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Posts posted by WryAwry

  1. As every expat living in Chiriqui Provence knows all-too-well, one of the biggest challenges faced on a routine basis is the dearth of social media sites specifically designed for the frustrated, the chronically unhappy, and the haters among us. It must be stipulated that Chiriqui.Life, while being an amazingly comprehensive resource for expatriates seeking general information about day-to-day life and living in Boquete and environs, is a site woefully inadequate for those souls with a need for venting spleen and spouting vitriol. It happens that I, personally, am quite an expert on all matters pertaining to the pursuit of satisfaction in Western Panama, having the benefit of the macro-view provided by observations from 4,200 miles away.


    It is with great pleasure, therefore, that I announce the inauguration of Buckets.zing, where grumpy people like myself will be able to freely exchange thoughts, feelings, accusations, stinging barbs, withering insults, racial bias, universal intolerance, gay-bashing, religious pandering, wingnutism, lib-tarditude, seething resentment, over-weening self-importance, extremism of every stripe, hubris, and generally whatever may strike one's fancy.

    Scientific research proves that it is unhealthy and stressful to keep one's feelings in check, so we here at wryawry Inc. anticipate great success with the launching of this site. Be assured that the site will be carefully moderated to ensure that the boundaries of good taste will be studiously ignored.

    Participation at Buckets.zing will require a mandatory donation of $9.99 Balboas per month, or only $99.99 Balboas (prepaid) annually, a savings of $19.98 Balboas!

    Former Members of the Don Winner website will enjoy very special paywall rates, plus a free evergreen car freshener.


    Looking forward to your unbridled outlandishness,



  2. "You should concentrate on how bad things are getting in Panama."

    from On High 


    We are offering advanced coursework in "Conentration" to help the uninitiated to focus upon and mull-over bad things. Concentrating upon bad things is uplifting and positive, and the rewards are incalculable.

    Here are just a few of the benefits:

           --That constant jittery feeling can lead to rapid weight loss.

           --Eyeball-darting strengthens the oscular musculature, and helps to                        condition the dark bag circles under the eyes, leading to that popular                  "haunted" appearance.

           --Laying awake at night fretting increases opportunities for concentration. 

    .      --It will be an enormous relief when you finally realize that things can't get                any worse!!

    Sign up today to receive FREE video seminars:

                "It Ain't Paranoia if They Really ARE After You". presented by wryawry,  and,     "One-Hundred and One Ways That You're Not Worthy", presented by    The Potentate of Potrerillos.

    Three year course, only $9.99 Balboas per month.

    ACT NOW!!!    

  3. These "get outta town (USA) before ya drown" pieces are becoming as ubiquitous as "(insert your favorite gripe here)". Their frequency has spawned the latest backlash, which is manifesting as the viral defense of just how great things are here in the Good Ol' Yew Ess of Aye. The priorities boil-down to quality-of-life issues: "I hurt and it sucks cuz it's so expensive to try to fix it." The touts of "Retirement Paradises" such as Boquete seldom do more than take a swipe at the veneer with a dustcloth; the realities of any change in any life are far too complex to comprehensively address.

    What has not been reported at all is the sweeping reform taking place in American health care, where the benevolent HMO's are joining forces with friendly Insurance Conglomerates and everybody's favorite Uncle Big Pharma in the plan now known simply as "America Greatness" Just place all of your money into the convenient slot in the front of the Suck-a-Tron, take a giant handful of Designer Drugs, then walk out that door over there and die.

    Safe. Convenient. Dignified. And, good for your Country, too! Preserve a robust economy for the entitled by becoming extinct. Now, more than ever before, it is time for all ordinary older citizens to become True Patriots. Why subject the next generation to the shame that accompanies becoming an Old Fart? Don't be a burden! Our slogan:


    That's real progress,



    • Upvote 1
  4. Further study pertaining to life, and living as an expat in Panama reveals that "you've got to have the right stuffing." I'm not sure if the reference is to chicken, or pork, or red peppers, some other kind of relleno, or perhaps to baked potatoes; but evidently there are many gringos who haven't found the right stuffing, and they've had to return to the USA or Europe in order to find it. This information comes from the Potentate of Potrerillos, so one can be assured that it tows a line.

    You learn ... something ...  every day!


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  5. Is it attempting to fire? Ensure that the cold water inlet filter screen is not clogged. Should be on or adjacent to the cold connection. Typically will not require a tool to remove. Turn off water. Remove cap or plug. (Blue plastic?) (Lefty-loosey! Righty-tightly!) Do not damage o-ring seal. Clean screen (perhaps cylindrical in form) and replace carefully. Turn water back on, check for leaks, check operation. The unit depends upon a minimum flow to trigger ignition and sustain burner operation. I had one where varmints chewed the insulation from the ignitor wires, causing the spark to short out. A little electrical tape fixed that. You can also check for loose wire connectors inside the jacket, or there may be a safety switch that opened -- that's like turning off a light switch. Some of these safety switches may be re-settable with a tiny red push button directly between two wires with spade connectors. Is the thing breathing right? Flue unobstructed? Air inlets in jacket and/or bottom unobstructed?

    How old is the unit? Over time, the water way through (actually wound-around) the heat exchanger can become restricted with lime or other mineral build-up. This requires cleaning with vinegar, which is a bit more complicated, but can be done by anyone with proper instruction.

    There are certainly YouTube videos to help you learn more about these devices! Good luck, and please report back!


    State of Colorado USA

    Master Plumber License #179-842

    • Upvote 2
  6. The *ning was a thing with bling but became a fling with a ding, and the cha-ching has a sting hard to wing.

    But opening-up to the whinge (ouch) and binge of the unhinged fringe will impinge and induce a twinge of a tinge of the cringe.

    It is likely that the Administrative Authority, after much soul-searching, private meditation, prayer, and consultation with the peerless Site Moderators, will continue to weed-out all of the Sneeds without stars so as to maintain the purity of the *ning experience for the chosen few.

    Assuring the dearth of diversity is a comfort in these challenging times, and I, for one, would pay a premium ($9.99 Balboas!) to enjoy the privilege of participation in a site custom-designed to guarantee that other contributors are of exactly the same mindset as myself in order to prevent Uncomfortable Thoughts. (NO! to Social Lasciviousness! NO! to Orgiastic Political Ejaculation! YES! to Cerebral Cleanliness which is right next to ... whatever-it-is!)

    In order to assist with the homogenization of the expat intellect, I have established a GoFundMe account with the aim of maintaining myself in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed, and I would encourage each and every one of my legion of fans, my minions, and my bootheel lick-spittle lackeys to contribute $9.99 Balboas to help ensure the timely publication of the Manifesto of Correctness currently being drafted.

    Consider it a mandatory survival technique for the ultimate protection in these Troubling Times! Suffer the little gringos to come unto me! And you'd better WATCH OUT for that other guy!



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  7. Dear Bonnie,

    It strikes that one of the most important aspects of existence in life is a fundamental recognition of the simple fact that our time here on this beautiful earth is limited; that for each and every one of us, one journey ends, and the sendero to the next begins in a place we cannot know and will never fully understand.

    In my own reckoning, to pursue life and living is to pursue dignity and honor, and your actions and your words demonstrate the very essence of honor and dignity as you and your loved ones face the difficult realities of your beloved husband's passing.

    May I be so bold as to salute your grace and aplomb in this most trying of times, and may the strength of your character sustain you with ease and grace in those moments when you most need them.

    With deepest respect,


    • Upvote 5
  8. The real danger is not guns.

    The real danger is not doctors.

    The real danger is doctors with guns!

    Insane alien zombie doctors from outer space with death ray guns bent on a fell mission of cannibalistic domination!!!

    (Another friendly community service message from your friends at wryawry.)


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