winner's "Panama Guide"?
Winner described it as "The #1 English Language web site about the Republic of Panama. There are currently more than 8,500 articles in our ever-expanding database.'' He charged a one year membership fee to continue reading his journalistic articles. The members all got screwed when suddenly the website closed down.

FYI, Winner, fled the country last December, about the time that they put his star source, Alejandro Moncada Luna, under house arrest and prosecutors started asking questions about the Petaquilla Gold scam that he hyped.

Awww, the unsavory elements who find their way to Panama'.

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