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Posts posted by Admin_01

  1. Twin Wolf, you can edit your posts here. 

    I agree, the Activity Stream would make a better home page, especially since people sometimes don't post in the right category for their subject matter.

    Judy, please be careful. Here are the correct editing privileges: http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/57-how-do-we-edit-our-own-postings/

    Moving the Activity Stream to the main forum index page is on my to-do list.

    Keep the feedback coming. We are listening and responding as fast as we can.

  2. Classified advertisements are not one of CL's strong points; advertisements in general require considerable flexibility in managing the content of the ad as well as its lifespan. That is difficult to achieve on CL because of the data architecture that has been implemented and the software that drives CL. The best way to approach classified ad postings on CL is to think in terms of posting a static advertisement, and then all subsequent changes or deletions being handled by the CL management team. There is no cost in terms of money for this service, but there is a "cost" in terms of flexibility.

    If you wish to post a classified ad here on CL, then please do so, using the guidelines/rules specified in the next section after the horizontal line. Once posted, then contact management at support@chiriqui.life for all follow-up support regarding that posting.

    Note that the below Forum Specific Rules for classified ads are in addition to the the site-wide general Terms and Rules, not in place of.

    Postings in this Classified Ads forums are subject to the following additional Forum Specific Rules:

    1. Specify in the thread subject or as "tags" whether you are 'offering' (or 'for sale') or 'wanting'.
    2. Note that only topics may be posted in these classified ads forums (topics are the lead/first posting in a thread). That means that no one will be able to reply to your topic to ask questions, etc. Even you will not be able to reply to your ad to provide missing information or to correct misinformation.
    3. We strongly urge you to post the price of your goods or services. It is a common practice to add the term "obo" (meaning "or best offer") to the price if you are so motivated.
    4. Include your contact information in your posting so that interested parties may contact you. Think about the words in item 2 above. Provide your real name, home and/or mobile telephone number, FAX, email address (as a hot link, see Making Hot Links), and possibly a website (also as a hot link). Provide interested parties with at least one method to contact you. Otherwise your ad is wasted energy and resources.
    5. Once an item is sold or removed from the market (i.e., no longer available) or no longer desired, contact CL management so that your ad can be deleted. You will not be able to delete your topic yourself. Simply contact a support person at Chiriqui.Life in order to close topic. The easiest way to do that is either to (a) send a PM (private message) to Moderator_02 (@Moderator_02), or (b) email support@chiriqui.life -- in either option specify your Display Name and the specific topic that is to be closed. Normally only the originator of a classified ad (topic) may request that their topic be closed.
    6. Except under unusual circumstances, it is strongly recommended that you advertise only one item in each posting. For instance, if you have two cars for sale or two condo units to rent, then post two separate ads, one for each item. That way, when one item has sold or rented and after you request deletion of that ad, then the other ad remains active and working for you.
  3. There haven't been any new posts for a couple of days.  Is the rain getting everybody down?

    How the 'New content" button responds to your click is controlled by you. Look for the "Filter" option control. Where it displays depends on the device (e.g., desktop, tablet, etc.) that you are using to access Chiriqui.Life. But it is there, somewhere. You have a good many options to work with to meet your needs/desires.

  4. A frequent question to website management is how to limit the forum index display to show only those topics and replies that have been posted since your last login. This is very simple to do. One step.

    When you login from a computer or laptop, etc., look in the upper right area of the forum index page for the button labelled "New Content". It is right below the search field. Click that button and you will see a display of only the new content that has been posted since your last login.

    The somewhat bad news is that the New Content button is available only for large display devices (e.g., desktop and laptop computers), but not for tablets and mobile devices. However, for tablets there is an alternative, which is a prominent Star button that is located in the upper right of the forum index page. The Star button does the same thing as the New Content button does for desktops and laptops.

    The "Activity Stream" is an alternative that is slightly more cumbersome, but which works on all devices. Activity Stream is part of the drop-down menu of the "More" button that is located just to the right of the New Content button.

    If you need help, send us a message.

  5. Great suggestion. It will be done within five minutes after I finish typing this reply.

    BTW, hope you don't mind, but I moved your topic to a more appropriate forum (the suggestions forum). I did leave "redirect" in the original forum where you posted.

    Remember, this website is for members. We are trying to be responsive to good suggestions, and you hit a home run here.

    Thanks again.

  6. The short answer is yes, you can be taken directly to the first unread post in a topic thread.

    While inside a forum (where the topic titles are listed, not inside a post or outside a forum, such as a category) a fairly large black 'dot' will be displayed to the left of the title of all available topics within that forum that you have not yet read. If that black dot is present, then it means that there is at least one post that you have not yet seen. Click on that black dot and the software will take you directly to the first unread post. It may in fact be the only post, but it is still the first unread post.

    Be careful because fairly large, black 'dots' and other similar icons can appear in various places on this website. The only one you need to concern yourself with is if there is a black dot immediately to the left of the topic title.

    Let me know if this works for you.

    P.S., I am replacing the prior lengthy, detailed answer with this short, concise version.

  7. Here is a bit of "add-on" information about going to the first unread post in a thread: If you hover your mouse over the black circular icon in front of the name of a post, then it provides a tip that says "Go to first unread post". Obviously this will only work for a desktop/laptop system, not a mobile or tablet.

    Both the software and your hard working staff (such as it is) here at Chiriqui.Life are trying to make things easier for you.

  8. Based on numerous member requests and advice from advisers, the grace period in which a posting remains unlocked for editing by the originator has been extended to fifteen (15) minutes from the original five minute limit.

    Below is the original guidance on editing a posting that has now been modified effective with this posting.

    Good question that has come up a few times so far.

    Once a member has posted something on this website, they have a five (5) minute grace period in which to review and potentially (1) do nothing, or (2) to edit the content of their posting; it is not possible to delete that posting. Once that five minute grace period has expired, then the posting is locked.

    Administrators and moderators can edit any content on the website at any time, but a request by a member for such an edit would have to be justified per our Terms & Rules.


  9. Might I suggest that your group create a blog on Chiriqui.Life. That would allow you to "bundle" all of your stuff together in a nice "package" for everyone. Not only would things be "bundled" together nicely, but you would also have a URL that you could advertise very easily. Tell people interested in your activities to go "check out our blog".

    And the best part: the cost is $0.00.

    If you decide to do a blog and need help, just ask.

  10. Oh, and by the way... if you click on the search box but leave the space empty and then select Members from the drop-down menu in front of the search box, you will get a complete list of all the members.   I hope I am not giving away any secrets Bud - just found it by playing with the search feature and thought you should know too.   I am impressed with its search capabilities.

    Dear Twin Wolf,

    It was a surprise to me. This seems to provide the solution to the request for the member list.

    Going further, this technique is not divulging any of the protected information as mentioned in our Privacy Policy. To my way of thinking this is now a closed request.

    Thanks for bringing this feature to everyone's attention, and moving on now.

    Thanks, Dan. It's a little cumbersome in that it requires several steps, but it works.


    It is no more cumbersome than creating a function/link to provide the information. It is just not where you thought it would be.

    By the way, presumably this isn't the list of members because, pursuant to the rules, that would contain the member's real name, email address, etc. But it contains enough information to find their posts, and that's what matters to me.

    Bonnie, again,

    Learning of this is NOT a violation of our Privacy Policy. Read above. The only information disclosed is the Display Name (already public), and the date that the person registered (already public; refer to each member profile).

    Please note: email addresses are NOT disclosed by this newly discovered feature/function.


    For all users of Chiriqui.Life, you should not be concerned about this feature. No information that was previously defined to be private is being disclosed. If being able to see all of the registered users in one listing (albeit many screens) bothers you, then we will respond to account closure requests, and dispose of your posted information in a manner that you choose. You still are in control.

  11. Bonnie,

    You are the second member to bring up this subject.

    Disclosure of the complete roster of member Display Names is contrary to Chiriqui.Life policy. I do see some advantages, but feel a fiduciary responsibility to protect users' privacy trumps the advantages of disclosure. If this policy is changed, then I will post on Chiriqui.Life.

    One option would be to do a poll on this website to see how members feel about this subject.

    Should anyone wish to share their pro/con views, please do so.

  12. Fran, I think what you created is an album within the one gallery that comes pre-configured. That pre-configured gallery is called "Member Albums"

    Recall that a gallery is at the highest level, and then albums go within a gallery. Photos go within an album.

    Only administrators can create a gallery (that is not re-configurable as best I can tell). Members can create up to five albums (as currently configured).

    I have absolutely no problem with creating a gallery for you (or others). If you want a dedicated gallery, please just say so, and provide me with the name of the gallery as you wish it to be. Then you can create albums to your hearts content (up to five) within that gallery.

    If you have recommendations about changing the album limit, please send an email to support@chiriqui.life with your thoughts. You know you will get my full attention.

    Hope this helps. We are both learning as we go. Thanks for that.

  13. Franagin,

    I am a bit shaky on this but here goes. I believe this is how things work.

    Galleries are at the top of the hierarchy, followed by albums, and then the photos. When you first click on the gallery tab, you see the boxes (in our current situation there is only one gallery and it is called "Member Albums". And then the application display some of the latest images from that album.

    If you wish to create a new album, then start with the process of uploading a new image. Along the way you will be given an option to establish a new album, which you can then name, and optionally provide some control over. I have things configured right now (hopefully I am speaking truth, but I am a bit inexperienced with the gallery right now), you can even create a private album (only you can see), or a limited distribution album, in which you would designate which user(s) (using their Display Name) you will allow to see your images.

    Give this a try. I know you are good at computer skills, and tell me if you are successful. I was, but then I have extra privileges from a regular member.

    It is my understanding that there are an unlimited number of galleries available, but only administrators can create the highest level (i.e., gallery). Regular members can (if configured to do so, and I believe that is our case unless I made a mistake) create as many albums within the available galleries.

    I have objection to creating another gallery if someone were to ask for one. That is what CL is supposed to be about.

    Please give it a go, and let me know how things work out and if you need some configuration changes.

    P.S., I am NOT flagging this post as the final and correct answer. We need time to prove things work as they should.

  14. Based on advice from trusted advisers about reputation ticks, the limit on the number of reputation ticks that can be used per day has now been raised to 15 'likes', and 15 'unlikes'. Effective immediately. The number of 'likes' and 'unlikes' have been split apart, so you really get a net total of 30 reputation ticks per day.

    Previously this limit was a net total of five reputation ticks per day. Now it is 15 positives and 15 negatives.

    Hopefully most people won't need 15 'unlikes' in a day, or even close to that.

    Appreciate your feedback in helping Chiriqui.Life be user friendly and supporting your needs. Keep it coming. And have a great day!

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