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Posts posted by Pederhaney

  1. From Programa Radial

    22 mins · 



    Alcaldía Municipal de Boquete

    Teléfono 720-1261


    Luego de evaluado los puntos de vista de amigos conductores del distrito con relación a la doble vía que se habilitaría las horas picos, los 2 fines de semana que iba desde la Bajada de la Virgencita hasta el centro de Boquete y la salida de los conductores por la Vía Belisario Porras la alcaldía de Boquete, comunica la suspensión de la medida. 

    En horas de la tarde de ayer se evaluó con la Policía Nacional, la ATTT, el Alcalde Emigdio Walker Vásquez y los transportistas de la Ruta David – Boquete la medida suspendida, debido al poco tiempo de labor educativa que hemos tenido con relación a los conductores.

    Reconocemos que no se ha contado con el tiempo adecuado para educar sobre la medida a los conductores que nos visitarán en el evento ferial, por ello se opta por suspenderla y anuncia que todo el tráfico vehicular se mantendrá como normalmente se ha conocido hacia el distrito de Boquete. 

    Con el anhelo de que este evento ferial sea de disfrute para los miles y miles de visitantes, que año tras año nos han visitado el distrito boqueteño; también comunicamos sobre el gran pie de fuerza de unidades policiales a lo largo de la vía que David – Boquete. Programa Radial PS Ronald Abdiel Acosta Flores Edgar Enrique Mora Torres

  2. Lol, my question wasn't around your preference for or against pets, but was trying to get info around the chemicals used by your exterminator and what directions, if any, there were for pets.   Perhaps someone who has pets and uses Sr. Vargas' service will respond. Every extermiation service I used throught the US recommended removing them from the premises (indoors and out) for varying periods of time and covering or storing any open fodstuffs (pet or human).  It's not the spray aroud the baseboards that concerns me as much as the residual aerosol effect of the fumigant dropets.

  3. If memory serves, Lee had bugs in that platform early on and gradually sorted things out, adding bits and pieces and refining for a number of years.  I expect this will be the same. If CL does truly become the "go-to"site for reliable information and the sections/subsections are used as they are designated , the registrations will increase exponentially.  In this land we live in, the key word is paciencia.  I look forward to the development and growth.

  4. We took the donuts in yesterday morning and they were received with gusto! They are a terrific group and it was nice to be able to say Hello and Thanks. They love coming here and said they've been pleased with the exceptional professionalism and progress of our Bomberos.

    P.S. The donuts are wonderful and are from the Moon Valley Donut Factory and Restaurant..on the diagonal from eShop and on the other side of the parking lot from the Laboratorio.


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