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Posts posted by Bud

  1. On 3/6/2017 at 11:38 AM, Jim Bondoux said:

    Just for fun, here is my analysis of the jubilado/pensionado discount that would apply to Claudia's brunch:

    $35 cost includes the tax, so the pretax cost becomes $32.70, allowing for the 7% tax. Of that amount, Claudia probably figures $2.00 for the guided tour of the rainforest park, which is what she has charged in at least one previous occasion. That entertainment fee is worth a 50% jubilado discount, so that's $1.00 off the price. Joyful described the buffet brunch offering which included a champagne drink (doesn't qualify for the discount), a whole bunch of appetizers (which don't qualify for the discount) and a massive dessert table (dessert doesn't qualify for the discount). So we are left with the "plato fuerte", the big ham - I'll give it an arbitrary $5.00 price tag, which attracts a discount of $1.25.

    Taking the $1.00 park discount and the $1.25 ham discount against the $32.70 raw price gives you a $30.45 bill, to which you add the 7% tax ($2.13) for an all-in cost of $32.58. 

    Your estimates might differ, but we're talking a difference measured in centavos.

    Interesting logic in your posting. If these are correct or close to correct financial calculations re the impact of the jubilado discount on the price of a meal, then why wouldn't a proprietor/proprietress not honor (better still even offer!) the jubilado discount to those lawfully qualified for such? Very small financial impact indeed for the restaurant owner, but think of the positive public relations coup.

    Just a thought.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 12 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    Why so meanspirited, Pat? It is not unusual for people to spend more for a special occasion, and it clearly was worth it to Joyful. And she wrote a lovely review for the rest of us. Are you suggesting that there should be no venues of this sort because they don't appeal to you?

    Bonnie, Pat identified the cost of the event as the factor that put that event beyond her means. Is it mean-spirited to share that one lives on a limited budget? Unfortunate and perhaps uncomfortable, yes, but mean-spirited I think not.

    I am glad that Joyful took the time to post a review. Her review was well done. Clearly this was an event that Joyful and her compatriots enjoyed and were able to afford.

    The part about the jubilado discount that Pat raised is an issue that periodically comes up. My perspective is that the law is the law, and I don't understand how some establishments manage to circumvent it. I do know from personal experience that ACODECO (the agency that would enforce this provision of the law) has been ineffective in the few cases that I have brought to their attention. I would hope that a complaint about not honoring a jubilado discount would, at a minimum, leave a bad mark in a file folder somewhere.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Your posting reminds me of some good friends from many years past. Perhaps other "old-timers" will remember them as well.

    I refer to Bob Wolfe and his significant other -- Pon. I don't recall exactly when they left Boquete, but they relocated back to the Chiang Mai area of northwest Thailand, I'm guessing about 8 or so years ago. Pon made THE BEST Thai food of any that I have ever had. I still miss them, not only for the good Thai food but also their friendship. They both were very supportive of our community.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Penny said:

    It's a common misconception that the restaurant can deduct the discount amount from their taxes. What actually happens is when a restaurant sells a $10 meal for $8, they only report the $8 income. Actually, many smaller fondas and restaurants pay no income taxes. You have to have gross sales of $30,000 per year before you're liable for income taxes. Restaurants that don't pay income taxes, take the hit from the discount.

    The tourist visa person who demands the discount should be informed of the law. This is the true definition of an "Ugly American". What an A*H* (pendejo in Spanish).

    My Spanish is very poor, but I believe the word pendejo (without an "s" on the end) only means an idiot, or stupid idiot, or words to that effect. The word pendejos (note the plural form) is the A..H... that you refer to. This is the only Spanish curse word that I [currently] know.


  5. 1 hour ago, TwoSailors said:

    Yes...it was a nice, pleasant surprise how fast they arrived and got us powered back up again. Brundageba is right that the operator spoke no English. But with our limited Spanish she got all the info she needed was very polite and  patient. 

    Hablar en español es importante!!

    From my other postings here on CL about our [poor and unreliable] electrical service, you already know that I am a frequent caller to UF. I have permanently mounted on the built in table in our office the UF telephone numbers (800-8346 and 315-7222), along with my NIS number. The NIS is your account number. After calling, you typically would punch a 1 for a normal trouble call. I think 2 is for emergencies of a significant nature (e.g., arcs and sparks from live wires on the street, etc.).

    While I do wish that their CSRs could speak English, I have never found that to be the case. On the other hand, I live in a Spanish speaking country, and so I have no right to expect that anyone should accommodate my language deficiencies. (We are, BTW, currently taking Spanish training since early January, and it is getting easier to use Spanish on my part.)

    I have to say that my every, and I mean without exception, interaction with the UF CSRs has been nothing short of professional, competent, and trying their best to work with my Spanglish. I have always gotten the essence of my message conveyed to the CSRs, albeit inelegant, but understood and logged.

    P.S., when calling UF, always get a ticket number. They may or may not offer it, but you should always ask for it and document it. The significance of the ticket number is that said numbers are how the government tracks UF performance. And many times when there is a ticket issued, they frequently (not always, but many times) call me back the day after to confirm that things are going okay.

  6. 2 hours ago, JudyS said:

    Without plastic bags, what am I going to do with the scooped cat poop?  How are dog walkers supposed to pick up the poop?  How are people supposed to throw away disposable diapers, just put them loose in the trash can?  And what lines the trash can - nothing, no bag to tie up the trash and put it in the canasta?  That is disgusting and unsanitary.  This would be an OK law if they replace all the bags with degradable ones, but will they?

    Biodegradable pooper duty bags are available at PriceSmart (and other stores in this area), at least when they are in inventory. See http://www.chiriqui.life/blogs/entry/158-pooper-duty-supplies/ for more information and pictures. The bad news here is that you have to pay for them.

  7. This topic comes up periodically.

    Somewhat similar to Two Sailors, when Marcelyn and I eat at a tipico or if our bill is $10.00 or less (at times less than $20.00), then we do not ask for a discount. And then on the other end of the spectrum, some restaurants offer the discount even if we don't ask for it (e.g., the Chinese steak house in David, etc.). We always acknowledge with appreciation such actions on their part.

    You may want to also read http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/2089-jubilado-discounts for another topic on this same subject.


  8. 3 hours ago, Uncle Doug said:

    Well, the location and very shallow depth certainly explains why everyone around Boquete felt the quakes... Great info, Keith.


    I agree with Uncle Doug. Great info that you provided.

    That information matches our time tick exactly, and my estimate of the magnitude was close enough for government work.

  9. 4 hours ago, Keith Woolford said:

    Newsroom Panama is clearly misinforming people with this story.  Sensationalism? Laziness? Incompetence?

    The person in question, Ariel Quiel Araúz, did not go on a crime spree this week as N.P. states in their headline. He was released from custody earlier in the week and was re-arrested on Friday in connection with an incident which occurred on February 4th.

    El incidente por el cual el ciudadano fue detenido sucedió el pasado 4 de febrero de 2017, cuando el imputado acompañado de tres sujetos más, entraron al local mencionado armados y cometieron el delito, que quedó totalmente registrado en las cámara de video y vigilancia


    So "fake news" is alive and well in Panama also?

  10. Why would the rules -- referring here to the matter of border runs for the resetting of passports, etc. --  for crossing borders via air be different from other modes of travel? I'm not dissing your inquiry, but just missing the point totally. What is your concern?

    It seems to me that flying to another country for any length of time would "reset" a passport entry date.

  11. I'm just curious as to what is going on in Boqueteville over the past several days -- essentially since last Thursday. Every time we go into or through town to run errands or go to our Spanish class, the traffic has been considerably heavier (i.e., worse) than normal. It is almost bordering on the same levels as during the annual feria. For the most part they are driving incredibly slowly, at times 2 to 3 KPH. And the driving/courtesy protocol seems to be much worse -- stopping wherever and whenever they wish to chat with fellow drivers (still in the middle of the street) thus blocking both directions, or to talk with pedestrians on the sides of the streets (I wish I could say on the sidewalks, but that is another topic). And ignoring the stop signs, etc., etc.

    I know, I am grousing. But it is noticeably worse over the past several days. I discount the carnaval festivities because Boquete has no such activities.

  12. Marcely and I drove by Casa Decor on the Volcancito Road this afternoon. It is still there, with signs, etc., And they were open, well at least there was a gentleman on the front patio area, and it looked like there were lights on in the inside of the facility.

    With apologies to the owners, please ignore/cancel my earlier posting on this matter at http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/5082-decoration-upholstery-shoe-store-repair-and-more/?do=findComment&comment=14291


  13. 39 minutes ago, TwoSailors said:

    IF......they are even remotely close in food quality and service like this outfit it will be a watershed!!!



    Okay Two Sailors -- you are teasing us unmercifully now. I looked at that website, and WOW. Looks fantastic. I now dream of a restaurant that probably will never exist in Boquete. Drat the luck. Shame on you. O.o

  14. 11 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    Casa Decor has an excellent upholsterer. And if you tell Patsi what you want and send her a pic of your furniture, she'll even get fabric samples from David for you to look at. And they'll pick up and deliver when done. I'm picky, and I've been happy with the work and the service.

    I could be wrong, Bonnie, but I believe that Casa Decor has shuttered their business (or perhaps relocated?). I was on the Volcancito Road yesterday during regular daytime business hours, and it did look closed down, not just closed at that time.

    But then here is a posting from last November:

    I'm confused (as is normal for me O.o).

  15. 1 hour ago, Penny said:

    Hard to believe there wasn't enough demand for pepper jack cheese. Everybody I know is wishing it would come back.


    8 minutes ago, MarieElaine said:

    Deli Baru in Boquete usually has pepper jack.  The new Baru should have an even greater selection of cheeses.

    Both of these postings bring up an interesting question. What is the plan for Deli Baru here in Boquete once the new Super Baru in Boquete opens? Inquiring minds want to know.

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