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Posts posted by WryAwry

  1. In deference to the emotionally-fraught necessity to develop a dignified and environmentally sensitive means of gently and responsibly handling human remains, research scientists have invented the Human Cannonball (tm) device to assist with long-range burial-at-sea.

  2. 3 hours ago, Keith Woolford said:

    Panama America is reporting this morning that the protesters in San Pablo Viejo have been successful and the crematorium will not be built where it was proposed.


    Court notifies MiAmbiente

    The regional director of the Ministry of Environment in Chiriqui, Yilka Aguirre, confirmed that it was notified by the Superior Court of Justice of the admission of amparo guarantees, that orders the suspension of the project.

    "Effectively the Superior Court of Justice notified me about the resolution, which leaves without effect the environmental impact study that leaves without effect the construction and location of the incinerator," said the official.

    Given this step, the Ministry of the environment is outside the item because under guarantees and is only to comply with the provision that provides for the suspension of the work on a temporary basis. The project should look for another place and have a new environmental impact study where intend to build the incinerator of corpses."


    The full article is here



    Plans have been buried ...

  3. 8 hours ago, Marcelyn said:

    Keith:  I read "Coughing from Coffins" essay.

    Learned crematorium emissions "might be dangerous" and in ground burial is too expensive.

    Is the solution Don't Die?

    Science has catalogued numerous physiological complications resulting from a wide variety of chemical compounds that are routinely utilized to color fabrics and textiles. Don't dye.

  4. Online perusal here and there and hither and yon indicates that this world is heading straight to heck in a handbasket. Blame the politicians. Any politician -- take your pick. Don't waste your time with life and the living and the laughter and the loving.


    Next up: killer asteroid. Hardhats now available -- only $9.99 Balboas.


    Looking out for YOU,



  5. 33 minutes ago, David van Harn said:

    But, but - wouldn't making the rich pay their fair share of taxes  - especially when such efforts are made by governments that provide welfare and aid to the poor and destitute - be considered a "redistribution of wealth?" 

    Such obviously communist schemes make American Tea Party members quiver in their skivvies!

    The horror of it all - it must be an American Democratic Party plot!  

    Please remember that only hard working middle class people should pay taxes. 


    David, I've provided all your info to The Authorities, and they'll be broadening their investigations accordingly ......





  6. I'm not too old to remember the good old days when members and contributors to the various social sites pertaining to Panama and Chiriqui Province would never ever resort to hyperbole and exaggerations in a million-billion years. It was a kinder, gentler online community where everyone liked to teach the World to sing in perfect harmony. The lyin' would lay down with the lame. No animals would be harmed in the comments. Everything received the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. It was kumbaya for one-and-all. Then, the metaphorical meteor hit and the Earth was utterly destroyed in the wink of an eye. But CL rose from the ashes like a phoenix and now soars on gossamer wings throughout the heady heavens of higher intellect like the daydreams of Steven Hawking, and there is yet hope for we struggling survivors of that hideous mayhem.

    So as you stealthily hunt for your sustenance through the dark jungles of Central America,, make certain that you know all the secret signs and cunning bird-whistles, lest you should become intoxicated by a poison blowgun dart mistakenly fired by one of your contemporaries.

    The cruelties are always in others,


    • Upvote 1
  7. Greetings. I hereby request the internationally-recognized "Right of Petition" of the Administrator of this forum (Hi, Bud!) to update my personal User Rating from "Advanced User" to "Inexpert User".

    My contention is that I have conclusively demonstrated every applicable characteristic of the textbook "Inexpert User", and my appellation as such here at Chiriqui.Life should reflect that salient fact.

    I further contend the the hundreds upon hundreds of "Expert Users" (Hi, Everybody!) here at Chiriqui.Life would concur that I have met every qualifying requirement to meet and exceed the "Inexpert User" rating criteria.

    I therefore humbly beseech the able Administrator to immediately correct this egregious injustice in the name of Truth, Justice, and the American and/or Panamanian Way.

    Respectfully submitted,

    An Inexpert User

    • Upvote 1
  8. Permit me to play the devil's advocate for a moment with the confession that I sometimes rue having been banned from that *ning for the simple reason that it had afforded me the opportunity to criticize and condemn everyone and everything that isn't just exactly like me -- a practice which helped me to stay on an "even keel", reduced my own self-medication requirements, and arguably righted (writed? wrote? wrot?) wrongs in this world that begged correcting. Now, I must silently stew in the cauldron of my own vitriol, which will likely result in the hastening of my own intellectual demise, wherein I shall be reduced to the sorry state of scathing but ineffectual political insult hurled meaninglessly in every direction like projectile vomitus.


    The center cannot hold,



  9. These simple guidelines should assist all the denizens of Boquete in determining whether or not their observations of strangers in their neighborhoods are maleantes or not. I fully expect this list to be approved by the Official Administrative Authority of Chiriqui Province, who will likely publish it in its entirety, as well as printing it in handy pamphlets to be passed around at the Tuesday Market. 


    1. Is the individual in question ........ sinister?

    2. Shoot him.


    Another public service announcement brought to you by the good folks at wryawry.

  10. Like another elsewhere, I would defiantly recommend moving. Rebel against stillness! At the very least, consider the Jimmy-leg, or simply drumming the fingers. And never hesitate to make defiant recommendations! Don't just sit there like a lump on a bog!


    An advocate for ACTION,



  11. Dear Fellow Chiriqui Livers, Lifers, and Lovers:

    Perhaps some of you may have heard rumors of upcoming political elections way up here in the Land of the Beer and the Home of the Rave. 

    As there appears to be no small interest in the potential results of the plethora of contests for unbridled power, and the likelihood of their impacts on all creatures and expats, great and small, I believe that it is high time that Chiriqui Life addresses these history-making events with the institution of a Political Commentary topic, complete with the requisite hyperbole, baseless accusations, ad hominem attacks, sputtering invective, and screeching rhetoric. I believe that the human condition, something which we all share in common, can only be advanced and enhanced by any opportunity whatsoever to spew vitriol in the general direction of any and all who may happen to disagree with our more comprehensive and correct opinions and viewpoints. Perhaps editorial boundaries could be lifted in these endeavors to permit the untrammeled employment of filthy language in order to permit participants to fully express their true feelings.


    As an empathetic and humanitarian soul, I would start the discourse with outlandish and outrageous, I mean serious and piercing commentary, i.e.:


    Politics suck, politicians suck, people with political beliefs suck, people who like politics suck, people who don't like politics suck, and people who don't like people who don't like politics or politicians suck. Pretty much everybody sucks.


    I will eagerly anticipate meaningful dialog and the intellectually-enriching sharing of opinions pertaining to these crucial issues.


    Your friend,




    Next up: religion

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