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  1. http://www.internetfrog.com/mypc/speedtest/ shows both graphs as well.

    I normally use the Ookla speed test, but I don't want to know the results to Panama City which is normally good. I want to know from the US, say New York or CA so I change it to reflect that area. I'm paying for World Wide Web, not Panama Web. After 4:00 pm good luck watching USTVNow or anything you have to download as the speed is normally under 2 mbps.

  2. And it required bold type to say that too right?  They may not expect to make a profit but they do in fact expect for it to pay for itself at some point I would think. In PC it's obviously meant to provide cheap transportation and get vehicles and buses off the crowded streets. However I thought this thread was about a rail system from PC to David!

  3. Marcelyn, that is horrible.  I'm in David and we don't have AC. I don't like it and we have our windows open 24/7 unless there is wind with the rain in which case we have to shut some of them for awhile. lol

    We do have a couple of Honeywell swamp coolers for the bedrooms to cool it enough to sleep at night when the temps are high during the dry season. Otherwise just fans keep it tolerable for us as we are tropical plants. 

    I sure hope you are able to find a solution to the electrical issues you have.

    Bonnie, it's certainly a mystery. Union Fenosa refuses to check it out themselves? There is obviously a problem.

  4. Dr. Tello lives and has a vet office in Cuidad Neely, Costa Rica. He is the only vet at the Volcan and David Spay/Neuter Clinics each month though. He is Panamanian and is licensed in Panama as well as Costa Rica. His wife is from Costa Rica and didn't want to move to Panama. 9_9 Speaks some English and is a great vet.  He often has to remove tumors from dogs at the Volcan clinic. See pictures of him here: http://spaypanama-chiriqui.org/88th.html

    In some of the earlier clinics there are pictures of other surgeries he's had to perform on animals brought in to be spayed or neutered. He just takes it all in stride and does what needs to be done. Occasionally has to put one down.


  5. Well everyone has to make their own choices based on how their dogs feel. My dogs are at a good weight and the small amount of chicken livers mixed in with the raw veggies isn't going to make them fat. It's mostly veggies with chicken liver flavoring. lol

    I don't pay much mind to Panamanian Vets. I took my female to one here in David that is supposed to be the best around with an abscessed tooth. I was sold 10 days worth of antibiotics to cure the infection which was fine. The canine tooth was cracked from an accident with a vehicle a few years previous, but this vet refused to pull it, just wanted to clean her teeth. Now I'm sorry, but a broken, rotten at the gum line tooth isn't going to get better with just being cleaned. 

    I took her to Dr. Tello at the David clinic and he pulled the tooth and the one next to it as well. He agreed they needed to come out.

    She has since had her teeth cleaned at the David clinic by Rosemary and two more teeth needed to be pulled. Having poor nutrition during her formative years and having a litter of pups besides that pulled calcium from her bones and teeth have left her with poor teeth.

    The only vet my dogs go to is Dr. Tello. The only one I trust. Everyone has their preference and that's okay. But the horror stories abound with some nicknamed Dr. Death. 

  6. I order my dogs vitamins from Puritans Pride in the US. Even with shipping them in using eShop Boquete it's cheaper than the ones here and my dogs think they are a treat.  My dogs are older, so I get the VitaPet Senior with Glucosamine.

    I also get Chewable Papaya Enzyme Plus from them for human or pets upset tummies. We grow papaya in our yard, but don't always have ripe ones for this purpose.

    Should you determine you wish to order these, here is the website, but don't order the ones in the orange bottle, they fall apart and are just dust in a bottle. The VitaPet is the good ones in the dark brown bottle. They have vitamins for puppies, adults and the adult with Glucosamine.


    Dogs cannot abide water in their ears so when bathing them be sure not to get water inside the ear. We use earwipes available at Arrocha in David. It's a disposable wipe from cleaning and deodorizing the ears. My female has floppy ears and her ears get SO dirty all the time too. These work great and I just tear the wipe in half as it's a jumbo size and I don't need to waste it. ^_^


  7. There is a lot of information on the internet about raw vs cooked. It's not that one is better than the other per se, it's just not necessary to cook veggies and my dogs enjoy the added crunch of the raw veggies. Some veggies lose some nutrients when cooked and other seem to be better. It depends on the veggies. That would require some reading up on which is which.

    I think adding the broth they are cooked in is a good idea. We used to cook for our dogs as well. The problem for us was the soft foods aren't that great for their teeth. They needed the raw to help keep those teeth pearly white and plaque free. As our two rescues are getting older I don't like to have them put to sleep to have their teeth cleaned. One of our rescue pets was raised on the streets and had a litter of pups, due to the poor nutrition her teeth aren't in great shape to begin with. She has lost 4 teeth already, so we work with diet and treats that are for cleaning her teeth like Greenies or rawhide dental chews.

  8. You can always force it down but I hate to do that to an animal that trusts me. If they think it's a treat, then they are happy to take it. BTW the bacon grease works the best and it's good for their coat. ;o)

    I put it on a spoon and push it right into their mouth and it's gone before you can blink. lol

  9. We feed the veggies raw with ground, cooked chicken livers, and 1/2 cup kirkland kibble twice a day. Get the same results with lovely coats and they get all the vitamins and minerals from the veggies being raw. We grind the veggies in the Ninja so they aren't in chunks.

    The Kirkland brand kibble is the best sold in Panama.

  10. Women or even men are at risk when walking alone even during daylight hours. My Panamanian taxi driver of the last 5 1/2 years has been robbed twice that I'm aware of. Once while driving the taxi when the fare he picked up pulled a gun on him and took everything he had including 2 phones, his money, his drivers license, insurance, taxi license, etc. He was days trying to replace all of that and the expense involved.

    The other time was while riding a bicycle going to the little corner market for his grandmother. He was hit over the head from behind, money and bicycle stolen. So yes, our Panamanian friends are being attacked as well.

    It seems to be getting worse each year with these punks killing people either by beating them to death or shooting/stabbing them. Watch your back and always always always be aware of your surroundings.

  11. Good advise OldSalt

    Twin Wolf, we keep our two dogs in the house except to go potty day or night. I don't think I could bear to lose either of them. My little tripod female (40 lbs) is about 8 years old and my little macho male (50 lbs) is about 6 1/2 or 7, so they aren't kids anymore. We play with balls and rope toys in the house to try and keep them active and when let outside the male chases our resident lizard. lol 

    We have motion sensor lights front and back, alarms front and back because our front is not fenced, just the back. 

    Take care and be safe

  12. It's sometimes difficult to share, especially our first time when they killed our dog. He was a street dog that adopted us. All the neighbors said he was a viscous animal, but he had been abandoned and then people throw stones or sticks at a stray. Instead we put food and water out for him. It was a hard won battle for trust that we had won with him and we were very attached to him.  We had him for about 2 1/2 years and will always have our memories. But we moved to another house 1 1/2 kilometers closer to the hwy on the same road. We were only there for about 2 weeks when that happened.

    We now have two rescue dogs. They are the best! 100% pure Panamanian mixed breed mutts. Best dogs ever and I've had many different pure-bred AKC registered dogs from Toy Poodles to German Shepherds and Labs.  

    There have been a lot of theft in our neighborhood here in David recently. One neighbor is increasing the height of his wall by another 2 feet and putting razor wire up. He has had expensive equipment come up missing from his yard and shop 3 times in 3 months. He's done!  Another neighbor next door to him moved out. Their house was broken into several times as well as their vehicle. That yard isn't fenced and it's next to a vacant, wooded lot. Several other homes on the next street were robbed and my neighbor across the street had things stolen from the back yard.

    We are each responsible for our own security and we watch each others back here as well. It's the best we can do.

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